Journal of Cases Advertising 年广告刊例2011 杂志风格 Magazine style 一本专属于爱美达人的美容时尚随包手册。 话题与日本同步,时髦而实用,是来自东京的第一手美人计。 An exclusive fashion beauty who loves Mita manual with the package.Topic with that of Japan, stylish and practical, ?rst-hand from Tokyo honey trap. 美容主旨 Beauty theme 心享乐美容主意。倾听女性美容问题和需求,切实帮助她们提供实用到 底的方案。倡导 “混搭平价,制造无阶层美女” 。 Heart pleasure beauty idea. Listen to problems and needs of female beauty, and effectively help them to provide practical in the end of the program. Advocacy of "mix and match inexpensive, non-manufacturing sectors of beauty." 美容精神 Beauty Spirit 引导读者要大胆尝试,勇敢追求美,并且享受美的过程,作美万岁。 鼓励女性追逐变幻之美。敢,多,变,追求更多的变化,聪慧地快乐, 是我们贯穿整本杂志的精神概念。 Guide readers to a bold attempt, courageous pursuit of beauty, and enjoy the process of the United States for the United States live for ever. Encourage women to pursue changing beauty. Dare, and more change, the pursuit of more changes, intelligent, happy. Is our spirit through the whole concept of the magazine.
Journal of Cases Advertising 年广告刊例2011 美容读者群像 Imagery of the readers “臭美妞”Fashion lovers 她们热爱生活,追求美感,每一天都想要掌握更 多,更好的美容技巧和理念。 They love life, pursue beauty. Everyday they want to learn more and better beauty skills and ideas. “月光族”Moonlight Clan 追求前沿时髦感,有着热情的购买欲。 The pursuit of cutting-edge fashion sense, has a passionate desire to purchase. “作女”Pioneering girls 她们有一定的审美原则,渴望不断提升和完善自 我,希望从杂志中获取流行的理念,专业的美容 知识,扮美、塑身和保养的实用帮助,飙升自己 魅力指数。 They have certain aesthetic rules, desire to keep perfecting themselves. They want to get fashion ideas, professional beauty knowledge and practical help on beauty, body shaping and maintenance to become more charming. “天山童姥”Forever Young 她们希望年龄永远停留在25岁。 They wish they are always 25 years old.
Journal of Cases Advertising 年广告刊例2011 杂志构成 Magazine composition 大比重的彩妆、护肤美容内容,以及紧紧围绕 “美容”主题展开的话题设置,突出的就是 《美容bea’s up》的杂志栏目特征。 美容映画70% Beauty 混搭平价,制造无阶层美女。 ? 这一季在流行什么?up有最新的彩妆,护肤,美发,美体等流行时尚话题和实用指导方案。 ? 沿用《美容bea’s up》办刊线索,编辑时刻倾听读者的声音,创意美丽方案。邀请明星来体验国际潮流的美容攻略 是中文版的一大亮点,核心专家贴心指导,集体重拳打造up女性的独特魅力。 ? 切实帮助读者解决问题,推荐的产品是一线美容产品+主流品牌的镇牌之宝+药妆、超市热卖品。 ★ 精彩栏目:口碑榜 编辑物语 花想容 美肌道 发动心动 美甲时间
Journal of Cases Advertising 年广告刊例2011 美容主题+服饰搭配,妆+装一体化方案。 ? 吻合国际美容流行概念,给予目标读者专业整体造型个性方案。 ★ 精彩栏目:变身剧场 梳妆镜 逛商场服妆映画10% Fashion 美丽慢生活,以内养外。 ? 美来源于生活,其中涉及的内容必将和美容主题契合。 ★ 精彩栏目:美貌塾 泡泡馆 大小S 心呼吸生活映画15% Living 特色栏目5% Special Columns真实体验,口口相传。 ? 当家制作,铁杆读者和美容达人最爱的互动平台。 ★ 精彩栏目:体验派 人气货架
Journal of Cases Advertising 年广告刊例2011 Aspect Beauty 美丽看点 ? 封面明星,日本最人气明星与国内读者分享美容经(滨崎步、 深田恭子、吉川日奈…) ? 嘉人会客室,国内当红艺人与美容专家探讨流行话题 ? 明星带你逛商场,报告美容流行品牌消息。 Star + Beauty明星+美容
Journal of Cases Advertising 年广告刊例2011 体验式美丽 Beautiful Experience 体验派(美人团抢先体验品牌新好小物,发表亲身感言) Practical in the end mass products professional program 实用到底海量产品专业方案 up101(超多的新美容立体化解决方案) 人气货架(实验室评测+人气支持率,给与读者清晰的购买引导) Popularity Ranking 人气排行
地址:中国·北京市东长安街6号南楼3层 邮编:100740 《美容bea's up》杂志社 bea's up Magazine Add: 3F,South Building, 6 East Chang'an Street,Beijing 100740 http: // 广告总代理 Advertising Agency for bea’s up 北京《都市主妇》杂志社 Beijing Hers Magazine House 广告部 Advertising Department 广告总监 Derector 徐科峰 Xu Kefeng TEL:021-53027526 广告助理 Assistant 刘春春 Liu Chunchun 010-65283072 E-mail 华北区 Account Manager In North Of China 客户经理 李震 Li Zhen 010-85119908 华东区 Account Manager In East Of China 资深销售经理 令狐佳骏 Linghu Jiajun 021-53027521-8008 客户经理 庄英东 Tony Zhuang 021-53027521-8009 华南区 Account Manager In South Of China 客户经理 曹宇 Cao Yu 020-38805735
Journal of Cases Advertising 年广告刊例2011 2011年广告价格 位 置 人民币 普通内页120,000 普通跨页210,000 封面拉页400,000 第一跨页310,000 第二跨页290,000 第三跨页270,000 目录前跨页250,000 第一目录旁180,000 第二目录旁170,000 第三目录旁160,000 版权旁150,000 封三跨页240,000 封 三150,000 封 底220,000 1/2 版70,000 1/3 版60,000 其他特殊广告制作形式需另报价 广告刊登须知 刊登的广告须遵守中华人民共和国《广 告法》和相关法律法规的规定。本公司有权 对不符合有关法律法规的广告予以修改直 至撤换。 按本刊公布尺寸提供4色菲林或PDF电 子菲林及彩色打样,因提供不符合尺寸的菲 林而耽误的时间由提供方负责。 印刷须知 菲林网线:175线 电子文件: 1. 符合印刷标准的文件,即ai、psd、tiff格式, 均要求分层文件; 2. 随电子文件提供传统彩色打样或JPG电子 小样1张。 杂志上市美丽聚乐部 及美物流传软宣素材提供栏目配合素材提供广告截止广告菲林截止 每月1日刊前30天刊前30天刊前60天刊前25天刊前15天 广告时间表
Journal of Cases Advertising 年广告刊例2011 Advertising price in 2011 PositionRMB General inner page120,000 General double spread page210,000 Front cover lea?et400,000 The 1st double spread page310,000 2nd double page spread290,000 3rd double page spread270,000 Front-page Directory250,000 Next to the ?rst directory180,000 Next to the second directory170,000 Next to the third directory160,000 Copyright adjacent150,000 Inside back cover spread240,000 Inside back cover150,000 Back cover220,000 1/2 Page70,000 1/3 Page60,000 Subject to other forms of special advertising offer Magazine going to the market Beauty Club and beauty products circulation Provision of soft advertising materials Provision of supporting materials for column 1st of the month30 days before publication30 days before publication60 days before publication Advertising timetable Advertisement position Advertising Guidelines Ads are required to comply with the Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China and the provisions of relevant laws and regulations. Our company has the right to amend, even to replace the ads not in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations. Provide 4-color ?lm or PDF electronic ?lm and color proo?ng in the sizes that we specify. The provider will be responsible for the time delayed arising from providing ?lm with size not in conformity. Printing Guidelines Film lines: 175 Electronic Files Files in line with the printing standard, that is, in ai, psd, or tiff format, layered files required; Provide one traditional color printing or a JPG electronic sample along with the electronic ?les. Ads deadline 25 days before publication Ads ilm 15 days before publication
Journal of Cases Advertising 年广告刊例2011 广告净尺寸 ADVERTISING SIZE 以上尺寸为广告净尺寸,广告出血尺 寸为:净尺寸的上下左右各加5mm The sizes listed above are trimmed size.The bleed size shall be: 5mm plus the above ones. 以上尺寸为广告净尺寸,广告出血 尺寸为:净尺寸的上下左右各加5mm The sizes listed above are trimmed size.The bleed size shall be: 5mm plus the above ones. (W)450mm (H)285mm 跨页 Spread (450x285mm) (W)225mm (H)285mm 内页 Inside (225x285mm) (W)225mm (H)143mm 横半版 Half horizontal (225x143mm) (W)225mm (H)95mm 横1/3版 Horizontal 1/3 (225x95mm) (W)113mm (H)285mm 竖半版 Half vertical (113 x 285mm) (W)75mm (H)285mm 竖1/3版 Vertical 1/3 (75x285mm)
Journal of Cases Advertising 年广告刊例2011 以上尺寸为广告净尺寸,广告出血尺 寸为:净尺寸的上下左右各加5mm The sizes listed above are trimmed size.The bleed size shall be: 5mm plus the above ones. 省份发行量占比 北京14274816.26% 上海12536214.28% 广州11289412.86% 广东省(除广州)241352.75% 重庆358164.08% 天津346163.94% 浙江省534546.09% 江苏省590276.72% 辽宁省290273.31% 四川省366654.18% 湖北省234432.67% 湖南省199622.27% 福建省179192.04% 陕西省102271.17% 广西壮族自治区64380.73% 山东省195802.23% 云南省135731.55% 黑龙江省205052.34% 河北省119191.36% 河南省179482.04% 吉林省182652.08% 江西省54810.62% 新疆维吾尔自治区70620.80% 安徽省99581.13% 山西省62270.71% 甘肃省66540.76% 内蒙古自治区36110.41% 贵州省31350.36% 宁夏回族自治区21750.25% 877826 《美容bea’s up》杂志发行量明细 “Bea’s up” circulation volume details 权威的发行渠道 《美容bea’s up》隶属于中国轻工业出版社,由 大华弘景期刊发行有限公司发行,该公司同时发行 《瑞丽》、《都市主妇》系列杂志,渠道广泛,遍 及全国300多个城市、拥有7万余个报刊亭点。 Authoritative distribution channels “Bea’s up”belongs to China Light Industry Press, published by Dahua Hongjing Magazine Distribution Co., Ltd. The company also publishes the magazine series, “Rayli” and “Hers”, with a wide range of channels covering more than 300 cities throughout the country, owning more than 70,000 newsstands.
来自东京的第一手美人计 心享乐美容主意 专家+产品化解决方案 The latest fashion trend from Tokyo Pleasing beauty ideas Expert + product = solution Chic + Handy + Massive Information 时髦+实用+海量