这是一本塑造中国男性时尚风格典范 影响并改变中国男性着装观念和品位的杂志 实用型时尚男刊《男人风尚》 2009年瑞丽集团隆重推出 Proudly Launched by Rayli Group in 2009 A Top-to-toe Solutions’ Men’s Fashion Magazine A magazine that upgrades man’s fashion perceptions, inluences and changes men’s fashion and lifestyle consuming concepts and styles in current China
A Brand New Men’s Niche Magazine Needed in Our Time A practical man’s fashion magazine that focuses on upgrading a man’s image and style by providing top-to-toe solutions A complete know-how guide book for comprehensive fashion and lifestyle trends for men It frankly demonstrates that big money is important, but how to spend the money graciously is even more An in?uential magazine to men’s spending power in our society 这个时代需要一本全新的杂志?? 以实用提案专注塑造男人形象与风格的男装百科全书, 享受成功、自在生活的全方案时尚指南。实在地告诉男 人:大把赚钱是一回事,如何把钱花得有款有型是另一 回事,对中国男人的时尚消费热情具有权威影响力 摄影 / ----------------------
数据来源:北京世纪华文国际传媒咨询有限公司 Source:Century Chinese International Media Consultation LTD. 你知道吗? 《男人风尚》一上市发行,销量就稳居男性时尚类杂志市场前三名 Did you know? LEON has been steadily ranked among the top 3 best selling men’s fashion magazines soon after its launch
大平台 6 Good Reasons to Advertise in LEON China 《男人风尚》为客户提供合作
中国现代都市的成熟男人 Mature Modern Metropolitan Men 《男人风尚》的读者既有经济实力,又具时代精神 我们的目标读者为28岁~45岁,年收入15万元以上的公司经营者、商务人士、专职人员、自由职业者等。 他们是经济实力雄厚,具有较强购买力和喜欢尝试新鲜事物的现代都市男人 Our Readers are These Who Have Strong Financial Foundations & Contemporary Spirits Majority of our readers are successful men who are from 28 to 45 years old, they can be entrepreneurs,business people, professionals, or freelancers, or experts in their industries. They have strong purchasing power, money is not a issue for them in life, and they are ready to try anything new and exciting 我们的读者说,《男人风尚》影响并改变他们的着装观念和品位 According to our readers, LEON in?uences and changes their views and tastes on clothing准确的市场定位1Clear Market Position
读者构成 Readership Composition 年龄结构 Age 24% 35岁以上 22% 23~27岁 29% 31~35岁 25% 28~30岁 平均月收入 Average Monthly Earnings (RMB)职业构成 Profession 20% 5000~8000元 29% 8001~10000元 44% 10000元以上 7% 5000元以下 51% 高级白领 Senior Management 12% 自由职业者 Freelance 10% 政府公务员 Civil Servant 17%私营业主 Entrepreneurs 10% 普通职员 Employee 25% 大专 Diploma 30% 大学本科 Bachelor 3% 大专以下 Below Diploma 42% 本科以上 Above Bachelor 文化程度 Education
《男人风尚》读者是高收入、高消费的时尚一族 LEON Readers are Fashion-minded High-income Earners with Strong Consumption Power 数据来源:上海尼尔森市场研究有限公司“时尚男刊读者媒体价值研究”,该调查针对25~40岁且个人年收入7万元以上(其中1/3读者年 收入10万元以上)的时尚男性,采取街头中心定点拦截访问和提前招募预约面访的方式,共访问了北京、上海、广州三地480个样本 Source: Readership Media Value Research of Men's Fashion Magazine by The Nielsen Company. The research targeted at high-income (annual income over RMB 70,000, 1/3 of the interviewees' annual income exceeding RMB100, 000) fashion-conscious men aged from 25 to 40. Methods adopted included street interviews, acquisition and interview appointments. A total of 480 samples from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou were collected 他们有不错的经济来源,愿意为时尚买单 他们消费时更加随性,只要喜欢就会买 他们愿意购买高档服装、珠宝、腕表、袖扣和酒类 对手表/饰品的身份感、时尚感和重要性表示认同 汽车、房产、智能手机、数码相机和笔记本电脑都是他们热衷于购买的产品 They have good financial sources and are willing to pay for fashion products Their consumptions are more casual and will buy anything they like They're willing to buy high-end clothing, jewelry, watches, cufflinks and wines They agree that watches/jewelry demonstrate one's identity, sense of fashion and importance They are great fans of cars, property, smart phones, digital cameras and laptops 《男人风尚》读者注重形象和品位,在服装服饰方面见解独特 LEON readers care about images and tastes and appear to have unique perspectives on clothing 77% 79% 77% 77% 81% 80% 77% 86% 83% 85% 82% 注重个人形象及品位 I care about personalimage and style 关注服装服饰方面的最新动 态,尤其注重服装服饰品牌, 对于品牌有较强的心理认同 I follow the latest trends in the fashion world. I particularly care about clothing brands and have a relatively strong sense of brands 每个季节都会 添置新的应季服装 I buy new clothes every season 81% 60%80%100% 配饰(太阳镜、皮带等)是 衣橱的重要组成部分 Accessories (sunglasses, belts, etc.) are an important part of my closet 65% 61% 65% 78% 72% 76% 63% 穿衣一定要有时尚的个人风格,根 据流行趋势和自己的偏好来着装 I think what one wears should represent his fashion style. I will choose my clothes based on trends and personal preference 60%80%100% 男人风尚 LEON 时尚先生 Esquire 摩登绅士 Mr.modern 智族 GQ 75%
《男人风尚》是风尚男人的信息来源和购物指导 LEON is Men’s Main Channels for Their Purchasing Information & Guide 《男人风尚》读者重视自身形象并享受生活,积极从杂志中汲取有益信息 They pay attention to what they wear, and are inspired from LEON 数据来源:上海尼尔森市场研究有限公司“时尚男刊读者媒体价值研究” Source: Readership Media Value Research of Men's Fashion Magazine by The Nielsen Company 我很关注自己的着装 I pay close attention to what I wear 66% 主要在专卖店百货店购买衣服 I mainly buy clothes in franchise stores and department stores 47% 为了能获取更多的商品信息而看杂志广告 I read advertising pages for more product information 41% 我喜欢逛街/购物 I like shopping 40% 杂志对生活有实际意义 Magazine has powerful impact to my life 35% 杂志广告是购物时的重要参考 Magazine advertisings are my references for purchasing 32% 汽车是自己生活中不可缺少的一部分 Car is indispensable part of my life 29% 买汽车的时候会从汽车文章和广告中获得信息 Get reference from articles and advertisings of magazines before car purchase 24% 求新一族 Creative persona 19% 74%的男士购买过《男人风尚》 杂志上介绍或推荐过的产品或服务 74% men bought items introduced in LEON74% 5%目前还没有,但最近 一年内打算购买/消费 Not yet, but soon to purchase 21% 33% 是的,已经有过多次 Yes, many times 41% 是的,有过一次 once 目前还没有, 最近一年内也不 打算购买/消费 Not yet, and no immediate plan to buy
《男人风尚》读者具有较强的消费能力 LEON Readers Have Stronger Buying Power 《男人风尚》读者过去一年在时尚 用品上的平均花费为9,599元 The average spending of leon china readers annually is 9,599 8001-10000元 19% 17% 10001-15000元 29% 5001-8000元 19% 5000元及以下 20000元及以上8% 8% 15001-20000元 数据来源:上海尼尔森市场研究有限公司“时尚男刊读者媒体价值研究” Source: Readership Media Value Research of Men's Fashion Magazine by The Nielsen Company 23% 57% 22% 57% 26% 48% 11% 17% 15% 19% 25% 60% 60%40%20%0% 男人风尚 LEON 时尚先生 Esquire 摩登绅士 Mr.modern 智族 GQ 80%60%40%20%0% 49% 50% 65% 48% 63% 42% 61% 28% 20% 27% 28% 34% 29% 33% 35% 67%过去一年购买过高档 服装/高级定制服装 Having bought high-end clothing/couture clothing in the previous year 过去一年购买过高档 手提包/钱包/腰带 Having bought high-end handbags/wallets/belts in the previous year 未来一年计划 购买高级腕表 Planning to buy high-end watches within 1 year 未来一年计划购买 高档领带/袖扣 Planning to buy high-end ties/cufflinks within 1 year 未来一年计划购买高级 洋酒/红酒/香槟等 Planning to buy high-end imported liquors/red wine/champagne within 1 year 未来三年 计划购置房产 Planning to buy property within 3 years 过去一年购 买过高级珠宝配件 Having bought high-end jewelry accessories in the previous year
摄影 / 谷田政史 LEON 2009 年 7 月号
《男人风尚》得到读者的接受和肯定,销量领先 LEON is Widely Accepted by Readers, the Result of High Rate of Sold Copies 数据来源:北京世纪华文国际传媒咨询有限公司《2009年下半年中国报刊媒体广告价值分析报告》,基于13个城市 Source: CCMC, Analysis Report on Advertising Value of Chinese Newspapers, Magazines and Media in 2nd Half of 2009, based on 13 cities 男性时尚类杂志发行市场份额 Market share of men's fashion & lifestyle magazines 男人装 FHM 男人风尚 LEON 时尚先生 Esquire 芭莎男士 BAZAAR Man's Style 名牌 mangazine 时尚健康 Men's Health 达人志 men's uno 风度 MAXIM 新视线 THE OUTLOOK MAGAZINE 其他 Others 16.8% 5%10%15%20% 14.4% 13.6% 9.6% 9.0% 6.9% 4.5% 3.9% 10.5% 10.8%
《男人风尚》是中国男人形象顾问2 Our Social Responsibilities
《男人风尚》创立新的价值观:提升个人形象等于提高社会竞争力 《男人风尚》是以服饰为主体的“实用型时尚杂志” 《男人风尚》直接给出成熟人士的品质生活提案 《男人风尚》是“杂志形式的高级精品店” LEON China’s value: Better Image Strengthens Competitiveness LEON China is a practical fashion magazine LEON China gives top-to-toe solutions LEON China is a high end boutique in magazine format
我们是一本以“成熟人士着装”为提案的实用类时尚杂志 我们不仅告诉男人穿什么,还要告诉他怎么穿;我们不仅告诉他买什么,还要告诉他到哪里买。我们架起 对准各个方向的高灵敏度情报天线,准确地预测时尚的趋势。我们推崇简单、实用、精确、高级感的着装 风格,并相信男人的世界观一定会融入他的穿衣风格 LEON, A Practical Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine for Mature Age Men As a practical reference men’s fashion magazine, LEON does not only tell them what to wear, but how to wear it; not only what to buy, but where to buy. It accurately forecasts the fashion and lifestyle trends and to LEON’s beliefs, men’s style represents their value concepts therefore the simple, practical, precise, exquisite, fundamental and fresh looks are the golden rules 的内容是关于男人的着装 All one needs to know about fashion is in LEON55% 实用的时装杂志,FASHION方案大全 A practical Reference Men's Fashion Magazine, A Guide Book of Fashion
摄影 / 林 敏一郎 LEON 2009 年 5 月号
The creative contents for cars, watches and innovative lifestyle solutions make LEON an outstanding men’s magazine in the market 汽车、手表等创新的生活方案内容 让《男人风尚》在现有时尚男刊中脱颖而出 生活方式方案化 A LifeStyle Solution 我们还有车、表、酒等男人感兴趣的话题 我们告诉男人最新的车款,我们也告诉他女人最讨厌男人的驾车习惯是什么;我们告诉男人值得收藏的 好酒,我们也一定会告诉他关于酒的礼仪……我们解码每一款产品的设计理念、文化价值和独特个性, 以巧妙的编辑手法让与之气质相配的男人们乐于阅读。服务精神是我们的灵魂,能够即学即用的实用型 生活方案,独特的视角,专业的知识,绝对是让《男人风尚》的读者甘心买单的理由之一 We also Have Mainstream Topics That Interest Men We present the newest car models and tell them the bad driving habits that women hate the most; We guide them to the most collectable wines and further explain the wine culture; We decode each product for its design concept, culture value and characteristics by using editorial techniques to make reading most enjoyable. Easy-to-use lifestyle solutions, story angle and professional knowledge are the key to win over potential readers and have them purchase the magazine
人物 《男人风尚》精选社会各界有型、有趣的名人,他们有鲜明的价值观,他们都是时尚与个性 的代表人物,他们用充满智慧的快言快语与读者分享他们的时代生活态度 美容 你是想要拥有更坚定的眼神?还是想要拥有更能吸引女人的味道?直指人心的美容选题里不 仅有好用的保养品介绍,还有简单易学的美容技巧。我们呈现给男士的是一站式的解决方案 珠宝配件 这是一个男性也需要佩戴珠宝和饰品的时代,它们是帮你从同样衣冠楚楚的男人圈中脱颖而 出的必要装备。对于《男人风尚》的读者,它们和服装一样,理所当然地应被重视 旅行 与哥们去英格兰体验一次马球比赛,和女朋友共同体验泰国的顶级SPA以及世界各地的猎艳 地……《男人风尚》以新鲜独特的视角发现时尚生活的胜地 家装 从家具到家电、厨房用具,从使生活多姿多彩的漂亮实用的设计到高品质的住宅,从各个方 面发掘介绍符合成熟男人口味的家居用品 电子 从电脑到手机,IT产品对谁都是不可或缺的生活道具之一。深入分析与展示新款电子产品, 我们从与专业杂志不同的角度出发,提供“成熟人士的明智选择” 美食 发掘能够和哥们、女友还有生意伙伴度过美好时光的场所,幽幽约会地,高品质的料理餐厅, 以及品尝美食的诀窍,专为《男人风尚》读者特别订制,一切都是精挑细选后的品位之选 Elite LEON presents stylish and interesting elites in our society who have outstanding value concepts, who are the representatives of fashion and personalities, and who also share their life attitudes with their wisdom thoughts Skincare & Beauty Attractive bright eyes, or fresh skin, or seductive smell…, that is what we talk about in the Skincare and Beauty column Accessories Accessories have become the most important items for modern men, they are equally vital for men to have a stunning look among others Travel LEON explores the most exciting travel destinations from experiencing the polo game in Scotland with fellow friends, LEON aims to provide fresh, exciting and advanced topics for men, with rich content aimed to make its readers lifestyle experts in men’s society 《男人风尚》全力为男人提供生活乐趣 丰富的内容让你成为男人圈中的生活家 专业的时尚人士 Professional Fashion Players
or the trying of unique Spas with their girlfriend in Thailand- basically the most seductive and adventurous locations Home Decor From home appliances to kitchenware, from exclusive interior to high quality property, LEON discovers the gracious side of life from every aspect IT Products From a lifestyle point of view, LEON gives readers in-depth discoveries to the newest technologies, further to the SMART CHOICES that tailored to its readers, such as personal computers to mobiles, to leisure IT products Cuisine Explores the unique places that readers can spend great time with fellow friends, girlfriends and business partners, from the dating paradises to the ?ne dining restaurants, with etiquettes for dining, all tailored to LEON’s readers
宏大的发行网络3 Comprehensive Distribution Network 我们的客户说,在报亭、机场、酒店、写字楼等处,《男人风尚》随处可见 According to our readers, LEON is seen everywhere, in newsstands, airports, hotels and of?ce buildings 全国16大城市无处不在 16 Major Cities in China 定位准确,覆盖率广阔,传阅率极高 瑞丽拥有全国最强大的期刊营销系统。遍及全国的62,000多家销售、展示终端,使瑞丽实现了 对中国地级以上市场和发达县级市场的全面有效覆盖 Biggest Coverage & Distribution Network Rayli is equipped with the most powerful distribution system of all periodicals in China. Its 62,000 outlets enable Rayli to effectively cover all markets above the prefecture and county levels within the PRC. 摄影 / 林 敏一郎 LEON 2009 年 7 月号
上海 SHANGHAI 北京 BEIJING 广东省 GUANGDONG 浙江省 ZHEJIANG 江苏省 JIANGSU 辽宁省 LIAONING 四川省 SICHUAN 山东省 SHANDONG 重庆 CHONGQING 湖北省 HUBEI 陕西省 SHAANXI 天津 TIANJIN 湖南省 HUNAN 福建省 FUJIAN 云南省 YUNNAN 省份 Province 发行量比例 Circulation Ratio 河北省 HEBEI 黑龙江省 HEILONGJIANG 河南省 HENAN 广西壮族自治区 GUANGXI 安徽省 ANHUI 江西省 JIANGXI 吉林省 JILIN 贵州省 GUIZHOU 山西省 SHANXI 内蒙古自治区 INNER MONGOLIA 新疆维吾尔自治区 XINJIANG 甘肃省 GANSU 宁夏回族自治区 NINGXIA 青海省 QINGHAI 省份 Province 发行量比例 Circulation Ratio 20.1% 16.8% 13.1% 8.4% 7.7% 6.2% 3.7% 3.2% 2.8% 2.1% 2.1% 1.9% 1.7% 1.7% 1.3% 1.1% 1.1% 0.8% 0.7% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 《男人风尚》月发行量 册 Monthly Circulation of LEON 561,800 (copies)561,800 5% 2% 4% 9% 9% 2% 61% 机场 Airport 书店 Bookstore 展示 Display 连锁超市 Chain Supermarket 地铁 Subway 宾馆、饭店、写字楼 Hotel Restaurant Office Building 报摊报刊亭 Newsstand and Kiosk 8%团购 Wholesale 多样化的 发行网络 Diversified Distribution Network
摄影 / 隈田一郎 LEON 2009 年 9 月号
摄影 / 木村金太 LEON 2009 年 6 月号
《男人风尚》市场活动是品牌与读者的桥梁 A Platform Between Readers & Luxury Brands 强势品牌曝光 Strong Brand Exposure 跨媒体整合传播:2009年《男人风尚》上市,百余家主流媒体竞相报道,行业媒体深度解析,形成全年有节奏、高密度的媒 体品牌曝光。2010年,《男人风尚》将持续与多个知名媒体紧密合作,进行渗透性深度品牌传播 立体化户外投放:2009年,《男人风尚》通过“立体覆盖,点面结合”的户外广告投放策略,形成社会话题,成功实现杂志上 市预热和品牌造势。2010年,《男人风尚》将进一步根据市场需求,优化媒介策略,鼎力支持杂志品牌知名度和美誉度的提升 Cross-media integrated communication: Over 100 mainstream media organizations reported the launch of LEON in 2009. With insightful analysis from industry peers, LEON had a systemic and highly intensive media brand exposure throughout the year. In 2010, LEON will continue to closely cooperate with several leading media groups to carry out deep and pervasive brand communications Outdoor vertical advertising: In 2009, LEON successfully created enthusiasm and a frenzy of brand publicity before its launch by creating hot topics. The success was due to the outdoor advertising strategy of “vertical coverage, integrating key points”. In 2010, LEON will, based on market needs, further optimize media channel strategies and strongly support the promotion of the magazines popularity and reputation as a brand 2009年3月,瑞丽传媒旗下《男人风尚》成功上市。依托瑞丽传媒的优势,《男人风尚》通过品牌密集曝光、一线城市高端推 介活动以及多样化的渠道和市场营销手段,一经推出即稳居男性时尚类杂志发行市场前三位,杂志广告也呈现快速增长态势 In March 2009, Rayli Media Group successfully launched the Chinese edition of LEON. Building on the group's strengths, LEON immediately ranked among the top 3 men's fashion magazines in China, a position gained through intensive brand exposure, high-end promotion activities in ?rst-tier cities, and diversi?ed channels and marketing measures. Its advertising business has also developed quickly 强大的市场推广4Powerful Marketing Strategies 2009 见证荣耀, 2010 更上层楼 2009 __ A Year of Glory 2010 __Up Another Level
精准渠道营销 Precision Channel Marketing 终端展示促销:《男人风尚》全面覆盖国内5000个 专属杂志展示点,包括:咖啡馆,机场休息厅,便 利店,高级餐厅,美容健身SPA,4S店等,并通过 在特定城市附赠品牌精美礼品等促销手段,提高杂 志销量和实现品牌的口碑营销 Displays and promotions: LEON covers 5,000 exclusive magazine exhibition stalls nationwide, including cafes, airport lounges, convenience stores, ?ne restaurants, ?tness centers, spa's and 4S stores, etc. In order to increase sales and achieve word-of-mouth advocacy, we will also carry out a series of promotional activities, such as complementary gift distribution in certain cities 写字楼巡展:2009年,《男人风尚》成功在北京、上 海、广州、深圳、杭州、南京6大城市60座5A级 写字楼巡回展示。 2010年,我们将继续进行一线城 市高端写字楼巡展,推广杂志的同时,携手更多品 牌走近目标受众,为客户创造更多的品牌附加值 Of?ce building tour: In 2009, LEON successfully organized an exhibition tour around sixty 5A of?ce buildings in six cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Nanjing. In 2010, LEON will continue to do so in high-end of?ce buildings of ?rst-tier cities. Willingly promoting the magazine, we will bring more brands closer to our target audience, and create more brand added value for our clients 高端商场展:汲取2009年高端商场品牌展示的成功 经验,2010年,《男人风尚》将加大力度,活动将扩 大至一二线城市高端商场,彰显品牌实力及魅力 Shows at high-end shopping malls: Having successfully organized brand shows at high-end shopping malls in 2009, LEON will make greater efforts in 2010 to expand the activity into high-end shopping malls in ?rst-tier and second-tier cities, so as to fully display the brand's strengths and charms 优质渠道合作:2010年,《男人风尚》将开拓更多精准的渠道资源, 与欧美同学会、钟表协会、中国工商银行等高端机构建立合作,同 时继续吸引更多优质品牌加入《男人风尚》的合作伙伴行列 Quality channel cooperation: In 2010, LEON will explore more precision channel resources and establish cooperative relations with high-end organizations such as the Western Returned Scholars Association, the Horologe Association and ICBC. We will continue to attract more quality brands to become LEON partners
实力品牌活动 Signature Activity LEON风尚讲堂:(全年6~8次)目标读者+实用主题+精英行业。2010年,“LEON风尚讲堂”将走进各大企业,为不同行业成熟 的职场男性带来全方位的形象充电,有效提升杂志品牌知名度和社会影响力,培养杂志的忠实读者群体 LEON Fashion Presentation (6 to 8 times annually) targeted readership, practical themes, elite industry In 2010, “LEON Fashion Presentation” will go into leading enterprises to help mature professional men improve their images in an all-round way. This will effectively raise the brand's reputation and social in?uence, and cultivate royal readership LEON风尚大典:年度大型落地活动,倾力打造时尚盛事。《男人风尚》将通过“LEON风尚大典”,盘点和梳理中国男性风尚,以“形 象创造影响力”的杂志核心价值观,立体深入地进行诠释和解构,引领中国中产阶级男性的“LEON”化时尚视角和消费模式 LEON Fashion Gala: Big annual event, a fashion feast Through the organization of LEON Fashion Gala, LEON seeks to summarize and epitomize men's fashion in China. With “better image strengthening competitiveness” as the magazine's core value, we will interpret and reconstruct in a profound manner, and guide Chinese middle-class men to move towards LEON fashion perspectives and consumption patterns
专属制作团队 exclusive innovative & creation team 三地策划队伍和拍摄队伍 上海—北京—日本 planning and shooting teams in three fashion centers shanghai — beijing — japan 我们创作遵守的四个惯例 our principals 1. 拥有独家的创意 exclusive creative ideas 2.产品可以通过瑞丽的品牌效应更具吸引力 luxury brands become more visionary attractive through our magazines 3.我们的任何方案都必须为品牌带来利益 our content will be beneficiary to brands 4.充满激情 passion 我们为品牌度身定制 tailored content matching brands 最高的曝光度 extremely high exposure 最贴合读者的阅读感 the most friendly reading design 最释放品牌风格的新角度 the newest angels to release brands' styles 最夺人眼球的创意和视觉效果 the most stunning creative visions 瑞丽创意策划团队 the innovative & creative teams 量身打造 tailored service 品牌的专属页面 exclusive contents for luxury brands Our special creative team has many years experience in working with our clients to accurately deliver their messages to the end users and segments 多年服务于客户的专业团队 把品牌准确介绍给所需达到的读者群100% 软宣策划5Advertisement Planning
全方位整合营销6Intergraded Marketing 和品牌在线上,线下以及其他全方位的合作 On line and Off line, 3 dimensional cooperation with luxury brands 摄影 / 照内 LEON 2009 年 11 月号
瑞丽整合营销团队作为唯一整合瑞丽集团5本平面刊物、瑞丽新媒体及富有瑞丽特色线下活动等优 势资源的部门,提供有效、专业的时尚类媒体咨询服务,策划富有创意的跨媒体互动整合推广方案 并负责全案执行,相信整合营销将为您的媒体推广注入全新的生命力 Rayli Integrated Marketing Team is the only one responsible for integrating Rayli’s best resources including the group’s ?ve ?agship magazines, New Media and various Rayli events. We are committed to offering effective and professional fashion media consulting services, and planning and implementing innovative cross-media interactive promotional plans. We are convinced that our integrated marketing will add vitality to your promotional activities 电 子 媒体 Electronic Media 平面媒体 Print Media 活 动 E v e n t 数据库 Database 大片拍摄Video-making 电子杂志 E-Zine 手机无线 Mobile Wireless 网站 Website 男性时尚类 Men & Fashion 家居类 Home & Living 女性时尚类 Women & Fashion 电子邮件直投 EDM 信件直投 DM 路演 Road Show 走秀Shows 沙龙 Salon 讲堂 Lecture 派对 Party 产品代言 Product Endorsement 模 特 经 纪 M odel Agent 整合营销 Integrated Marketing
封面折页 Cover Gatefold 第一跨页 First Double Page Spread 第二跨页 Second Double Page Spread 第三跨页 Third Double Page Spread 目录开始前跨页 Double Page Spread before Table of Contents 目录旁页 Full Page Facing Table of Contents 目录间跨页 Double Page Spread between Table of Contents 目录后第一跨页 First Double Page Spread after Table of Contents 最后跨页 Last Double Page Spread 最后单页 Last Full Page 封三跨页 Inside Back Cover Spread 封三 Inside Back Cover 封底 Back Cover 杂志前1/2部分的全页 Full Page Inside First Half of Magazine 杂志前1/2部分的跨页 Double Page Spread Inside First Half of Magazine 杂志后1/2部分的全页 Full Page Inside Second Half of Magazine 杂志后1/2部分的跨页 Double Page Spread Inside Second Half of Magazine 软文 Advertorial 1/2版内页 1/2 Page 信息栏分类广告 Information Column 367,500 294,000 273,000 252,000 220,500 168,000 210,000 189,000 147,000 105,000 157,500 115,500 294,000 115,500 168,000 105,000 147,000 84,000 63,000 22,050 53,800 43,100 40,000 36,900 32,300 24,600 30,800 27,700 21,500 15,400 23,100 16,900 43,100 16,900 24,600 15,400 21,500 12,300 9,200 3,200 注:若广告客户指定广告位置,则须加收广告费用的20% Notes: An extra 20% of the advertising rates will be charged should clients speciically require certain positions 价格(元) Rate(RMB) 价格(美元) Rate(USD) 2010年主刊广告价格及版位 Advertisement Rates and Positions,2010 版位 Position 广告价格 Advertising Quotation
跨页装订尺寸 Trimmed Size of Double Page Spread 275mm×430mm (HXW) 全页装订尺寸 Trimmed Size of Full Page 275mm×215mm (HXW) 竖半版装订尺寸 Trimmed Size of Vertical Half Page 275mm×100mm (HXW) 印刷须知 Printing Requirements 网线:175线 广告四周各留3mm出血位 跨页广告中间留10mm重叠位 Reticle: 175 lines Leave 3mm safety margins from the bleed size of the material For double page spread, allow 10mm across the gutter 广告重要时间 Key Advertising Deadlines 出刊日期:每月21日 资讯截止日:出刊前40天 广告版位预订截止日:出刊前50天 广告菲林截止日期:出刊前30天 lssue Date: 21th of every month Material Deadline: 40 days before issue date Advertisement Position Deadline: 50 days before issue date Advertisement Material Deadline: 30 days before issue date 广告刊登须知 Advertising Requirements 刊登的广告须遵守中华人民共和国《广告法》和相关法律法规的规定,本公司有权对不符合有关法律法规的广告予以 修改直至撤换,广告用语用字应符合普通话和中文简体规范汉字的要求,按本刊公布尺寸提供4色菲林及彩色打样, 因提供不符合尺寸的菲林而耽误时间由提供方负责,在截稿日期之前若没有收到新的广告文字资料,本刊有权重复使 用前一期的广告样稿,广告客户必须按原规定支付全额广告费 Published advertisements shall abide by the Advertisements Law of the People's Republic of China as well as other relevant rules and regulations. This company has the right to modify or even cancel those advertisements that fail to accord with relevant laws, rules and regulations. The expressions and characters used in advertisements shall follow the requirements for Mandarin and of simplified standard Chinese character. Four-color film and color designs should be provided in the size required by this magazine. The supplier should be responsible for any time delay arising from the inappropriate provision of film. If we have not received any new advertisement text material before the deadline, the editing staff reserves the right to repeat the previous advertisement sample. Advertisement customer shall pay the full amount of advertising fees according to the original agreement 横半版装订尺寸 Trimmed Size of Horizontal Half Page 130mm×215mm (HXW) 竖1/3版装订尺寸 Trimmed Size of 1/3 Vertical Page 275mm×70mm (HXW) 拉页装订尺寸 Trimmed Size of Gatefold (3P) 275mm×645mm (HXW) 广告尺寸 Advertisement Speci?cation