MEDIA KIT 2013 广告刊例 形象创造影响力 FMFD-ZS-LJ12-a1C8.indd 32012.12.24 9:26:22 PM
Proudly Launched by Rayli Group A Top-to-toe Solutions’ Men’s Fashion Magazine A magazine that modernizes men’s fashion perceptions; that inluences and alters men’s fashion and lifestyle consumption ideas in current China 实用型时尚男刊 中国男人的形象顾问 影响并改变中国男性着装观念和生活品位 瑞丽集团出品 《男人风尚》
A brand new men's magazine for our era; a recognized guide for up-to-date lifestyle and fashion information for Chinese men A practical men's fashion magazine that focuses on improving men's image and style by providing top-to-toe solutions A complete guidebook to fashion and lifestyle trends for men It demonstrates the principle that while money is important, how that money is spent is even more so An in?uential magazine on men’s consumption habits in our society 这个时代迫切需要、受到广泛认可、引导中国男性消费的杂志 以实用提案专注提升男人形象与生活品位的时尚指南。实在地告诉中国男人:大把赚钱是一回事, 如何把钱花得有型有款是另一回事。对中国男人的时尚消费热情具有权威影响力 摄影 /前田 晃 出自《男人风尚》 2012年 5月号
《男人风尚》的读者既有经济实力,又具有时代精神 我们的目标读者为28岁~45岁,年收入15万元以上的公司经营者、商务人士、专职人员、 自由职业者等。他们是经济实力雄厚,具有较强购买力和喜欢尝试新鲜事物的现代都市男人 Our Readers are Trend-Savvy and Financially Sound The majority of our readers are successful men, between the ages of 28 and 45, who are entrepreneurs, business people, professionals, freelancers or experts in their industries. They have high purchasing power, money is not an issue for them and they are ready to try anything new and exciting 我们的读者说,《男人风尚》影响并改变他们的着装观念和生活品位 According to our readers, LEON in?uences and changes their views and tastes on clothing准确的市场定位 Clear Market Posiion1 中国现代都市的成熟男人 Mature Modern Metropolitan Men
读者构成 Readership Composition 职业Profession 文化程度Education 25% 30% 3% 大专以下 Below Diploma 42% 本科以上 Post Graduate Degree 51%8% 自由职业者 Freelance 21%政府公务员 Civil Servant 10% 普通职员 Officer 年龄Age 平均月收入Average Monthly Earnings (RMB) 24% 35岁以上 22% 23~27岁 29% 31~35岁 25% 28~30岁 13% 5000~8000元 35% 8000~10000元 47% 10000元以上 5% 5000元以下 最新购买的手表价格 Price of watches bought recently 过去一年在旅行(包括购物)上的支出 Spending on travel (including shopping) last year 过去一年购买家庭影音产品的总支出 Spending on home entertainment products last year 过去一年购买数码产品的总支出 Spending on digital products last year 每年购买黄金/白金/珠宝首饰的支出 Spending on gold/Pt/jewelry each year 每年购买高端服饰的支出 Spending on high-end fashion each year 每年购买时尚男鞋的支出 Spending on shoes each year 过去一年在休闲娱乐方面的支出 Spending on leisure and recreation last year 过去一年购买香水/护肤品的总支出 Spending on perfume/skin care products last year 《男人风尚》是备受中国高端男士青睐的杂志 LEON, the Preferred Magazine of Male Luxury Consumers in China 时尚先生 男人风尚 智族 芭莎男士 睿士 Esquire LEON GQ BAZAAR Men's style ELLEMEN 307 161179 226 100 0 200 300 10% 私营业主 Entrepreneurs 大专 Diploma 高级白领 White Collar 数据来源:新生代市场监测机构中国新富市场与媒体研究(H3)2012,男性 单位:千人 Source: China New Rich Marketing and Media Study (H3) 2012, Sinomonitor International, male Unit: 1,000 readers 69 大学本科 Bachelor'sDegree
他们有不错的经济来源,愿意为时尚买单 他们消费时更加随性,只要喜欢就会买 他们愿意购买高档服装、珠宝、腕表和酒类 对手表/饰品的身份感、时尚感和重要性表示认同 汽车、房产、智能手机、数码相机和笔记本电脑都是他们热衷于购买的产品 They have high disposable incomes and are willing to pay for fashion products They are casual consumers and will buy anything they like They are willing to buy high-end clothing, jewelry, watches and wines They agree that watches/jewelry demonstrate their identity, sense of fashion and importance They are great fans of cars, property, smart phones, digital cameras and laptops 数据来源:新生代市场监测机构中国新富市场与媒体研究(H3)2012,男性 单位:元 Source: China New Rich Marketing and Media Study (H3) 2012, Sinomonitor International,male Unit: RMB 《男人风尚》读者在时尚产品方面的消费支出体现出强大购买力 LEON Readers Have High Purchasing Power in the Consumption of Fashion Products 最新购买的手表价格 Price of watches bought recently 过去一年在旅行(包括购物)上的支出 Spending on travel (including shopping) last year 过去一年购买家庭影音产品的总支出 Spending on home entertainment products last year 过去一年购买数码产品的总支出 Spending on digital products last year 每年购买黄金/白金/珠宝首饰的支出 Spending on gold/Pt/jewelry each year 每年购买高端服饰的支出 Spending on high-end fashion each year 每年购买时尚男鞋的支出 Spending on shoes each year 过去一年在休闲娱乐方面的支出 Spending on leisure and recreation last year 过去一年购买香水/护肤品的总支出 Spending on perfume/skin care products last year 27,164 22,914 3,178 16,145 15,124 15,014 14,866 7,529 4,377 ---------------------------------
数据来源:新生代市场监测机构中国新富市场与媒体研究(H3)2012,男性 单位:列百分比,占各自读者比例 Source: China New Rich Marketing and Media Study (H3) 2012, Sinomonitor International,males Unit: %Col 《男人风尚》读者是社会的中高阶层、财富的缔造者 LEON Readers Are From Upper-middle Class and Remain a Major Pillar of the Economy《男人风尚》读者更加注意形象和品位,更加看重名牌所彰显的社会价值 LEON Readers Pay More Attention to the Image, Status and Social Value of a Brand 社会地位方面处于 中高阶层及以上 At or above middle-and-upper class in terms of social status 家庭年收入 90万元及以上 Annual household income of RMB900,000 & above 智族 GQ 36% 32% 28% 35.3%34.7%33.3%31.7%30.5% 男人风尚 LEON 时尚先生 Esquire 芭莎男士 BAZAAR Men's style 睿士 ELLEMEN 个人年收入 60万元及以上 Annual personal income of RMB600,000 & above 智族 GQ 8% 4% 0 8.2%8.2%7.9%7.2% 4.8% 男人风尚 LEON 时尚先生 Esquire 芭莎男士 BAZAAR Men's style 睿士 ELLEMEN 12% 智族 GQ 8% 4% 0 8.7%8.7% 6.9%6.8% 男人风尚 LEON 时尚先生 Esquire 芭莎男士 BAZAAR Men's style 睿士 ELLEMEN 12% 6.6% 与其他人相比,我的穿着更加时尚 Compared to other people, I am more stylish 我非常希望自己能够成为领导潮流的时尚人群 I want to be a trend-setter. 周围的人总是非常认可我的时尚建议和看法 Others respect my views and opinions on fashion 我买车是为了提高我的身份和社会地位 I bought a car to enhance my social status 我希望自己在别人眼中是个时尚的人 I want to be seen as a stylish person 名牌是身份和地位的象征 Brands are status symbols 我非常了解时尚品牌的历史和文化背景 I’m familiar with the history and background of fashion brands 身边的人购物时经常征求我的意见 Others often ask me for shopping advice 我喜欢尝试新的品牌 I like to try new brands 对新商品或新式服务有强烈的兴趣 I have a keen interest in new products and styles 通过车可以判断车主的身份 A car can tell you about the owner’s social status 时尚能够提高我的生活质量 Fashion improves my quality of life 我愿意多花钱购买名牌产品 I’m willing to spend more on brand name products 购买商品时,还是有广告的品牌比较可靠 Widely-advertised brands are more reliable ---------------------------------
数据来源:数据来源:新生代市场监测机构中国新富市场与媒体研究(H3) 2012,男性 单位:Index指数 Source: China New Rich Marketing and Media Study (H3) 2012, Sinomonitor International,males Unit: Index 《男人风尚》读者更加注意形象和品位,更加看重名牌所彰显的社会价值 LEON Readers Pay More Attention to the Image, Status and Social Value of a Brand 与其他人相比,我的穿着更加时尚 Compared to other people, I am more stylish 我非常希望自己能够成为领导潮流的时尚人群 I want to be a trend-setter. 周围的人总是非常认可我的时尚建议和看法 Others respect my views and opinions on fashion 我买车是为了提高我的身份和社会地位 I bought a car to enhance my social status 我希望自己在别人眼中是个时尚的人 I want to be seen as a stylish person 名牌是身份和地位的象征 Brands are status symbols 我非常了解时尚品牌的历史和文化背景 I’m familiar with the history and background of fashion brands 身边的人购物时经常征求我的意见 Others often ask me for shopping advice 我喜欢尝试新的品牌 I like to try new brands 对新商品或新式服务有强烈的兴趣 I have a keen interest in new products and styles 通过车可以判断车主的身份 A car can tell you about the owner’s social status 时尚能够提高我的生活质量 Fashion improves my quality of life 我愿意多花钱购买名牌产品 I’m willing to spend more on brand name products 购买商品时,还是有广告的品牌比较可靠 Widely-advertised brands are more reliable 130 113 129 114 128 115 126 108 124 114 123 109 121 118 120 111 120 110 120 111 115 105 114 111 112 106 109 107 100105110115120125130 男人风尚男刊平均水平
摄影 / 村山 元一 出自《LEON》2010年6月号 ?????????????ǖ??????????????? ??????????????????????? ????????????????????? ??????????????????? w????x?2Our Social Responsibiliies 摄影 /谷田政史( CaNN ) 出自《 LEON 》 2012 年 5月号
精选社会各界有型、有趣的名人,他们有鲜明的价值观,都是时尚与个性的代表人物, 用充满智慧的快言快语与读者分享他们的时代生活态度 ?? 直指人心的美容选题里不仅有好用的保养品介绍,还有简单易学的理容技巧。 我们呈现的是一站式的解决方案 ???? 这是一个男性也需要佩戴珠宝和饰品的时代,它们是帮你从同样衣冠楚楚的男人中 脱颖而出的必要装备。对于《男人风尚》的读者,它们和服装一样,理所当然地应被重视 ?? 与哥们儿去英格兰体验一次马球比赛,和女友共同体验泰国的顶级SPA …… 《男人风尚》以新鲜独特的视角发现时尚生活的胜地 ?? 从家具到家电、厨房用具,从使生活多姿多彩的漂亮实用的设计到高品质的住宅, 从各个方面发掘介绍符合成熟男人口味的家居用品 ?? 从电脑到手机,深入分析与展示新款电子产品,从与专业IT 杂志不同的角度出发, 提供风尚男士的明智选择 ?? 发掘能够和哥们儿、女友还有生意伙伴度过美好时光的场所,分享品尝美食美酒的诀窍, 专为《男人风尚》读者特别定制,一切都是精挑细选后的品位之选 Elite LEON engages the stylish and successful elites in our society - men with outstanding values, at the cutting edge of fashion, sharing their personal credos and words of wisdom Grooming Helpful skincare advice, paired with simple and effective grooming tips for men Accessories Accessories have become the most important items for the modern man. They are essential for fashionably standing out in a crowd Travel LEON explores the most exotic travel destinations: from participating in a polo game in Scotland with friends to experiencing unique spas with a girlfriend in Thailand - the most seductive and adventurous Home Decor From home appliances to kitchenware, from exclusive interiors to high-end properties, LEON uncovers every aspect of living the high life 专业的时尚人士 Trend-Savvy Males LEON aims to provide novel, provocaive and insighful topics for men, with content aimed at making its readers lifestyle experts in the men's market
Technology Unlike a professional IT magazine, LEON gives readers in-depth access to the latest digital products, giving a range of smart choices tailored to our readers tastes, like personal computers, mobile phones and other technology products Cuisine LEON explores distinctive restaurants where readers can have a great time with friends, girlfriends or business partners; includes wine tasting tips and information on wine culture, all carefully selected for LEON readers 摄影
我们的客户说,在报亭、机场、酒店、写字楼等处,《男人风尚》随处可见 According to our readers, LEON can be seen everywhere: in newsstands, airports, hotels and of?ce buildings 定位准确,覆盖率广阔,传阅率极高 瑞丽拥有全国最强大的期刊营销系统。遍及全国的62,000 多家销售、展示终端,使瑞丽实现了 对中国地级以上市场和发达县级市场的全面有效覆盖 Broadest Coverage and Distribution Network Rayli is equipped with the most powerful distribution system of all periodicals in China. Its 62,000 outlets enable Rayli to effectively cover all markets above the prefecture and county levels within the PRC.
《男人风尚》月发行量 LEON’s Monthly Circulation (875,800 copies)册875,800 9% 2% 4% 8% 2% 2% 65% 机场 Airport 书店 Bookstore 展示 Display 连锁超市 Chain Supermarket 其他团购 Group Procurement 宾馆、饭店、写字楼 Hotels/Restaurants/Of? ce Buildings 报摊报刊亭 Newsstand and Kiosk 8%政府机构订阅 Goverment 多样化的发行网络 Diversi? ed Distribution Network 上海 SHANGHAI 北京 BEIJING 广东省 GUANGDONG 浙江省 ZHEJIANG 江苏省 JIANGSU 辽宁省 LIAONING 四川省 SICHUAN 湖北省 HUBEI 重庆 CHONGQING 山东省 SHANDONG 湖南省 HUNAN 陕西省 SHAANXI 天津 TIANJIN 福建省 FUJIAN 云南省 YUNNAN 省份 Province 发行量比例 Circulation Ratio 河北省 HEBEI 黑龙江省 HEILONGJIANG 山西省 SHANXI 河南省 HENAN 广西壮族自治区 GUANGXI 安徽省 ANHUI 江西省 JIANGXI 吉林省 JILIN 贵州省 GUIZHOU 内蒙古自治区 INNER MONGOLIA 甘肃省 GANSU 新疆维吾尔自治区 XINJIANG 青海省 QINGHAI 宁夏回族自治区 NINGXIA 省份 Province 发行量比例 Circulation Ratio 16.1% 15.0% 10.1% 9.0% 8.7% 6.2% 5.2% 3.6% 3.3% 3.2% 3.2% 2.6% 2.4% 2.2% 1.3% 1.1% 1.1% 0.9% 0.8% 0.7% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.3% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1%
优质渠道合作: 2013年,《男人风尚》将开拓更多精准的渠道资源,与欧美同学会, 企业家联合会,钟表协会,证券银行企业等高端机构建立合作,同时继续吸引更多 优质品牌加入《男人风尚》的合作伙伴行列 High quality channels: In 2013, LEON will develop more precise channels and establish cooperative relations with high-end organizations such as the Western Returned Scholars Association, Entrepreneurs Association, the Horologe Association, securities and banking companies. We will continue to attract more high quality brands into the ranks of LEON partners 精准渠道营销 Precise Marketing Channels 终端展示促销:《男人风尚》全面覆盖国内5000个专属杂志展示点,包括:咖啡厅, 机场休息厅,便利店,高级餐厅,会所,美容健身SPA,4S店等,并通过在特定城 市附赠品牌精美随刊礼品等促销手段,提高杂志销量和实现品牌的口碑营销 Display and promotion: LEON is circulated in 5,000 exclusive magazine stands nationwide, in coffee shops, airport lounges, convenience stores, high-end restaurants, clubs, beauty and ? tness centers, spas, full-service car dealerships, and more. In order to increase sales and word-of- mouth marketing, promotional tools such as complementary gift giveaways are also employed in designated cities 写字楼巡展:2012年,《男人风尚》成功在北京、上海、广州、成都4大城市30 座5A级写字楼巡回展示。2013年,我们将在更多的一线城市继续进行顶级写字楼 巡展,在推广杂志的同时,携手更多品牌走近目标受众群,为客户创造更多的品 牌附加价值 Of? ce building tours: In 2012, LEON successfully organized an exhibition tour through thirty 5A of? ce buildings in four cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Hangzhou. In 2013, LEON will continue these high-end of? ce buildings tours in ? rst-tier cities. They not only promote the magazine, but also bring more brands closer to their target audiences, creating more brand-added value for our clients 高端商场展:汲取2012年顶级商场品牌展示的成功经验,2013年,《男人风尚》将加 大力度,活动将覆盖至一二线重点城市顶级商场,彰显品牌实力及魅力 Events at high-end shopping centers: Building on the experience of successfully organized brand exhibitions at high-end shopping centers in 2012, LEON will intensify efforts in 2013 to expand events into upscale shopping centers in ? rst-tier and second-tier cities, and fully display the brand’s strength and charm ---------------------------------
实力品牌活动 Signature Projects LEON风尚讲堂: (全年6~8次)目标读者+实用主题+精英行业。2012年“风尚讲堂”的脚步已经遍及世界500强企业,为不 同行业成熟的职场精英男性带来全方位的形象指导,有效提升了杂志品牌的知名度和社会影响力!2013年我们将继续走进全国各 大企业,帮助中国中坚力量的男士打造适合自己职业的最佳形象,真正成为中国男士着装和生活方式宝典 The LEON fashion forum (6 to 8 times annually) brings together our target audience, practical themes, and industry elites. In 2012, the “LEON Fashion Forum” entered into the workplace of some of the top 500 enterprises across a variety of industries with comprehensive advice for professional, sophisticated men on how to improve image. This has effectively enhanced magazine brand awareness and social in?uence, and cultivated a loyal readership. In 2013 we will continue to work with partners in all industries, helping the men who are building a stronger China ?nd the professional image best suited to their needs, and becoming the ?nest collection of fashion and lifestyle information for men LEON年度盛典:年度核心品牌活动,倾力打造时尚盛事。《男人风尚》通过“年度盛典”,盘点和梳理中国男性风尚,以“形象创 造影响力”的杂志核心价值观,立体深入地进行诠释和解构,引领中国中产阶级男性的“LEON”化时尚视角和消费模式 LEON fashion gala: The major annual event, a fashion extravaganza. Through the annual LEON Fashion Gala, LEON seeks to de?ne and exemplify men’s fashion in China. Built on the “in?uential creation of image”, the magazine focuses on in-depth interpretation and deconstruction of a new philosophy, leading the men of the Chinese middle-class in embracing LEON-ized fashion perspectives and consumption patterns ---------------------------------
Planning Philosophy The most professional advertorial planning team Precision in encapsulating the essence of brands Implement amazingly innovative ideas Dazzle with brilliance Be unforgettable 策划理念 最专业的软宣策划团队 精确把握客户品牌精髓 赋予最非凡的创意想法 碰撞出夺目耀眼的火花 达成令人过目不忘的非凡传播效果 5广告策划 Adverisement Planning 视觉大片 优雅时尚 华丽演绎品牌经典产品Interpret brand classics through elegant and fashionable blockbuster videos
结合最前沿流行趋势 传播客户品牌精神Communicate spirits of clients' brands in consistency with cutting-edge trends 多种特殊形式 展现精彩夺目的创意效果Excitingly innovative effects through a variety of special forms 沃尔沃特殊形式广告 Links of London Braun Ermenegildo Zegna Canali Kiton L'oreal 任达华&琦琦 全面整合优势资源 明星名人倾心演绎 助力提升品牌产品关注度 Boost product popularity through integrated, quality resources and celebrity endorsements 郑晓龙 冯绍峰 袁成杰 SHISEIDO MEN
????8JSFMFTT"QQMJDBUJPOT ??8FJCP ????%JHJUBM.FEJB ??3BZMJ.PEFM ?З?? 8PSEPG.PVUI .BSLFUJOH ????1SJOU.BHB[JOF ????&.BHB[JOF 瑞丽360度整合营销,整合集团所有平面刊物、 数字媒体、无线应用、数据库、 市场活动以及瑞丽精品读者口碑传播于一体,为你提供有效、 专业的时尚类媒体推广咨询服务, 策划富有创意的跨媒体互动整合推广方案,并负责全案执行。 相信整合营销将为你的媒体推广注入全新的生命力! Integrated Marketing By combining all of the Rayli Group’s print publications, digital media, wireless apps, databases, marketing events and word-of-mouth influence, Rayli’s 360° integrated marketing offers you effective, professional consulting services in fashion media promotion. We provide creative promotion plans that are cross-media, interactive, and integrated; and we execute them to the fullest. We believe our integrated marketing strategies can breathe new life into your media campaigns! 360°整合营销 全方位整合营销 Integrated Markeing 6
《男人风尚》iPad精选版 下载量居中国男性时尚类杂志前茅, 品牌呈现方式更立体、更多样、更互动 The Leon Highlights iPad edition ranking top among men's fashion magazines in China showcases brands in more vertical diverse and interactive ways 强势新媒体助《男人风尚》 影响力爆发式增长 Explosive Growth of Leon Powered by New Media 新媒体 《男人风尚》手机杂志《男人风尚》手机杂志《男人风尚》手机杂志《男人风尚》手机杂志《男人风尚》手机杂志《男人风尚》手机杂志《男人风尚》手机杂志《男人风尚》手机杂志《男人风尚》手机杂志《男人风尚》手机杂志 让最前沿的时尚资讯,随身携带,进一步拉近读者与品牌距离让最前沿的时尚资讯,随身携带,进一步拉近读者与品牌距离让最前沿的时尚资讯,随身携带,进一步拉近读者与品牌距离让最前沿的时尚资讯,随身携带,进一步拉近读者与品牌距离让最前沿的时尚资讯,随身携带,进一步拉近读者与品牌距离让最前沿的时尚资讯,随身携带,进一步拉近读者与品牌距离让最前沿的时尚资讯,随身携带,进一步拉近读者与品牌距离让最前沿的时尚资讯,随身携带,进一步拉近读者与品牌距离让最前沿的时尚资讯,随身携带,进一步拉近读者与品牌距离 The Leon mobile editionThe Leon mobile editionThe Leon mobile editionThe Leon mobile editionThe Leon mobile editionThe Leon mobile editionThe Leon mobile editionThe Leon mobile edition allows readers to carry information on cutting-edge fashion wherever they goallows readers to carry information on cutting-edge fashion wherever they goallows readers to carry information on cutting-edge fashion wherever they goallows readers to carry information on cutting-edge fashion wherever they goallows readers to carry information on cutting-edge fashion wherever they go bringing them up-close and personal with brandsbringing them up-close and personal with brandsbringing them up-close and personal with brandsbringing them up-close and personal with brandsbringing them up-close and personal with brands 和品牌在线上、线下以及其他渠道全方位的合作 On-line and Off-line, three-dimensional cooperation with luxury brands ????8JSFMFTT"QQMJDBUJPOT ??8FJCP ????%JHJUBM.FEJB ??3BZMJ.PEFM ?З?? 8PSEPG.PVUI .BSLFUJOH ????1SJOU.BHB[JOF ????&.BHB[JOF 全方位整合营销 ranking top among men's fashion magazines in China 《男人风尚》官方微博和主编微博《男人风尚》官方微博和主编微博《男人风尚》官方微博和主编微博 人气高,公信力强,是网络中的时尚舆论领袖人气高,公信力强,是网络中的时尚舆论领袖人气高,公信力强,是网络中的时尚舆论领袖 The of? cial Leon microblog and microblogs of the chief The of? cial Leon microblog and microblogs of the chief The of? cial Leon microblog and microblogs of the chief editors editors are fashion opinion leaders on the internetare fashion opinion leaders on the internetare fashion opinion leaders on the internet enjoying extreme popularity and high credibilityenjoying extreme popularity and high credibilityenjoying extreme popularity and high credibility F2.F3.P1-3.5-11.13-17.19-20.22-29.31-32-ZS-LJ5-K3C2c5D6G3F8g1F8G7H2g1H9D1B3.indd 292012.12.25 2:07:35 PM
中国最大的时尚媒体客户数据库——瑞丽用户数据库 The Largest Fashion Media Client’s Database – Rayli Users Database 由瑞丽系列期刊群读者,瑞丽网网民,瑞丽各类活动报名会员,瑞丽联名信用卡、男人风尚灵通卡、 瑞丽商务旅行卡用户共同构成;具有数量庞大、用户资料详尽、信息准确、可细分性和活跃程度高的特点, 可协助广告主准确快速地触达目标人群,以进行有关产品或服务的各种形式广告宣传及市场调查研究 The database consists of Rayli magazine subscribers, users of, and users of the Rayli co-branded credit card, Leon MoneyLink card and the Rayli business travel card. It features complete and accurate user information, which is highly dynamic and can be further segmented. It helps advertising clients to reach out to target groups accurately and ef?ciently, in order to implement various types of publicity or carry out market surveys related to their products or services 跨媒体营销立体通路 —瑞丽数字媒体 最具实用特色的商业服务平台 Cross-media Vertical Marketing Platform -Rayli Digital Media, the Most Practical Business Services Platform 瑞丽数字媒体秉承“实用特色,立体传播”的理念,凭借旗下所拥有的中国最具实用特色和专业实力的垂直 时尚门户网站、国内领先的女性时尚互动平台、基础数据强大的化妆品库与珠宝腕表库等产品库、中国领先 的系列女性移动产品等,强势覆盖各数字媒体平台及千万都市时尚群体。互联网和移动互联网多媒体整合形 式加富有创意性的互动表现力,为客户提供全方位、跨媒体的营销支持,广告效果显著增强,成为众多品牌 “赢得”目标消费者的绝佳营销渠道 Building on the strength of the most distinctive and professional vertical fashion portal, Rayli Digital Media stands as the leading national interactive fashion platform for women, with powerful product warehouses for cosmetics, jewelry, and watches, as well as a series of leading mobile products for women in China. Rayli Digital Media epitomizes “utmost practicality and vertical communication” with its variety of digital media platforms serving millions of urban fashionistas. The multimedia integration of the world wide web and mobile internet combined with continued innovation offers clients comprehensive and cross-media marketing support with highly enhanced advertising effects. These strengths have made Rayli Digital Media the best marketing channel for brands to “win” target customers 千人成本 575元,低于同类男性杂志(以内页整版为例) Cost Per Thousand: LEON’s cost of RMB 575 per thousand readers is lower than that spent by its counterparts in the domestic market (this cost is for a full page advertisement) 内页刊例 (元) Full Page (RMB) 千人成本(元/千人) Cost Per Thousand(RMB) 男人风尚 LEON 575 153,000 759 286,000 时尚先生 Esquire 1,158 242,000 芭莎男士 BAZAAR Man's Style 1,596 150,000 智族 GQ 睿士 ELLEMEN 1,050 210,000 广告优势 Adverising Advantages 7 数据来源:新生代市场监测机构中国新富市场与媒体研究(H3) 2012 Source: China New Rich Marketing & Media Study (H3) 2012, Sinomonitor International F2.F3.P1-3.5-11.13-17.19-20.22-29.31-32-ZS-LJ5-K3C2c5D6G3F8g1F8G7H2g1H9D1B3.indd 312012.12.25 2:25:36 PM
注:若广告客户指定广告位置,则须加收广告费用的20% Notes: An extra 20% of the advertising rates will be charged should clients speciically require certain positions 广告价格 Advertising Quotation 2013年主刊广告价格及版位 Advertisement Rates and Positions,2013