The top beauty guide for fashionable women Exceptionally practical information that brings the shopping mall to you RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY Providing you with easy-to-learn skills about matching clothes, beauty, and life, making you more attractive, conident, and impressive 好感女孩首选的扮美工具书 仿佛将shopping Mall立于纸上,超强的实用性让你与时尚零距离 《瑞丽服饰美容》给好感女孩 一学就会的服装潮流、美容技巧和生活关怀 让你变得更加可爱、美丽、自信,如生活中的阳光,赢得所有人的好感 我们的定位— WE WANT TO BE KNOWN AS RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY Our positioning 2 这是一本影响力最大的流行百科全书,每 月为100万读者带去服饰美容的实用潮流 中国时尚杂志NO.1 RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY The Top Fashion Magazine in China The most inluential encyclopedia of fashion,Each month offers one million readers practical and latest fashion and beauty
4 Fashion: Immediately work pairing skills The useful pairing tips dress you in the latest styles, and enable you to ind the suitable one from diverse selections Beauty: Easy-to-learn beauty tips Making it easy for you to choose among numerous beauty products and skills, improving your appearance with great ease Life: Easy-to-learn tips for healthy living Evoking an impressive lifestyle inside out, making us your ideal companion 立竿见影的搭配诀窍 实用的潮流搭配技巧, 把流行轻松穿上身,丰 富的造型参考,总有适 合读者的一款 FASHION 一学就会的美容妙招 在众多的美容产品和技 巧中拨云见日,跟着我 们变美就是这么容易 BEAUTY 轻松掌握的健康生活 唤醒读者由内而外的好 感生活,我们是读者最 要好的闺密 LIFE WHAT HAS MADE US SO POPULAR FOR THE PAST 17 YEARS? 17年来,是什么让我们深受欢迎? 因为我们有
6 WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT IN 2012 New Practicality We’re engaging international trends, domestic and overseas experts, and talents surrounding us, bringing readers an extremely practical fashion experience Fantastic Brochures Beauty Awards Supplement + Anniversary Double Issue + Beauty Products Special …equal price with more contents, enjoying a reading feast! RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS Building on the positive commentary of the 1st event, the 2nd RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS will select the most inluential and authoritative beauty products in China 《AR》 gazine featuring illustrations of professional and fashionable hairstyles, a must-have for modern ladies aged from 20 to 30 looking for exquisite hairstyles 2012RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY 我们又将带来怎样的惊喜? MORE PROFESSIONAL 新实用性 海纳国际潮流、海内外专家,与民间达人,为读者带来实用性超强的潮流体验 SPECIAL ISSUE 精彩别册 美容大赏副刊+周年双刊+美妆品别册…… 一样的价钱,更多的内容,送给读者的饕餮大餐! MARKETING EVENTS 瑞丽美容大赏 好评如潮,第二届瑞丽美容大赏,选出中国最具影响力和权威性的金牌美妆品 《AR》 《瑞丽新发型》 精致生活必备,专业时尚美发专刊,每季出版,为20岁到30岁的时尚女性带去唯美发型
8 深爱《瑞丽服饰美容》的读者,是对时尚最渴望的女孩, 是希望自己更美丽、更聪明、更有实力的女孩, 是最愿意为美丽买单的女孩 Readers who love RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY are girls craving for fashion, desiring to become more beautiful, intelligent and inluential, and willing to pay for beauty 我们拥有 年轻时尚的读者 RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY OUR READERS ARE SO FASHION 年轻、时尚、靓丽的女孩 young, fashionable and beautiful women They are college female students and o
9 1200 1500 1800 900 600 300 米娜 mina 169 拥有庞大的读者群,在高端读者中更显优势地位 数据来源:新生代市场监测机构中国市场与媒体研究2011(秋) / 中国新富市场与媒体研究(H3)2011 单位:千人 Source: China Marketing & Media Study Autumn 2011 / China New Rich Marketing and Media Study (H3) 2011, Sinomonitor International Unit: 1,000 readers With A Large Readership & Enjoying Competitive Edge Especially Among High-end Readers 0瑞丽服饰美容 RAYLIFASHION& BEAUTY 时尚伊人 COSMOPOLITAN 昕薇 ViVi 米娜 mina 悦己 SELF 156 CMMS 2011A 659 1,871 658562 249 瑞丽服饰美容 RAYLIFASHION& BEAUTY 世界时装之苑 ELLE 时尚伊人 COSMOPOLITAN 昕薇 ViVi 悦己 SELF 600 800 400 200 0 2011 H3 353 847 218217186 文化程度Education 平均月收入 Average Monthly Earnings (RMB) 职业 Profession 3%10% 24% 22% 41%8% 10% 32% 50% 5% 45% 36% 14%18% 34% 24% 11% 6%4% 3% 18岁以下 30~35岁 23~29岁 18~22岁 35岁以上 3000元以下 8000元以上 5001~8000元 3001~5000元 大专以下 Below Associate 大学本科 Bachelor 大专 Associate 大学本科以上 Beyond Bachelor 高级白领 Senior White Collar 普通职员 Ordinary Employee 学生 Student 政府公务员 Civil Servant 自由职业者 Freelance 其他 Other 私营业主 Private Business Owner 年龄 Age REAdERshiP CoMPosition RAYLi FAshion & BEAUtY 世界时装之苑 ELLE 读者构成
10 瑞丽服饰美容 RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY 昕薇 ViVi 时尚伊人 COSMOPOLITAN 悦己 SELF 世界时装之苑 ELLE 米娜 mina 每年在购买时尚服饰上的支出超过10,000元 Spending over RMB 10,000 on fashions each year 3821491081078284 每年在购买手提包上的支出超过5,000元 Spending over RMB 5,000 on bags each year 27412580767474 每年在购买时尚女鞋上的支出超过5,000元 Spending over RMB 5,000 on shoes each year 28311788746172 每年在购买首饰上的支出超过6,000元 Spending over RMB 6,000 on jewels each year 350161861137471 最新购买的手表价格超过3,000元 Having recently bought a watch worth over RMB 3,000 1618237634540 过去一年购买护肤化妆产品总支出超过5,000元 Having spent over RMB 5,000 on cosmetics in the previous year 30912481786982 过去一年购买数码产品的总支出超过10,000元 Having spent over RMB 10,000 on digital products in the previous year 27612160885360 每年花在美容院做美容的费用超过3,000元 Spending over RMB 3,000 in beauty salons each year 27211377745953 每年花在旅行上的费用超过10,000元 Spending over RMB 10,000 on travel each year 4701921321329996 过去一年在休闲娱乐方面的支出超过3,000元 Having spent over RMB 3,000 on leisure and entertainment activities in the previous year 31113792806675 瑞丽服饰美容 RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY 昕薇 ViVi 时尚伊人 COSMOPOLITAN 悦己 SELF 世界时装之苑 ELLE 米娜 mina 社会地位方面处于中高阶层及以上 At or above middle-and-upper class in terms of social status 2079478623835 收入方面处于中高阶层及以上 At or above middle-and-upper class in terms of incomes 2209972594745 消费水平方面处于中高阶层及以上 At or above middle-and-upper class in terms of consumption 2239663614645 数据来源:新生代市场监测机构中国新富市场与媒体研究(H3)2011,女性 单位:千人 Source: China New Rich Marketing and Media Study (H3) 2011, female, Sinomonitor International Unit:1000 readers 中高阶层读者数量远多于其他刊物 More middle-and-upper class readers than other publications 读者的时尚产品消费能力更加强劲 Readers with stronger consumption capacities on fashion products
12 瑞丽拥有全国最强大的期刊营销系统。 遍及全国的62,000多家销售、展示终端,使瑞丽实现了对中国地级以上市场 和发达县级市场的全面有效覆盖 《瑞丽服饰美容》月发行量1,380,000册 Monthly Circulation of RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY 1,380,000 (copies) 省份 Province发行量比例 Share of Circulation省份 Province发行量比例 Share of Circulation 北京 BEIJING18.2%云南省 YUNNAN1.6% 上海 SHANGHAI15.9%黑龙江省 HEILONGJIANG1.4% 江苏省 JIANGSU9.1%河北省 HEBEI1.3% 广州 GUANGZHOU8.5%江西省 JIANGXI1.3% 浙江省 ZHEJIANG8.2%吉林省 JILIN1.0% 辽宁省 LIAONING4.6%安徽省 ANHUI1.0% 四川省 SICHUAN4.5%福建省 FUJIAN1.0% 湖北省 HUBEI3.8%广西壮族自治区 GUANGXI0.7% 天津 TIANJIN2.8%新疆维吾尔自治区 XINJIANG0.5% 重庆 CHONGQING2.5%山西省 SHANXI0.5% 湖南省 HUNAN2.5%内蒙古自治区 INNER MONGOLIA0.4% 广东省(除广州) GUANGDONG2.3%贵州省 GUIZHOU0.4% 山东省 SHANDONG2.0%甘肃省 GANSU0.2% 陕西省 SHAANXI1.9%宁夏回族自治区 NINGXIA0.1% 河南省 HENAN1.7%青海省 QINGHAI0.1% Rayli is equipped with the most powerful distribution system of all periodicals in China. Its 62,000 outlets enable Rayli to effectively cover all markets above the prefecture and country level within the PRC 70% 9%10% 5%2%2%1% 1% 报摊报刊亭 Newsstand and Kiosk 地铁 Subway 连锁超市 Chain Supermarket 读者订阅 Subscription 机场 Airport 其他渠道 Other Channel 宾馆、饭店、写字楼 Hotel、Restaurant、Ofice Building 书店 Bookstore DISTRIBUTION RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY 发行
14 Building on the success of the irst session, a sensation renowned as the most comprehensivs, professional and precise annual cosmetics competition, the “ 2012 RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS” is again raising an enthusiasm for cosmetics! Features: comprehensive, professional, and precise Selection Method: product trials, online votes, microblogging interactions, and expert reviews Awards: 60 annual awards for cosmetics marketed from September 2011 to August 2012; 10 special awards including Most Favored Brand of the Year, Chinese Brand of the Year and Expert Choice Award Results: All nominated products will be introduced in the dedicated publication – RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS TOP 10; all the award-winning products will be presented in the Golden Cosmetics Almanac, providing comprehensive shopping guide to readers Complete Support:RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY 4 double issues + 4 special issues, offering in-depth event coverage RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY oficial Weibo, promoting interaction throughout the event Rayli.com – a platform for interaction between brands and website visitors A variety of off-line events promoting face-to-face interaction between brands and readers Award Ceremony: The 2012 RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS will be held in Shanghai in October 2012, a gala of audio and visual enjoyment featuring red carpet laying, wine tastings, and dinner parties, with participation by celebrities 金牌杂志 金牌美妆 万件全球美妆名品、千万读者共同参与、顶级美容专家评定 Golden Magazine, Golden Styles Thousands of global beauty products, Participation by millions of readers, Evaluations from top beauty experts 瑞丽美容大赏继第一届成功举办,引起业界强烈反响,被誉为最广泛、最专业、最精准的 年度美妆品评选活动后,2012年第二届瑞丽美容大赏再掀美容狂潮! 活动特色:广泛性、专业性、精准性 评选方式:产品试用、网络投票、微博互动、专家评定 奖项设置:2011年9月到2012年8月上市化妆品分类别60项年度大奖 年度特别美容人气品牌奖、年度特别中国品牌奖、年度特别专家推荐奖等10大特别奖项 结果呈现:入围产品出版《瑞丽美容大赏TOP10》专集;获奖产品出版《金牌美妆图鉴》专刊,全面为读者提供消费指南 全方位支持:《瑞丽服饰美容》4本双刊+4本专集,全面深度追踪报道 《瑞丽服饰美容》官方微博,全程互动推广 瑞丽女性网产品库实现品牌产品与网友立体互动 线下系列推广活动,形式多样,品牌与读者零距离互动平台 颁奖典礼:2012年10月,举办2012瑞丽美容大赏大型颁奖典礼活动,红毯、酒会、晚宴,名流云集, 精彩纷呈的视听盛宴 市场活动 RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY MARKETING EVENTS 瑞丽美容大赏 国内最具公信力美妆排行榜 美妆风暴再度来袭,我选我美丽! The List of Most Trustworthy Beauty Products in China “2012 RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS” again brings enthusiasm for beauty products My Beauty, My Choice! 2012 RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS2012
15 MARKETING EVENTS RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS Key Promotions “RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS” TV With “RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS” expert panel, senior Rayli editors, and dedicated RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY models, the Beauty Classroom, available at all major video websites, will create enthusiasm for beauty products online “RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS” experts, blogs/microblogging of talents Consisting of internet-popular specialists and inluential industry insiders, the panel will assess the products and recommend its favorite choices Special Brand Promotions “RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS, Accompanied by Brand Names, Appreciate Beauty”: together with grassroots lead commentators, RAYLI guides you in the tour of the brand-name laboratories or lagship stores, exploring unique ingredients or technologies, interviewing key igures, and introducing brand origins. The event will be fully covered in the magazine as well as broadcast online via video presentations “I’m RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS VIP”: selected readers will be invited to participate in product experiencing events or press conferences and receive VIP services. The event will be fully covered in the magazine as well as broadcast online via video presentations 市场活动 RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY 《瑞丽美容大赏》重要推广 《瑞丽美容大赏》TV 瑞丽美容大赏专家团+瑞丽资深编辑+《瑞丽服饰美容》专属模特,精华浓缩美妆课堂,掀起网络美妆热潮。在各 大视频网站进行发布 《瑞丽美容大赏》专家、达人博客/微博团 网络人气王、行业内重要美妆推手组成达人评审团,进行产品使用评价及爱用品推荐 品牌特别企划活动 “瑞丽美容大赏,相约品牌、见证美丽” 瑞丽带领草根意见领袖,参观品牌实验室或旗舰店、探访品牌产品独特成分或技术、采访品牌关键人物、介绍品牌 起源故事,杂志、网络、视频全程进行记录 “我是瑞丽美容大赏VIP” 瑞丽邀请特别读者,参加品牌的产品体验或新品发布会,全程享受特别VIP服务,杂志、网络、视频全程进行记录 2012瑞丽美容大赏 美妆系列沙龙 城市:北京、上海、广州、杭州、成都等 时间:4~7月 活动场地:美妆品柜台、时尚会所等 活动内容:美丽沙龙、主题体验、产品试用等 2012瑞丽美容大赏 全国巡展 城市:北京、上海、广州 时间:4~7月 活动场地:商场 活动内容:美妆课堂、产品试用、读者投票、购买优惠等 2012 RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS Salons Cities:Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Hangzhou, Chengdu, etc. Dates: April – July Venues: cosmetic counters, fashion clubs, etc. Activities: beauty salons, theme experiences, product trials 2012 RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS Tour Cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou Dates: April – July Venues: Shopping Malls Activities: beauty classrooms, product trials, reader voting, discount purchases, etc.
16 全年战略性合作 冠名“瑞丽美容大赏”颁奖典礼 冠名单次“瑞丽美容大赏”美妆沙龙(课堂)活动 冠名“瑞丽美容大赏”品牌特别企划活动 冠名单次“瑞丽美容大赏”TV视频 参与“瑞丽美容大赏”影视媒体节目合作 参与“瑞丽美容大赏”美妆名博及微博系列推广 《2012瑞丽美容大赏获奖产品》专刊赞助 “瑞丽美容大赏”颁奖典礼礼品赞助 “瑞丽美容大赏”线下读者试用产品及投票评选礼品赞助 《金牌美妆图鉴》特殊包装赞助 品牌合作方式 Way of Cooperation 市场活动 RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY MARKETING EVENTS Year-round Strategic Cooperation Title sponsorship for one “RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS” beauty salon (classroom) Title sponsorship for special “RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS” brand promotions Title sponsorship for one “RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS”TV broadcasting Participation in “RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS”-titled movie and TV programs Participation in “RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS”-titled cosmetics blogs and Weibo promotions Sponsorship for the 2012 RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS special issue Gift sponsorship for RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS ceremony Gift sponsorship for RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS off-line readers' product trials and voting Sponsorship for Golden Cosmetics Almanac packaging
17 瑞丽360度整合营销,整合集团所有平面刊物、新媒体、数据库及富有瑞丽特色的线下活动资源于一体,为 你提供有效、专业的时尚类媒体推广咨询服务,策划富有创意的跨媒体互动整合推广方案,并负责全案执 行。相信整合营销将为你的媒体推广注入全新的生命力! By consolidating all Rayli's printed, new media, database and other off-line resources, the 360 Integrated Marketing offers productive and professional consulting services for fashion advertising, and designs and implements creative cross-media campaigns. We believe that our integrated marketing strategies will invigorate your media image! MARKETINGINTERGRATED 360 o 整合营销 联名信用卡 数据营销 Co-brandedCredit Card Data Marketing 电子邮件直投 EDM 信件直投 DM 沙龙 Salon 讲堂 Lecture 派对 Party 路演 Roadshow 走秀 Shows 产品代言 Product Endorsement 大片拍摄 Photo-shooting 网站 Website 手机无线 Mobile Wireless 电子杂志 E-Zine 男性时尚类 Men's Fashion 家居类 Home & Living 女性时尚类 Women's Fashion 电子媒体 Electronic Media 平面媒体 Print Media 数据库 Database 模特经纪 Model Agent 活动 Event360°整合营销 Integrated Marketing
18 CASE案例 网络申请达人推荐 杂志软文 杂志硬广 杂志硬广 达人BLOG宣传 兰蔻奇迹薄纱粉底液 TEINT MIRACLE奇迹薄纱粉底液,10年研发以及7项专利,LANCOME兰蔻带来首款可再现完美肌肤AURA迷人光彩的 粉底产品。瑞丽与兰蔻再度携手,打造王牌产品的强势口碑效应。瑞丽专属模特,瑞丽达人团,抢先试用,助推 网络强势口碑热潮,上百万浏览量,数十万网友互动,感受兰蔻新品粉底液。同时2万份粉底液5天体验小礼包独 家放送,让瑞丽的网友及读者体验两分钟光彩底妆的魅力 读者专家 兰蔻专享试用 LANC?ME TEINT MIRACLE 10 years of research completed and 7 patents pending, LANC?ME has invented its 1st foundation, with Aura- Inside? technology, that recreates the natural light of perfect skin. Again, Rayli and LANC?ME are together intensively campaigning for a star product. Trials with Rayli's dedicated models and talent team have initiated a strong publicity online, with millions of hits and participation by hundreds of thousands of enthusiasts. Meanwhile, 20,000 bags of free samples for 5-day use were distributed to readers and online fans for a 2-minute enjoyment of perfect complexion
19 ADVERTISEMENT 专属制作团队 日本、北京、上海——三地策划队伍和拍摄队伍 专属模特 Ayuki、王翔、康乐、洛瑶、杨姗姗、娜依、贾芳、杨璐、张予熙 新丝路、龙腾精英、东方宾利等知名模特经纪公司的中外名模 外籍模特:香里奈、森绘里香、KATE MA等 中外明星名人特邀出镜 我们创作遵守的四个惯例 拥有独家的创意 产品可以通过瑞丽的品牌效应更具吸引力 我们的任何方案都必须为品牌带来利益 充满激情和影响力 Exclusive innovative & creation team Planning and shooting teams in three fashion centers Shanghai — Beijing — Japan Exclusive Models Ayuki, Wang Xiang, Kang Le, Luo Yao, Yang Shanshan, Nayi, Palizhati, Jia Fang, Yang Lu, Zhang Yuxi Chinese and overseas top models of famous model broker companies such as Xinsilu, Long teng and China Bentley etc. Overseas models: Karina, Mori Erika, Kate Ma etc. Specially invite stars and celebrities of China and foreign countries to be as guest models Our principals Exclusive creative ideas Brands become more visionary attractive through our magazines Our content will be beneiciary to brands Passion 广告策划Planning Most creative planning team Unmatched models Best solutions Most practical approach to readers Innovative product illustration All-new and distinguished perspective Best positioned to beneit clients 最有创意的策划团队 独一无二的专属模特 以最为贴切的方案完成选题 以实用为首要贴近读者 以最独特新颖的方式阐释产品特点 以大胆创新的视角独拔头筹 以精准确切的定位为客户带来最大效益
20 CASE案例 独特新颖的策划思路 充分了解客户需求,迎合客户品牌形象。甜美、清新的设计理念,独树一帜的设计思 路,创新、独特的设计方向,用最具吸引力的方式向读者展示产品的特点 Creative strategies Cater to brand image with a clear understanding of clients'needs With refreshing concepts, distinctive ideas and creative designs, deeply impress readers 与国际大牌的鼎力合作 双方共同借助对方的影响力,提升知名度。使读者更加认可产品,达到双赢的成效 Cooperation with global magnates Boost popularity for each other。Better educate readers and create win-win situation 专属模特的活力展现 由瑞丽团队专业打造的模特队伍。 为品牌定制风格一致的宣传形象。 进一步拉近与读者的距离 Professional Rayli models uniformly represent clients and deeply touch readers Excellence of dedicated models 各界明星的倾心演绎 我们会为品牌接洽符合品牌形象的明星,增加品牌的影响力与知名度。国内外知名明星 的加入,使得产品备受读者认可与信赖 Interpretation by celebrities Engagement of best stars boosts brand inluence and fame. Endorsement by worldwide celebrities improves product credibility among readers 为品牌量身定制完美专属方案 用最贴切、新颖、生动的特殊形式,跟软文相结合为产品提供一个完美的展示平台,将 产品理念全面、凸显重点、活泼地展现到读者面前 With the most appropriate, original, vivid and unique advertorials, we offer products a perfect platform that highlights their concepts in a comprehensive and lively way in front readers Perfectly customized schemes
22 广告优势 ADVERTISING ADVANTAGES The largest Fashion Media Client's Database – Rayli Users Database The database consists of Rayli magazine subscriptions, users of Rayli.com, the Rayli co-branded credit card, Leon MoneyLink card and the Rayli business travel card. It features abundant, complete and accurate user information, which is highly dynamic and can be further segmented. It helps advertising clients reach out target groups in an accurate and eficient way, in order to do all forms of publicity or carry out market surveys related to their products or services Cross-media Multi Marketing Channels – Rayli New Media, Sharing the Fashionable Life Community of Interaction Rayli owns the biggest fashion portal website within the Chinese-speaking community, the individualized fashion life community, quality e-magazine and the interactive mobile media for metropolitan women, covering the most influential new media platforms with strong force and millions of metropolis ladies. With the integration of multi media and the expressive force of rich media, Rayli provides clients with comprehensive and cross-media support, thus making advertising more effective and becoming the best channel for numerous brands to “win” the target consumers 拥有华语圈最大的时尚女性门户、个性化风尚生活社区、全方位优质资讯电子杂志专刊和都市女性专属随时互动的手机媒体等多种 媒体形式,覆盖中国最有影响力的强势新媒体平台及千万都市女性群体。多媒体整合形式加富有创意性的互动表现力,为客户提供 全方位、跨媒体的营销支持,广告效果显著增强,成为众多品牌“赢得”目标消费者的绝佳营销渠道 跨媒体营销立体通路 ——瑞丽新媒体 共享互动风尚生活圈 千人成本 196元,低于同类杂志 (以内页整版为例,目标人群为18~35岁女性) Cost Per Thousand: Rayli’s cost of RMB 196 per thousand readers is lower than that spent by its counterparts in the domestic market (this cost is that for a full page advertisement targeting female readers aged 18~35) 瑞丽服饰美容 RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY 昕薇 ViVi 时尚伊人 COSMOPOLITAN 世界时装之苑 ELLE 米娜 mina 悦己 SELF 内页刊例(元) Full Page (RMB)238,000145,200345,000308,000140,000219,000 千人成本(元/千人) Cost Per Thousand(RMB)1962998399751,0451,237 数据来源:新生代市场监测机构中国市场与媒体研究2011(秋) Source: China Marketing & Media Study Autumn 2011, Sinomonitor International 由瑞丽系列期刊群读者,瑞丽女性网网民,瑞丽各类活动报名会员,瑞丽联名信用卡、男人风尚灵通卡、瑞丽商务旅行卡用户共同 构成;具有数量庞大、用户资料详尽、信息准确、可细分性和活跃程度高的特点,可协助广告主准确快速地触达目标人群,以进行 有关产品或服务的各种形式广告宣传及市场调查研究 中国最大的时尚媒体客户数据库 ——瑞丽用户数据库
23 注:若广告客户指定广告位置,则须加收广告费用的20% Notes: An extra 20% of the advertising rates will be charged should clients speciically require certain positions ADVERTISING QUOTATION广告价格 2012年主刊广告价格及版位Advertising Rates and Positions, 2012 版位Position 价格(元)Rate(RMB) 价格(美元)Rate(USD) 封面折页Cover Gatefold1,350,000211,500 服装第一跨页First Double Page Spread of Fashion750,000117,500 服装第二跨页Second Double Page Spread of Fashion700,000109,700 服装第三跨页Third Double Page Spread of Fashion650,000101,800 化妆品第一跨页First Double Page Spread of Cosmetics800,000125,300 化妆品第二跨页Second Double Page Spread of Cosmetics780,000122,200 化妆品第三跨页Third Double Page Spread of Cosmetics720,000112,800 目录前跨页Double Page Spread before Table of Contents720,000112,800 目录旁页一First full Page Facing Table of Contents430,000 67,400 目录旁页二Second full Page Facing Table of Contents420,000 65,800 目录旁页三Third full Page Facing Table of Contents410,000 64,200 目录旁页四Fourth full Page Facing Table of Contents400,000 62,700 目录旁页五Fifth full Page Facing Table of Contents400,000 62,700 目录间跨页Double Page Spread Between Table of Contents600,000 94,000 版权旁页Full Page Facing Masthead400,000 62,700 卷首旁页Full Page Facing FROM EDITOR400,000 62,700 封面故事前跨页Double Page Spread before COVER STORY580,000 90,900 封面故事后跨页Double Page Spread after COVER STORY550,000 86,200 服装版前内页Full Page before FASHION350,000 54,800 服装版前跨页Double Page Spread before FASHION520,000 81,500 服装版开篇对手页Full Page Facing FASHION Opening340,000 53,300 服装版开篇后跨页Double Page Spread after FASHION Opening550,000 86,200 服装版内页Full Page inside FASHION260,000 40,700 服装版跨页Double Page Spread inside FASHION420,000 65,800 美容版开篇后跨页Double Page Spread after BEAUTY Opening500,000 78,300 美容版内页Full Page Inside BEAUTY250,000 39,200 美容版跨页Double Page Spread inside BEAUTY400,000 62,700 生活版开篇对手页Full Page Facing LIFE STYLE Opening240,000 37,600 生活版开篇后跨页Double Page Spread after LIFE STYLE Opening420,000 65,800 生活版内页Full Page inside LIFE STYLE230,000 36,000 生活版跨页Double Page Spread inside LIFE STYLE380,000 59,500 封三跨页Inside Back Cover Spread580,000 90,900 封三Inside Back Cover350,000 54,800 封底Back Cover550,000 86,200 1/2版内页1/2 Page160,000 25,100 1/3版内页1/3 Page140,000 21,900 版权旁1/3内页1/3 Page Facing Masthead160,000 25,100
24 Published advertisements shall abide by the Advertisements Law of the People's Republic of China as well as other relevant rules and regulations. This company has the right to modify or even cancel those advertisements that fail to accord with relevant laws, rules and regulations. The expressions and characters used in advertisements shall follow the requirements for Mandarin and of simpliied standard Chinese character. Fourcolor ilm and color designs should be provided in the size required by this magazine. The supplier should be responsible for any time delay arising from the inappropriate provision of ilm 刊登的广告须遵守中华人民共和国《广告法》和相关法律法规的规定。本公司有权对不符合有关法律法规的广告予以修改直至撤 换。广告用语用字应符合普通话和中文简体规范汉字的要求。按本刊公布尺寸提供4色菲林及彩色打样,因提供不符合尺寸的菲林 而耽误时间由提供方负责 广告刊登须知 Advertising Requirements 网线:175 线?? Reticle: 175 lines 广告四周各留3mm出血位 Leave 3mm safety margins from the bleed size of the material 跨页广告中间留10mm重叠位 For double page spread ,allow 10mm across the gutter 印刷须知 Printing Requirements 广告尺寸??Advertisement Format 竖1/3版装订尺寸 Trimmed Size of Vertical 1/3 Page 跨页装订尺寸? Trimmed Size of Double Page Spread 全页装订尺寸 Trimmed Size of Full Page 横半版装订尺寸 Trimmed Size of Horizontal Half Page 竖半版装订尺寸 Trimmed Size of Vertical Half Page 275mm×70mm (H×W)275mm×430mm (H×W) 275mm×215mm (H×W)130mm×215mm (H×W)275mm×100mm (H×W) 2012年《瑞丽服饰美容》广告时间表Calendar, 2012 月份 No. 软广告 Advertorial Order 特殊规格广告 Special Size 资讯 News Release 读者俱乐部 Club Promotion 常规广告 Advertisement Order 广告菲林 Material 杂志上市时间 Issue Date 1月 Jan.2011.11.92011.11.142011.11.162011.11.142011.11.182011.11.252011.12.19 2月 Feb.2011.12.72011.12.132011.12.162011.12.142011.12.192011.12.232012.1.19 3月 Mar.2011.12.302012.1.62012.1.92012.1.62012.1.122012.1.172012.2.19 4月 Apr.2012.2.92012.2.132012.2.172012.2.102012.2.172012.2.272012.3.19 5月 May.2012.3.92012.3.142012.3.192012.3.122012.3.192012.3.262012.4.19 6月 Jun.2012.4.92012.4.162012.4.192012.4.112012.4.192012.4.252012.5.19 7月 Jul.2012.5.92012.5.142012.5.182012.5.112012.5.182012.5.252012.6.19 8月 Aug.2012.6.82012.6.132012.6.182012.6.112012.6.182012.6.262012.7.19 9月 Sep.2012.7.92012.7.162012.7.202012.7.102012.7.192012.7.262012.8.19 10月 Oct.2012.8.92012.8.162012.8.202012.8.102012.8.202012.8.272012.9.19 11月 Nov.2012.9.102012.9.142012.9.172012.9.102012.9.182012.9.242012.10.19 12月 Dec.2012.10.102012.10.152012.10.192012.10.122012.10.192012.10.262012.11.19 软广告指由杂志为客户编辑的广告。若客户提供终稿菲林,则按照常规广告的时间进程 特殊规格广告指1/2版、1/3版等需要和杂志内容衔接的广告;若是3页以上的连续页,也按照此特殊规格广告时间表运作 以上日期如遇改变,以另行通知为准 Advertorials refer to those complied by Rayli’s Editor. If materials are provided by clients, a timetable for conventional advertisements should be made for reference Advertisements with special speciications refer to those 1/2 and 1/3 page advertisement connected with the content of the magazine. Extended pages with more than 3 pages will be handled according to the timetable for advertisement with special speciications Further notice will be given if there were any change of the above dates 版位Position 价格(元)Rate(RMB) 价格(美元)Rate(USD) 第一跨页First Double Page Spread 328,000 51,400 第二跨页Second Double Page Spread 308,000 48,300 一般内页Full Page 208,000 32,600 一般跨页Double Page Spread 258,000 40,400 封三跨页Inside Back Cover Spread 268,000 42,000 封三Inside Back Cover 238,000 37,300 封底Back Cover 328,000 51,400 2012年《美容大赏专辑》广告价格及版位 Advertising Rates and Positions of Beauty Awards, 2012
Every morning 每天起床 都渴望拥有美丽的发型 从头开始实现一天的快乐 即使在高级的发型沙龙 也要有自己的idea 因为深知由内而外的幸福感 是从最适合自己的发型开始 Every morning you wake up You dream of a beautiful hairstyle Your happy day begins with your head Even at an excellent salon You have your ideas Because you know that A sense of happiness Begins with a hairstyle that suits you 潮流美发增刊的NO.1 The No. 1 Hairdressing Supplement 从头到脚都HAPPYHAPPY From Top to Toe 满足20~30岁潮流女性对发型 最挑剔的需求 结合美容、服装的跨界统筹 为发型带来美丽超能量 Satisies the most captious hairstyle needs of trendy women aged 20-30 Brings extra-beauty to hairstyle through perfect arrangement of beauty and fashion RAYLI NEW HAIRSTYLE SUPPLEMENT增刊 2 In cooperation with AR, a Tokyo hairstyle magazine, RAYLI NEW HAIRSTYLE supplement will be issued in March, June, September and December of 2012, on the 12th of each month 《瑞丽新发型》增刊,和来自日本东京的潮流美发杂志 版权合作 2012年将于3月、6月、9月、12月当月发售! 上市日期: 当月12日
1 潮流感和实用性超强的发型特辑, 日本发型专家为读者解读全球流行发的秘密 Special 美发专辑 A special hairstyle section with a great sense of fashion and practicality, in which Japanese hairstyle experts unveil the secrets of fashion worldwide 2 剪、烫、染一网打尽,不光有丰富的发型参考可以带进沙龙, 还有DIY、护发等日常必须的贴心企划 Hair 美发版 This section covers hair cutting, perming and dyeing, including not only plentiful sample hairstyles which you can use in a salon, but also everyday DIY and hair care ideas 3 整体造型重视从头发的打造,满足20~30岁女性完美“自我”的需求, 用甜美、温柔又可爱的服装和美容造型,开启幸福感满溢的人生 Fashion & Beauty 服装和美容版 RAYLI NEW HAIRSTYLE SUPPLEMENT 服装、美容、发型…… 都重视跨板块的统筹搭配 They all Happen Together Fashion, Beauty, Hairstyle…ALL 读者期望的扮靓生活,在这里实现 像藏宝箱一样,那些变身的idea就藏在3大板块 The beauty readers hope for is realized here Those beauty ideas are just hidden in the 3 sections like boxes of precious treasure 4 Meeting the demand for ‘self-perfection’ from ladies in their 20s,an overall appearance starting with hairstyle.Creating a happy life with sweet,gentle and cute clothing and make-ups
6 A Nice Hairstyle is Equal to a … name card Fashionable, but not fickle 时尚却不浮躁 贴心技术指导,只要拿着走进沙龙,就能实现理想发型 除了沙龙的详细推荐,还有精彩的DIY技巧和丰富的产品介绍 让读者每天都可以给自己新的惊喜 Step by step Professional, but not preachy 专业却不说教 大师每季发型发布、环球发型介绍、日本街头流行SNAP…… 这不是教条的教科书,却有最顶尖的专家和最fashion的时尚达人,每一次分享 都保证了我们是潮流美发杂志的NO.1 Masters’ quarterly announcements of hairstyles, introduction to worldwide hairstyles, Japanese street fashion SNAP…not a textbook; rather the sharing of stories from top-notch experts and fashionists, which ensures that we are the No.1 fashionable hairdressing magazine When you walk into a salon with our step-by-step instructions, you will have your ideal hairstyle. Aside from recommending salons, we also show you DIY skills and plentiful products, allowing you to give yourself a new surprise every day 一个好的发型就是自己的“名片”
美发之下是美丽容颜 Fabulous Look Under the ExquisiteHairstyle 8 有了理想的发型,怎么能没有适合你的妆容。每一期增刊都有精致妆容呈现,大师 与名模的组合,让你的妆容永远走在潮流前端 名模+大师打造精品妆容 The ideal hairstyle needs the right appearance. Featuring gorgeous looks, each supplementary issue enables you to stay ahead of the trend with inspirations from popular beauty masters and models. Famous models and masters presenting fantastic appearances 从头开始关注整体的美丽,从内到外的全面指导。从肌肤的护理,身体的保养分享 美人生活的各个精彩瞬间。实用简单的方法和步骤,精彩的产品推荐,启动美丽的 能量并不复杂 皮肤和身体一个都不能忽视 The complete beauty guide offers you total solutions from skin care to every nicety in life. Simple and practical methods and steps, as well as recommendations of star products, help you discover and display your beauty with great ease Pay attention to every inch of your body
40% 15% 10%35% 23% 5% 5% 18% 49% 我们为客户提供最优质的 新平台 We Offer the Best Platform for the ClientNEW 庞大的新读者群 Sizable new readership1 住在城市里,喜欢受到异性关注 重视工作也在乎自己的休闲时光 热衷于收集流行信息,打扮一定本着自己的风格进行 一个好的发型就是自己的“名片”! 努力将头发保持在最好的状态 每天都在研究,适合自己的可爱风格 希望保持看不出年龄的身体比例 最新的服装,当然要搭配最新的妆容 Profile 她们的简历 Living in cities and enjoying men's attention Controlling work and their own leisure Interested in fashion, dressing by their own styles A nice hairstyle is a “name card” Keeping their hair in the best shape Studying what style works for them Wanting to stay in shape and ageless The latest clothes entails the best make-up 年龄 Age 文化程度 Education 平均月收入 Average Monthly Earnings (RMB) 22% 22% 42% 6%5%2%1% 职业 Profession 18岁以下 18~22岁 23~29岁 30~35岁 35岁以上 3000元以下 3000~5000元 5001~8000元 8000元以上 大专以下 Below Associate 大专 Associate 本科 Bachelor 本科以上 Beyond Bachelor 高级白领 Senior White Collar 普通职员 Ordinary Employee 学生 Student 政府公务员 Civil Servant 自由职业 Freelance 其他 Other 私营业主 Private Business Owner 10 12% 8% 22%58%
12 《瑞丽新发型》4本增刊将全面深度追踪报道 In-depth coverage in the 4 supplementary 《AR》issues 伴随《瑞丽服饰美容》第二届美妆品大型评选活动 凭借中国最庞大读者群的实用功效评比 日本、中国台湾、中国大陆等美容专家的专业科技鉴定 出版消费者最信赖的美容宝典 引领中国女性时尚美容风潮 Building on the review of product effectiveness from the largest readership in mainland China, and conclusions from beauty specialists in Japan, Taiwan, Mainland among others, the 2nd Beauty Products Contest hosted by RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY will release the most trustworthy beauty guide, leading the fashion and beauty trend in China 金牌杂志 金牌美妆 广泛、专业、精准 Golden Magazine, Golden Style Comprehensive, Professional, Precise 国内最具公信力美妆排行榜 The List of Most Trustworthy Beauty Products in China 2012 瑞丽美容大赏 美妆风暴再度来袭,我选我美丽! again brings enthusiasm for beauty products My Beauty, My Choice! 2012 RAYLI BEAUTY AWARDS 2NEWMarketing Strategy 全新的市场推广
68% 8% 7% 7% 4%2%2%2% 报摊报刊亭Newsstand and kiosk 机场Airport 便利店Convenient store 书店Bookstore 大型超市Supermarket 地铁Subway 美发店Salon 其他渠道Other channel 省份 Province 发行量比例 Share of Circulation 省份 Province 发行量比例 Share of Circulation 北京 BEIJING19.1%河南 HENAN1.7% 上海 SHANGHAI16.0%福建 FUJIAN1.5% 广东 GUANGDONG10.2%黑龙江 HEILONGJIANG1.4% 江苏 JIANGSU6.6%吉林 JILIN1.4% 浙江 ZHEJIANG6.3%贵州 GUIZHOU1.1% 辽宁 LIAONING5.7%山西 SHANXI0.8% 四川 SICHUAN4.9%内蒙古自治区 INNER MONGOLIA0.7% 山东 SHANDONG3.5%安徽 ANHUI0.6% 天津 TIANJIN3.1%江西 JIANGXI0.6% 湖北 HUBEI2.3%新疆维吾尔自治区 XINJIANG0.6% 云南 YUNNAN2.3%广西壮族自治区 GUANGXI0.6% 河北 HEBEI2.2%甘肃 GANSU0.4% 陕西 SHAANXI2.2%宁夏回族自治区 NINGXIA0.2% 湖南 HUNAN2.0%青海 QINGHAI0.2% 重庆 CHONGQING1.8% 《瑞丽新发型》月发行量380,000册 Monthly Circulation of RAYLI NEW HAIRSTYLE 380,000 (copies) 14 3Brand-new Distribution Channel崭新的发行渠道
16 Exhibiting products in a true-to-life way by sexy models Conveying the fashion value of products at the earliest possible time Plus well-received samples of products Publicizing salons directly via the magazine Giving publicity in both the magazine and at market events More mixed-ad forms, like a treasure chest full of diamonds and rubies 让 sexy 可爱的模特生动地演绎产品 earliest 第一时间传递产品的流行价值 加上产品的试用装 samples 更是大获好评 和编辑部联手推出的特别商品 products 将沙龙 directly 直接通过杂志展开宣传 不只是呈现在杂志页面内,还会进入 marketing 市场活动宣传 更多的广告配合形式,仿佛一个充满 idea 的百宝箱! 最有效的广告,请交给我们来做吧! We offer the most effective advertising 4 Way of Marketing Cooperation新颖的品牌合作方式NEW
月份 No.软广告 Advertorial Order 特殊规格广告 Special Size 常规广告 Advertisement Order 广告菲林 Material 杂志上市时间 Issue Date 3月 Mar. 2012.1.192012.2.202012.2.202012.2.272012.3.12 6月 Jun. 2012.5.42012.5.212012.5.212012.5.282012.6.12 9月 Sep. 2012.8.62012.8.202012.8.202012.8.272012.9.12 12月 Dec. 2012.11.52012.11.192012.11.192012.11.262012.12.12 2012年《瑞丽新发型》广告时间表 Calendar,2012 广告尺寸、印刷须知、广告刊登须知等内容同《瑞丽服饰美容》 Advertisement format, printing requirements and advertising requirements are the same as RAYLI FASHION & BEAUTY 2012年《瑞丽新发型》广告价格及版位 Advertising Rates and Positions of AR, 2012 版位Position 价格(元)Rate(RMB) 价格(美元)Rate(USD) 目录前第一跨页First Double Page Spread before Table of Contents 388,000 60,800 目录前第二跨页Second Double Page Spread before Table of Contents 358,000 56,100 目录前第三跨页Third Double Page Spread before Table of Contents 328,000 51,400 目录旁页Full Page Facing Table of Contents 288,000 45,100 版权旁页Full Page Facing Masthead 238,000 37,300 卷首旁页Full Page Facing FROM EDITOR 238,000 37,300 杂志前1/2部分内页Full Page Inside First Half of Magazine 208,000 32,600 杂志前1/2部分跨页Double Page Spread Inside First Half of Magazine 258,000 40,400 一般内页Full Page 158,000 24,800 一般跨页Double Page Spread 238,000 37,300 封三跨页Inside Back Cover Spread 258,000 40,400 封三Inside Back Cover 228,000 35,700 封底Back Cover 328,000 51,400 注:若广告客户指定广告位置,则须加收广告费用的20% Notes: An extra 20% of the advertising rates will be charged should clients speciically require certain positions 18 A CANT MISS NEW PLATFORM不可错过的新平台