杂志 Magazine 《福布斯》中文版 发行量:195,912 Forbes China Circulation:195,912 市场活动及网站会员活动 Marketing Events & Activities for Website Membership 移动产品Mobile Applications 福布斯中文版 for iPad 总下载量:12万(2014年6月改版后) Forbes China for iPad Total Downloads: 120 Thousand 手机版福布斯中文网 月访问量:60万(2014年6月改版后) 3G. Forbeschina.com Monthly UV: 600 Thousand 网站Website 福布斯中文网 月独立用户访问量: 309万 Forbeschina.com Monthly UV: 3.09 Million 社交媒体平台Social Media Platform 新浪微博,腾讯空间等粉丝数总计: 527万 Total SNS Followers 5.27 Million Contents 目录 关于福布斯及福布斯中文版 About Forbes & Forbes China 2015年编辑计划 Editorial Calendar 2015 栏目介绍 Column Description 2015年活动计划 Events Calendar 2015 市场活动 Marketing Events 杂志发行 Circulation 读者构成 Readership Profile 《福布斯》中文版2015年广告刊例价 Forbes China Rate Card 2015 广告投放须知 Advertising Notes 别册定制 Customized Supplement DM及EDM广告投放 DM & EDM Advertising Service 福布斯中文版数字媒体平台 Forbes China Digital Media Platform 福布斯中文版数字媒体2015年广告刊例价及制作规格 Forbes China Digital Media Rate Card &Specs 2015 福布斯创业学习会 Forbes China Entrepreneurial Study Session 04-06 07 08-09 10 16-23 24-27 28-29 30-31 32-33 34 35-41 42-43 44 11-15
0405 《福布斯》是一本以企业家精神为核心的双周刊商业杂 志,1917年由B.C.Forbes先生在华尔街创立。现今,福 布斯传媒已经成为全球性的媒体、品牌及技术公司,致力于 传递商业、投资、技术、创业、领导力以及生活方式等领域 的新闻资讯。 98年间,福布斯传媒从最初的美国版杂志发展到了现在 拥有亚洲版、欧洲版、福布斯生活杂志以及福布斯网站和福 布斯生活网站。经由杂志、网站、电视、会议、调研和社交 媒体、移动端平台,以及全球36个区域性版本所传递的商业 关于福布斯传媒 信息和理念,福布斯传媒的品牌影响力已覆盖全球超过7500 万受众,其品牌衍生产品涵盖了会议、地产、教育、金融服务、 技术授权等板块。 此外,创立于2001年的福布斯全球总裁会议是亚洲最 重要的具有全球影响力的商业活动,每年集合了400位来自 全球的CEO、富豪、企业家、商界新秀、资本家与思想领袖, 共同探讨全球性的重要议题,会议已在吉隆坡、新加坡、上海、 香港、悉尼、迪拜、巴厘岛等地举办。 Forbes, established by B.C.Forbes in Wall Street in 1917, is a bi-weekly business journal highlighting entrepreneur spirit. Today, Forbes Media is a global media, branding and technology company, with a focus on news and information about business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership and affluent lifestyles. During the past 98 years, Forbes Media publishes Forbes, Forbes Asia, Forbes Europe and ForbesLife magazines as well as Forbes.com and ForbesLife.com. The Forbes brand today reaches more than 75 million people worldwide with its business message each month through its magazines and 36 licensed local editions around the globe, Forbes.com, TV, conferences, research, social and mobile platforms. Forbes Media’s brand extensions include conferences, real estate, education, financial services, and technology license agreements. Founded in 2001, the Forbes Global CEO Conference is a premier business event with global influence in Asia, annually gathers some 400 global CEOs, tycoons, entrepreneurs, up and comers, capitalist and thought leaders to discuss and debate key issues of global concerns and to build new partnership. The conference has been hosted in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Sydney, Dubai and Bali. 创业与创富的利器 Capitalists' Tool About Forbes Media 福布斯的DNA DNA of Forbes 值得信赖的报道和意见 Trusted Voices 公信力的不妥协性 Never Settle 创富为了幸福 Wealth is For Happiness 福布斯传媒及福布斯中文版 《福布斯》中文版启蒙、引领、前瞻了中国创业与创富 精神——中国增长和创新的动力之源。 22年前,《福布斯》杂志首次用排行榜的方式,由衷地 赞美中国企业家所取得的成就。时至今日,福布斯中国富豪 榜已经成为中国企业家所取得成功的最重要指标之一。福布 斯中国富豪榜的发布,也成为中国每年最受关注的财经与商 业媒体盛事之一。 《福布斯》中文版是唯一能将中国与全球商业报道无 缝结合的财经媒体。它站立在一个真正全球性的财经与商 业报道的平台上,不懈地挖掘和发现中国企业家的价值, 让中国的企业家精神“走出去”,把中国的企业家推向国 际舞台。 关于福布斯中文版 《福布斯》中文版还推动企业家将创造的财富与他们的 责任感结合,成为改善社会的力量。 《福布斯》中文版体现了财经与商业新闻的国际标准, 受到企业家的高度信任。其榜单、封面、设计、读者体验都 在国内领先。在媒体迅速发展与分化的今天,《福布斯》中 文版代表了一种面向未来的经典传承,也引领了涵盖历史的 媒体创新。 2015年,结合包括福布斯中文网、《福布斯》中文版 for iPad、手机版福布斯中文网、微信微博等社交媒体平台 在内的多种新媒体业务,以及贯穿全年的会议、论坛、沙龙、 创业学习会,福布斯中文版日益丰富的全媒体传播平台将继 续创造更大的价值。 Forbes China presents enlightenment, leading and forward-looking of China's spirit of pioneering and wealth creating - Source of power for China's growth and innovation. 22 years ago, Forbes first released its list to extol the achievements made by Chinese entrepreneurs. Nowadays, Forbes China Rich List has become one of the most important indexes for success of Chinese entrepreneurs, and release of Forbes China Rich List has also be considered as a major event enjoying highest attention in financial and commercial media. Forbes China is the only financial media able to offer seamless combination of commercial reports both in China and abroad. On a real global financial and commercial report platform, it unremittingly explores and discovers value of Chinese entrepreneurs and encourages Chinese entrepreneurs to make their debut on international arena. Forbes China also fuels combination of wealth and sense of responsibility of entrepreneurs, making it a power to improve the society. Forbes China embodies an international standard for financial and commercial news, and is well trusted in by entrepreneurs. Its lists, covers, designs and reader's experience are all in a leading position in China. With rapid development and split-up of media today, Forbes China represents a future-oriented classical inheritance, and leads a media innovation surviving history. In 2015, combined with various new media businesses including Forbes China for iPad, Forbeschina.com mobile application, and social media platform such as Wechat and Weibo, together with conferences, forums and entrepreneurial study session throughout the year, the enriching all-media platform of Forbes China is ready to create higher value. About Forbes China 《福布斯》中文版的定位 Position Forbes China 2015 面向财富的创造者和财富的拥有者,创造财富,管理财富,慈善捐赠,幸福生活 Orienting the wealth creators and owners, wealth creation, wealth management, charity donation and happy life
0607 Vision of Forbes China 《福布斯》中文版的目标 编辑计划 创业 Entrepreneurship 创新 Innovation 全球企业2000强 Global 2000 中美创新人物 Top Innovators 健康医疗 Science, Health & Innovation 中美汽车专题 Automobiles 创富 Wealth Creation 中国富豪榜专刊 China Rich List 美国富豪榜 Forbes 400: The Richest People in America 中国慈善基金榜 Best China Charities 全球华人富豪榜 World's Richest Chinese 全球亿万富豪榜 World's Billionaires 中国名人榜 China Celebrity 100 全球名人榜 Celebrity 100 中国商界女性排行榜 Business Women 100 中国潜力企业榜 China Up-and-Comers 中美30名30岁以下创业者 30 Under 30 中国家族企业调查 China Family Business 中国最佳创投人/机构 China Best Venture Capitalists/Firms 中国最佳PE投资人/机构 China Best PE Investors/Firms 中国年度商业人物 China Businessman of the Year 全球最佳投资人 Midas List Forbes China Editorial Calendar 2015 《福布斯》中文版2015年编辑计划 期刊 Issue封面故事 Cover Story 其他专题 Other Focus Topics 1月 January 美国小型上市公司50强 50 Best Small Companies 中国潜力企业榜 China Up-and-Comers 2月 February 香港富豪榜 Hong Kong Rich List 达沃斯论坛专题、国际消费电子展专题 Davos 、CES 3月 March 中美30名30岁以下 创业者 30 Under 30 美国最有前景公司、澳大利亚富豪榜、 美国金融、技术与创新 Most Promising Companies、 Australia Rich List、Finance, Tech & Innovation 4月上 April Issue A 全球亿万富豪榜 World's Billionaires 中美移动互联专题、中美汽车专题、马来西亚富豪榜、亚洲商界权力女性 Mobile Biz Wizards、Automobiles、Malaysia Rich List、Asia's Power Business Women 4月下 April Issue B 全球华人富豪榜 World's Richest Chinese 中国慈善榜 China Philanthropy List 5月上 May Issue A 中国名人榜 China Celebrity 100 中美云计算专题、日本富豪榜、全球最佳投资人、美国最佳雇主 Cloud Computing、Japan Rich List、Midas List、Best Employers 5月下 May Issue B 全球企业2000强 Global 2000 中美金融技术50强、中美成长最快技术公司 Fin Tech 50、Fastest-Growing Tech Companies 6月 June 中国商界女性排行榜 Business Women 100 韩国富豪榜、中美最酷工作场所、STEM I(科学、技术、工程、数学) Korea Rich List、Workplace of the Future、STEM 7月 July 中国上市公司最佳 CEO榜单/CEO薪酬榜 China CEO List 财富管理指南I(中国私募基金排行榜)、泰国富豪榜、中美创业新星、全球权势女性榜 Investment Guide I (China PE Fund List)、Thailand Rich List、Startup All-Stars、 Top Women 8月 August 全球名人榜 Celebrity 100 台湾富豪榜、中美农业技术专题、中美物联网专题 Taiwan Rich List、Ag Tech、The Internet of Things 9月上 September Issue A 中国家族企业调查 China Family Business 亚洲公司50强、美国最佳大学、美国领袖2020、美国千禧创业邦 Fabulous 50 Companies in Asia、Top Colleges、Leadership 2020、 Millennial Entrepreneurship 9月下 September Issue B 中美创新人物 Top Innovators 新加坡富豪榜、中美商务旅行专题 Singapore Rich List、Business Travel 10月上 October Issue A 健康医疗 Science, Health & Innovation 美国最佳医院、亚洲最佳十亿美元以下公司 Healthcare/Best Hospitals、Best Under A Billion in Asia 10月下 October Issue B 中国最佳创投人/机构 China Best Venture Capitalists/Firms 中国最佳PE投资人/机构、印度富豪榜、美国富豪榜 China Best PE Investors/Firms、India Rich List、Forbes 400: The Richest People in America 11月 November 中国富豪榜专刊 China Rich List 12月上 December Issue A 中国最佳商业城市 China Best Cities for Business 中国慈善基金榜、奢侈品专题、全球权势人物榜、美国最佳小企业 Best China Charities、Luxury、Most Powerful People、Best Small Companies 12月下 December Issue B 中国年度商业人物 China Businessman of the Year 财富管理指南II(中国优选理财师、中国股票之选)、印尼富豪榜、STEM II(科学、技术、工程、 数学) Investment Guide II (China Top Financial Planners、China Stock Picks)、 Indonesia Rich List、STEM II 所有内容均有可能变动 All themes are subject to change Forbes China 2015
0809栏目介绍 栏目介绍 Fact and Comment Mr. Steve Forbes, the third- generation head of Forbes family, the editor in chief of Forbes magazine and the world’s famous business and financial opinion leader, makes exclusive comments on the changes in macro, financial and industrial policies, as well as the respective opportunities and risks to enterprises. Startup Thinking Zhou Jiangong, Chief Editor of Forbes China, analyzes financial focus in China and around the globe, looks forward to political and economic trends and dissects entrepreneurial wealth on each issue. Opinion Leader The world’s leading political leaders such as Lee Kuan Yew and economists such as David Malpass make profound analysis of the problems in global economic and commercial activities. Leaderboard The scorekeeper on wealth and power, offering a behind-the-scenes look into who’s up and who’s down across industries. Features in the Leaderboard section include Scorecard and active conversations from Forbes.com and Forbeschina.com. Innovation Rules Rich Karlgaard, publisher of Forbes magazine, commentary on business in the digital era – delivering insightful perspective on the meeting points between innovation, technology, the economy, leadership and the entrepreneurial spirit. Strategies & Solutions Global innovators and leaders provide insight into how to build successful long term business practices and growth strategies. Column Description 事实与评论 福布斯家族第三代掌门人、 《福布斯》杂志总编辑,全 球著名的商业及财经意见领 袖Steve Forbes独家评述 宏观、金融、产业政策的变 化,及其给企业带来的机会 与风险。 创新思维 《福布斯》中文版总编辑周 健工每期分析中国与全球的 财经焦点问题,前瞻政经大 势,剖析创业创富。 金榜 值得关注的财富与权力,以 幕后视角探究各行业内的财 富升降,内容包括排行榜以 及福布斯网站、福布斯中文 网上的编读互动。 意见领袖 全球著名的政治学家如李 光耀,经济学家如David Malpass,就全球经济和商 业活动中的问题深刻剖析。 创见 《福布斯》美国版出版人 Rich Karlgaard评述电子 时代的商业模式,深度解析 创新、技术、经济、领导力 以及创业精神的关联点。 策略 全球的行业领导者和创新者 洞悉如何成功建立长期的商 业经营以及增长策略。 Outfront Study and judge the trends of large enterprises and the promulgation of major policies over the past two weeks or a month, deliver important company developments and industry trends, and seek new business opportunities. 一线报道 对过去两周或一个月内各 大企业动向、重大政策出台 的研判,传递重要的公司动 态、行业动向,寻求新的商 业机会。 Wealth & Power Introduce the world’s leading multinational corporations and China’s leading private enterprises as well as their business strategy and the latest trends, and how they stand out in fierce business competition in the local market through innovation in management and R&D. 财富与权力 全球著名的跨国公司,中国 一流的民营企业,他们的经 营策略、最新动向,在本土 市场激烈的商业竞争中,他 们如何通过管理和研发上的 创新脱颖而出。 Forbes China 2015 Entrepreneurs The home for cutting- edge business models, entrepreneurial wisdom and the forward-looking wealth creation opportunities in China and around the globe. Discover the most entrepreneurial and potentially successful entrepreneurs. 创业 报道全球及中国前沿的商业 模式和创业智慧、前瞻的创 富机会。挖掘最富创业精神 和成功潜质的创业者。 Technology Represent innovative technologies, leading technology products and state-of-the-art technology applications. Report the most innovative people in technology field- they may be scientists, researchers, or leaders of technology companies. 技术 展现创新的科技、前沿的科 技产品、尖端的科技应用, 报道最具创新精神的科技人 物——他们可能是科学家、 研发人员,也可能是科技企 业的领导者。 创富隽语 含英咀华,福布斯百年记录 创富历史,商业精英与历史 名人的智慧火花。 Thoughts Study and relish the beauties of literature; Forbes records the history of wealth creation and the sparkles of wisdom of business elites and historic celebrities. Investing Through interviewing top investors and investment institutions, analyze how to grasp investment opportunities in China and worldwide, and how to make use of a variety of investment tools and investment concepts to manage wealth and create revenue in an uncertain market environment. 资本 投资 通过对顶级投资人、投资机 构的采访,来解析把握中国 及全球范围内的投资机会, 运用各种投资工具和投资理 念在一个充满不确定的市场 环境下管理财富,创造收益。 Life Interpret the quality and taste of excellent wealth life, from culture to tourism, from such elite vehicles as yachts, airplanes and flashy cars to fine food and wine, and from gorgeous costumes to classic collections. 生活 诠释优质财富生活品质和品 位:从文化到旅游,从游艇、 飞机、名车等精英座驾到美 食、美酒,从华美服饰到经 典收藏。 Sustainable Development Recommend green and sustainable technologies and concepts, and report the best companies which are forward-looking and well put into practice in the new energy, energy saving and environmental protection fields. 可持续发展 推荐绿色及可持续发展的技 术和观念,报道在新能源、 节能环保等领域具有前瞻性 并出色付诸实践的优秀企业。 Marketing In the competitive market, the world’s most successful brands and China’s rising brands share the way they shape their image, open up their market, transfer their business philosophy and tell their growth stories. 营销 在竞争激烈的市场环境中, 国际上最成功的品牌、中国 正在崛起的品牌如何塑造形 象,打开市场,传递他们的 经营理念,诉说他们的成长 故事。Health Report the innovations of domestic and international pharmaceutical industry in health management models and medical technology products, and share the healthy lifestyle favored by business leaders. 健康 报道国内外医药行业在卫生 管理模式及医疗科技产品上 的创新,分享商界领袖所青 睐的健康生活方式。
1011 月份 Months 活动 Events 3月 March 2015 福布斯中国企业家睡眠健康论坛 2015 Forbes China Entrepreneur Sleeping Health Forum 2015 福布斯中国30·30菁英年会 2015 Forbes China 30 Under 30 Annual Summit 4月 April 2015 福布斯中国潜力企业创新峰会暨颁奖典礼 2015 Forbes China Up-and-Comers Summit & Award Ceremony 5月 May 2015 福布斯中国名人榜发布会暨文化产业论坛 2015 Forbes China Celebrity List Release Conference & Culture Industry Forum 6月 June 2015 福布斯中国风尚晚宴 2015 Forbes China Fashion & Style Gala 7月 July 2015 福布斯中国商业女性论坛 2015 Forbes China Business Women Forum 2015 福布斯中国创新峰会 2015 Forbes China Innovation Summit 8月 August 2015 福布斯中国财富管理论坛 2015 Forbes China Wealth Management Forum 9月 September 2015 福布斯中国家族企业调研报告发布仪式暨家族传承论坛 2015 Forbes China Family Business Research Press Conference & Family Business Forum 10月 October 2015 创客造物 2015 Forbes China the Makers Talk 11月 November 2015 福布斯中国富豪榜发布会 2015 Forbes China Rich List Press Conference 2015 第9届福布斯中国·静安南京路论坛 2015 The 9th Forbes China Jing’an Nanjing Road Forum 12月 December 2015 福布斯中国优选理财师评选颁奖典礼 2015 Forbes China Top Financial Planners Award Ceremony 2015 福布斯中国城市投资与发展系列论坛-最佳商业城市颁奖典礼 2015 Forbes China City Investment and Development Series Forum - Best Cities for Business Award Ceremony 全年活动 Other Events Throughout the Year 云集 Yunji Forum 福布斯中国城市投资与发展系列论坛 Forbes China City Investment and Development Series Forum 福布斯中国产业园区投资与发展论坛 Forbes China Industrial Parks Investment and Development Series Forum 福布斯中国智享会(小型沙龙) Forbes China Mind Share Network 福布斯中国公益慈善活动(小型活动) Forbes China Charity Activities 福布斯中国女性系列活动 Forbes China Women Series Events 创客造物沙龙 Forbes China The Makers Network 其他客户定制活动 Other Customized Events 所有内容均有可能变化 All themes are suject to change Forbes China Events Calendar 2015 《福布斯》中文版2015年活动计划市场活动 Forbes China is trying to keep close cooperation with sponsors so that we can achieve more effective brand and business promotion on famous global financial media platform by becoming partners of us. Marketing Events 《福布斯》中文版力图与赞助机构紧密合作,使 之通过成为《福布斯》中文版活动的合作伙伴, 在全球著名财经媒体平台上进行更有效的品牌和 业务推广。 我们将为赞助机构全程提供专业活动内容策划,以“福布斯 DNA”诠释专业、高端 、国际化; 我们将以全方位整合传播和全系列媒体平台支持,提升赞助 机构企业形象; 我们将提供赞助机构有针对性的议题设置以及论坛发言机会; 我们将搭建赞助机构直达企业家、政府、名人的沟通会晤桥梁; 我们将为赞助机构提供维护客户关系及开拓业务的契机; 我们将以独有的福布斯高端人群数据库为赞助机构提供更为 精准的品牌及服务推广。 We will provide professional event proposals plan for sponsors to interpreter profession, high-end, and internationalization by “DNA of Forbes”; We will improve sponsors’ image with full-aspect integration transmission and full-series media platform; We will provide targeted topic set and forum discussion for sponsors; We will build communication bridge between sponsors and entrepreneurs, governments and celebrities; We will provide opportunities for sponsors to maintain customer relations and business expansion; We will provide more accurate brand and service promotion for sponsors with high-end groups of Forbes. 国际财经媒体品牌 International Financial Media Brand 《福布斯》中文版内容支持 Content Support by Forbes China 重磅榜单媒体效应 Media Effects of Well-known Lists 重量级嘉宾资源 Famous Honored Guests Resources 依托福布斯全球出版与媒体集团的品牌效应 relying on brand effect of Forbes Media 以《福布斯》中文版详实内容报道为基础 based on the full and accurate reports of Forbes China 原创重磅榜单,行业标杆,全球瞩目焦点 original famous lists industrial samples which raise global attention focus 建立直达财富者、名人、政府的强大影响力 to bring strong influence on wealth owners, celebrities and governments 市场活动Forbes China 2015
1213 2014福布斯中国潜力企业投资发展论坛 2014年3月26日 上海 “福布斯中国潜力企业榜”全面考量中国中小企业的发展现 状,精准预测未来的发展方向,寻找最具发展潜力的“未来 企业明星”。“福布斯中国潜力企业投资与发展论坛”,邀 请“福布斯中国潜力企业榜”上榜企业对话知名经济学家、 企业界和福布斯最佳创投人,共同破解增长瓶颈,分享企业 成长之道,助推中小企业健康成长。 2014福布斯中国智享会 2014年4月28日 广州 《福布斯》中文版启动新一轮的财富探源,策划“由富及贵—— 中国财富品质的进阶”的专题报道,邀请著名学者、商界名流, 汇聚人杰地灵之广州从化,听泉问道饮水思源。以福布斯·智 享会为媒,畅想“创业精神,创富利器”,聚焦中国创富阶 层顶端人群的精神潜修。 2014 Forbes China UP-AND-COMERS Investment Forum Shanghai, March 26, 2014 "Forbes China UP-AND-COMERS" takes full account of the development of SMEs in China, accurately predicts the future direction, to find the most promising "future star enterprises". On the "2014 Forbes China UP-AND-COMERS Investment Forum ", enterprises on the list of "Forbes China UP-AND- COMERS" are invited to have dialogs with well-known economists, top venture capitalists in the business circle and on Forbes, solving the bottlenecks of growth together, sharing the experience of growth, and boosting SMEs to grow up healthily. 2014 Forbes China Mind Share Network Guangzhou, April 28, 2014 Forbes China launches a new round of wealth probe, plans the special coverage of "Enhancement of China's Wealth Quality-- from richness to nobleness", and invites famous academics, business celebrities to gather at Conghua, Guangzhou, a good place with outstanding people exchanging their ideas. Based on Forbes China Mind Share Network, to think about the "entreprenuership spirit, wealth- creation tool", and focus on the moral cultivation of China's top rich people. 市场活动 Marketing Events 2014福布斯中国城市投资与发展论坛系列 - 2014深圳国际化城市建设研讨会 2014年9月17日 深圳 深圳是一个湾区城市,是中国最开放、市场化程度最高、也 是最具创新力的城市,在金融、高科技、制造业、生物科技 等方面引领全国,目前正在进行经济的转型升级,也担当起 进一步提升国际竞争力的使命。《福布斯》中文版携手深圳 市政府举办“2014深圳国际化城市建设研讨会”,邀请国内 外知名学者,为深圳国际化城市建设描绘蓝图。 2014 Forbes China City Investment and Development Series Forum -2014 Symposium on Internationalization of Shenzhen Shenzhen, September 17, 2014 Shenzhen is a bay area city, and it is China's most open, most market-oriented and most innovative city. It leads the nation in such areas as finance, high technology, manufacturing and biotechnology. It is currently undergoing economic restructuring and upgrading, also aims to further enhance its international competitiveness. Forbes China, together with the Shenzhen Municipal Government, holds"2014 Symposium on Internationalization of Shenzhen" and well-known scholars at home and abroad are invited to depict the blueprint for internationalization of Shenzhen. 2014福布斯中国创新峰会 2014年7月31日 东莞 《福布斯》中文版携手珠三角地区,聚焦创业创新领域最顶 尖的公司和创始人,共同探讨行业发展趋势,整合行业资源, 打造最为高效的创新领域的交流和发展平台。年轻人拥有越 来越多“筑梦”的自由,而这些创业者将重塑中国未来五年 的经济格局。 2014 Forbes China Innovation Summit Dongguan, July 31, 2014 Forbes China works with the Pearl River Delta, gathers the top companies and their founders in entrepreneurship and innovation area, to discuss industry trends and integrate industry resources, thus creating the most efficient innovation platform of communication and development. Young people have more freedom to "build their dreams", and these entrepreneurs will reshape the economic pattern in China for the next five years. 市场活动Forbes China 2015
1415 2014福布斯中国·静安南京路论坛 2014年11月12日 上海 “福布斯中国·静安南京路论坛”邀请政界人士、学者聚焦 当年政府关注热点,系列活动将论坛、研讨会融合演出、画展、 品牌秀等多样形式。论坛所产生的思想火花为打造“国际上海” 起到了积极的推动作用。第八届“2014福布斯中国·静安南 京路论坛”以“商业本源与商圈新发展”为主题,集结国内 外知名商圈代表及企业家,为平台集结商业前瞻智慧与践行。 2014 Forbes China·Jing'an Nanjing Road Forum Shanghai, November 12, 2014 "Forbes China ? Jing'an Nanjing Road Forum "invites politicians, academics to focus on government attention. The series of activities integrates performance, art exhibition, brand show and other diverse forms into the forums and seminars. Ideas arising from the Forum have played a positive role in promoting the creation of "international Shanghai". The Eighth "2014 Forbes China ? Jing'an Nanjing Road Forum" takes "the Essence of Commerce and New Path of the CBD" as its theme. It assembles famous representatives of those well-known CBDs at home and abroad and entrepreneurs to gather wisdom of business prospects and practice. 市场活动 Marketing Events 2014福布斯中国优选理财师评选颁奖典礼 2014年12月5日 北京 “福布斯中国优选理财师评选”自2009年起在全国掀起“寻 找财富管家”的热潮。六年来,已有近万名理财师参赛, 246名理财师脱颖而出,登上“福布斯中国优选理财师榜”。 每年11月或12月,理财精英、行业高管、投资理财专业人 士齐聚全国总决赛暨颁奖典礼,角逐财富管家金、银、铜大奖。 2014 Forbes China Top Financial Planners Award Ceremony Beijing, December 5, 2014 "Forbes China Top Financial Planners Selection" has gone on a binge of "seeking fortune keeper" all across China since 2009. Almost Ten thousands of financial planners have participated in the activity in the six years, and 246 of them stood out on "Forbes China Top Financial Planners List". Every year in November or December, financial planner elites, industry executives, and finance and investment professionals gather in the national finals and award ceremony to compete for the gold, silver and bronze awards of "fortune keeper". Yunji Forum 时间:每季度举行一次 地点:北京、上海、深圳等城市 规模:300-600人/每场 云集是由福布斯中国主办的剧院式演讲舞台,为创新的行 为和思想提供一个生动的展示空间,并赋予演讲更精致的 艺术表现形式,其邀请的演讲者,崛起于任何领域。 云集把他们推到聚光灯下,他们娓娓道来生活与梦想,他 们释放激情,表达自我,分享铿锵有力的人生。 作为创业家们和一群梦想着改变世界的创业者沟通交流的 平台,云集所传达的不仅仅是商业的理念,更是对未来世 界的向往与探索。每一次演讲,每一句分享,授予听众的 不仅是经历风雨的经验之谈,更是改变世界的信心与力量。 创业改变未来,这就是云集想要倡导的精神,它存在于我 们身边,每一个人。而我们想要唤醒的就是这样的精神。 Time: Seasonal Location: Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, etc. Event Size: 300-600 people per event Yunji Forum is a theater style platform hosted by Forbes China. It offers an artistic venue for creative ideas shared and dynamic action performed by personalities of all fields. Yunji Forum gives each of them a chance to stand in the spotlight, talking about their life adventures and dreams, express themselves in their passion. As a platform for entrepreneurs both experienced and new, Yunji Forum not only delivers business ideas, but also fires up aspirations towards future world. The ins and outs of Yunji Forum not only enriches the experiences of audiences but also boosts their confidence and strength to change the world. Creativity shapes the future, and this is the spirit of Yunji Forum. It hovers around us and it will become part of us. This is the spirit we are calling for. 市场活动Forbes China 2015
1617杂志发行 杂志发行 Circulation 2014年6月BPA认证报告 BPA Audit Report June 2014 发行量 Circulation 其中主动索阅率 Direct Request 195,912 91.5% 北部 North 42,706 北京 Beijing 34,658 天津 Tianjin 4,161 河北 Hebei 2,594 内蒙古 Inner Mongolia 478 山西 Shanxi 815 西北部 Northwest 2,485 甘肃 Gansu 319 宁夏 Ningxia 133 青海 Qinghai 42 陕西 Shaanxi 1,714 新疆 Xinjiang 277 西南部 Southwest 7,318 重庆 Chongqing 2,248 贵州 Guizhou 297 四川 Sichuan 4,168 西藏 Tibet 30 云南 Yunnan 575 邮件电子杂志 Email 20,000 国际 International 950 Forbes China 2015 东部 East 73,368 上海 Shanghai 34,097 安徽 Anhui 2,481 福建 Fujian 3,977 江苏 Jiangsu 11,679 江西 Jiangxi 715 山东 Shandong 7,319 浙江 Zhejiang 13,100 东北部 Northeast 7,787 黑龙江 Heilongjiang 1,895 吉林 Jilin 1,503 辽宁 Liaoning 4,389 中南部 Central South 39,137 广东 Guangdong 32,012 广西 Guangxi 800 海南 Hainan 362 河南 Henan 2,001 湖北 Hubei 2,117 湖南 Hunan 1,845 台湾 Taiwan 15 香港 Hongkong 1,100 澳门 Macau 35
1819 读者审核制 读者资格经由严格审核,并有BPA审核确认。 杂志寄送与专业投递公司合作,保证投递效率。 Readers Examination System The reader eligibility is rigorously examined and confirmed by BPA. We cooperate with professional delivery company to ensure delivery efficiency. 杂志发行 杂志发行 Circulation 多样化发行方式 定制化发行:可指定区域、目标人群定向投递 个性化服务:腰封、个性化姓名印制、产品资料定向投递 Diverse Ways of Circulation Customized Circulation: targeted delivery to designated areas and target population Personalized Services: girdle, personalized name print, targeted delivery of product information 境内外零售方式 境内订阅杂志通过中国图书进出口总公司;酒店、书店、机 场及其他指定商店零售; 香港报亭、香港三联书店、香港机场书局订阅零售 Retail at Home and Abroad Subscription and Retail in Mainland China: China National Publications Import and Export Corporation, and retail at hotels, bookstores, airports and other designated retail stores Subscription and Retail in HK: HK kiosk, Joint Publishing HK bookstores, HKairport kiosks 高端场所陈列 陈列于70多个国内主要城市机场的移动/全球通贵宾厅、多 条国际国内航线;各大内资和外资银行贵宾厅、私人银行部; 五星级酒店;高端会所;国内知名学府、MBA/EMBA学院、 以及领事馆、商会等。 Display at Strategic Locations or Spots Display at more over 70 VIP lounges in major domestic airports, several international and domestic airlines; VIP rooms of major domestic and foreign banks, private banking; five-star hotels; high-end clubs; well-known universities and MBA/EMBA schools; consulates and chambers of commerce, etc. 高端读者群 Unique High-end Readership 董事长/总裁/首席执行官/董事/副总裁/总经理/企 业合伙人等 Chairman/President/CEO/Director/VP/GM/Partner 财务总监/信息总监/销售总监/市场总监/ 部门经理等 CFO/COO/Sales & Marketing Director/Department Manager 专业人士 Professional 政府机构 Government Officer 57.4% 23.2% 10.1% 9.3% Forbes China 2015 为2014年新增陈列点 Newly developed display spots in 2014 杂志陈列 Display Spots 航线 Airlines 阿联酋航空公司Emirates Airlines 金鹿公务航空有限公司Deer Jet 新加坡航空公司Singapore Airlines 中国东方航空公司China Eastern Airlines 银行 Banks 澳大利亚和新西兰银行北京上海分行Beijing & Shanghai Branches of ANZ Bank 东亚银行各省市分支行Branches of Bank of East Asia 花旗银行各省市分行Branches of CitiBank 交通银行宁夏分行Ningxia Branches of Bank of Communications 浦发银行私人银行部Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Private Banking 苏格兰皇家银行各省市分行Branches of Royal Bank of Scotland 星展银行各省市分行Branches of Development Bank of Singapore 渣打银行各省市分支行Branches of Standard Chartered Bank 招商银行东莞分行Dongguan Branch of China Merchants Bank 中国工商银行私人银行中心Branches of Idustrial and Commercial Bank of China,private banking center 中国农业银行山东各支行Shandong subbranches of Agriculture Bank of China 中国银行各省市分支行Branches of Bank of China 高端会所 High-end Clubs 北京皇城文化会所The Imperial Club 北京美洲俱乐部American Club Beijing 北京香港马会会所Hongkong Jockey Club Clubhouse Beijing 大理苍海高尔夫度假村有限公司Dali Caihai Golf Club 东莞长安高尔夫乡村俱乐部LongIsland Golf & Country Club ,Dongguan 峰会国际休闲俱乐部Summit Club 古巴哈瓦那雪茄店Havana Cigar Store Cuba 海口美视国际高尔夫俱乐部Haikou Meishi International Golf Club 海南美兰高尔夫俱乐部Hainan Meilan Golf Club 黄山松柏高尔夫乡村俱乐部有限公司Huangshan Pine Golf & Country Club Co.,Ltd 兰会所Lan Club 览海国际高尔夫俱乐部Lan Hai International Golf Club 丽池会所Richi Business Clubs 欧兰特俱乐部The Oriental Club 荣成石岛旅游休闲度假村会所Rongcheng Shidao Tourism & Recreation Co.,Ltd 润缘汇Royal Club 上海克拉克海奇健身中心Shanghai ClarkHatch Fitness Center 上海旭宝高尔夫俱乐部Shanghai Silport Golf Club 绅公馆Le Sun Chinese 深圳观澜湖高尔夫球会Mission Hills Golf Clubs 外滩游艇会Yacht Club of the Bund 壹号公馆Above the World
2021杂志发行 为2014年新增陈列点 Newly developed display spots in 2014 酒店 Hotels 宝御酒店Hotel Pravo Shanghai 北京金融街威斯汀大酒店The Westin Beijing Financial Street Hotel 北京昆仑饭店Beijing Kunlun Hotel 北京王府半岛酒店The Peninsula Beijing 北京亚洲大酒店Beijing Asia Hotel 成都成飞宾馆Cheng Fei Hotel 成都家园国际酒店Homeland Hotel, Chengdu 成都世纪城天堂洲际大饭店InterContinental Century City Hotel Chengdu 成都天府丽都喜来登酒店Sheraton Chengdu Lido Hotel 成都望江宾馆WANGJIANG HOTEL 大连海景酒店Harbour View Hotel Dalian 大连日航饭店Hotel Nikko Dalian 大连星海假日酒店Bayshore Hotel Dalian 钓鱼台美高梅酒店集团Diaoyutai MGM Hospitality, Ltd. 福建外贸中心酒店Foreign Trade Centre Hotel Fujian 广东白天鹅酒店Guangdong White Swan Hotel 广州嘉鸿华美达广场酒店Ramada Plaza Guangzhou Hotel 海南万宁石梅湾艾美度假酒店Le Meridien Shimei Bay Beach Resort, Wanning City of Hainan 杭州红楼大酒店Honglong Hotel Hangzhou 杭州华庭云栖度假酒店Vaton Yunqi Resort Hotel Hangzhou 杭州凯悦酒店Hyatt Regency Hangzhou Hotel 皇冠假日酒店Crowne Plaza Hotel 济南阳光壹佰美爵大酒店Grande Mercure Jinan Sunshine Hotel 江苏议事园酒店Jiangsu Yishiyuan Hotel 金沙湾圣廷苑酒店Pavilion Jinshawan Hotel 金石国际大酒店Jinshi International Hotel 锦江宾馆JinJiang Hotel 锦江饭店Jinjiang Hotel 京广新世界饭店Jing Guang New World Hotel 拉斐特城堡酒店Beijing Chateau Laffitte Hotel 蓝湾绿城威斯汀度假酒店The Westin Blue Bay Resort 雷迪森兴国宾馆Radisson Plaza Xing Guo Hotel 明城大酒店Supreme Tower 南京东郊国宾馆Nanjing Dongjiao State Guest House 南京紫金山庄Nanjing Purple Palace 青岛海景花园大酒店Qingdao Sea View Garden Hotel 青岛丽晶大酒店The Regent Hotel Qingdao 青岛弄海园酒店Surf Plaza Resort Hotel Qingdao 青岛威斯汀酒店The Westin Hotel Qingdao 瑞金宾馆Ruijin Hotel 三亚海棠湾康莱德酒店Conrad Sanya Haitang Bay 厦门海景千禧大酒店Millennium Harbourview Hotel Xiamen 厦门海悦山庄酒店Seaview Resort Xiamen Forbes China 2015 为2014年新增陈列点 Newly developed display spots in 2014 厦门威斯汀酒店The Westin Hotel Xiamen 上海JW万豪酒店JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai 上海柏悦酒店Shanghai Park Hyatt Hotel 上海波特曼丽嘉酒店The Portman Ritz Carlton Hotel Shanghai 上海虹桥迎宾馆Hongqiao State Guest Hotel Shanghai 上海花园饭店Garden Hotel Shanghai 上海朗廷扬子精品酒店Langhm Yangtze Boutique Shanghai Hotel 上海绿地豪生全套房酒店Howard Johnson’s first all-suite Hotel 上海浦东丽思卡尔顿THE RITZ-CARLTON SHANGHAI, PUDONG 上海四季酒店Shanghai Fourseaons Hotel 上海外滩华尔道夫酒店Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund 上海兴荣温德姆豪廷至尊酒店Wyndham Grand Plaza Royale Oriental Shanghai Hotel 上海紫金山大酒店Shanghai Purple Mountain Hotel 深圳南海酒店Shenzhen Nanhai Hotel 深圳圣廷苑酒店The Pavilion Shenzhen Hotel 深圳市富临大酒店Felicity Hotel ShenZhen 深圳阳光酒店Shenzhen Sunshine Hotel 沈阳宾馆Shenyang Hotel 圣诺亚皇冠假日酒店Saint Gimignano Crowne Plaza Hotel 石家庄御景花园假日酒店Yujing Garden Holiday Hotel Shijiazhuang 苏宁环球套房饭店Suning Universal Hotel 苏州茉莉花假日酒店Holiday inn Suzhou Jasmine Hotel 苏州尼盛万丽酒店 Renaissance Hotel Suzhou 天津利顺德大饭店豪华精选酒店The Astor Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Tianjin, China 天泉湖金陵山庄Jinling Resort Tianquan Lake 武汉湖滨花园酒店Wuhan Lakeview Garden Hotel 武汉华美达光谷大酒店Ramada Plaza Optics Valley Hotel Wuhan 西安凯悦(阿房宫)酒店Grand Metropark Hotel Xi’an 西郊假日酒店Holiday Inn Shanghai West Hotel 希尔顿酒店 北京 上海Hilton Hotel Beijing, Shanghai 喜来登酒店Sheraton Hotels 香格里拉大酒店Shangri-La Hotels 烟台市金海湾酒店Yantai Golden Gulf Hotel 裕景大酒店The Eton Hotel 长安戴斯大饭店Days Hotel & Suites Beijing 浙江宾馆Zhejiang Hotel 浙江东方豪生大酒店Zhejiang Orient Johnson Hotel 浙江世贸君澜大酒店ZheJiang Narada Grand Hotel 重庆国贸格兰维大酒店Glenview ITC Plaza Chongqing 重庆海逸酒店Harbour Plaza (Haiyi) Chongqing 重庆金科大酒店Chongqing Jinke Grand Hotel 重庆南方君临酒店Carlton Hotel Chongqing 重庆申基索菲特大酒店Sofitel Forebase Chongqing Hotel 洲际酒店InterContinental Hotels
2223 为2014年新增陈列点 Newly developed display spots in 2014 大学 Universities 北京交通大学中澳商学院Beijing Jiaotong University China Australia Business School 北京理工大学EMBA中心Beijing Institute of Technology EMBA Center 重庆大学Chongqing University 大连理工大学Dalian University of Technology 电子科技大学经管学院EMBA中心University of Electronic Science and Technology of China EMBA 东北大学Northeastern University 复旦大学Fudan University 贵州大学Guizhou University 哈尔滨工程大学Harbin Engineering University 湖南大学工商管理学院EMBA项目中心EMBA Project Center of Business School of Hunan University 华南理工大学South China University of Technology 华中科技大学EMBA教育中心The School of Management,Huazhong University of Science & Technology EMBA Center 华中科技大学管理学院The School of Management,Huazhong University of Science & Technology 吉林大学管理学院EMBAThe School of Management, Jilin University MBA Center 暨南大学Jinan University 江南大学商学院MBA教育中心JiangNan University School of Business MBA Center 兰州大学管理学院School of management, Lanzhou University 南昌大学MBA教育中心The School of Management, Nanchang University MBA Center 南京理工大学经济管理学院School of Economics & Management, NJUST 清华大学Tsinghua University 厦门大学MBA中心Xiamen University MBA Center 厦门大学管理学院EMBA中心Executive Master Of Business Administration, Xiamen University 山东大学管理学院THE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SHANDONG UNIVERSITY 上海国家会计学院Shanghai National Accounting Institute 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院Antai College of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 上海外国语大学MBA教育中心Shanghai International Studies University MBA Center 四川大学商学院EMBA教育中心EMBA Education Center of Sichuan University 四川大学商学院MBA教育中心MBA Education Center of Sichuan University 同济大学Tongji University 武汉大学经济与管理学院Economics and Management School of Wuhan University 武汉大学经济与管理学院MBA教育中心Wuhan University Economics and Management School MBA Center 武汉理工大学Wuhan University of Technology 西安交通大学管理学院The School of Management, XIAN JIAOTONG University 西北农林科技大学经管学院MBA教育中心MBA Education Center of NWSUAF 西南财大工商管理学院MBA中心MBA of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics 西南交通大学信息楼MBA中心MBA education Center School of Economics & Management Southwest Jiaotong University 新疆财经学院Xinjiang University of Finance 长江商学院Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business 浙江大学Zhejiang University 中国海洋大学MBA教育中心MBA Education Center Ocean University of China 中国科技大学MBA中心University of Science and Technology of China MBA Center 中国科学技术大学管理学院The School of Management,University of Science and Technology of China 中国矿业大学MBA教育中心China University Of Mining And Technology, MBA Center 中欧国际工商学院China Europe International Business School 中山大学Zhongshan University 大使馆及领事馆 Embassies & Consulates 爱尔兰使馆商务处Embassy of Ireland, Commercial Section 冰岛驻华大使馆Embassy of the Republic of IceLand 法国驻广州总领事馆Consulate General of France in Guangzhou 法国驻武汉总领事馆Consulate General of France in Wuhan 美国驻成都总领事馆Consulate General of the United States in Chengdu 乌拉圭东岸共和国驻上海总领事馆Consulate General of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay in Shanghai 牙买加驻上海名誉领事馆Honorary Consulate of Jamaica in Shanghai 意大利驻华大使馆Embassy of Italy 英国驻华大使馆British Embassy 智利驻华大使馆Embassy of the Republic of Chile 智利驻上海总领事馆Consulate General of the Republic of Chile in Shanghai 其他 Others REGUS 各商务中心Regus Business Center Tiffany各门店Tiffany stores wind资讯Wind Info 保时捷-广州维修中心Porsche Guangzhou Maintenance Centre 戴德梁行房地产咨询DTZ Real Estate Consulting Co., Ltd. 国家图书馆National Library of China 留学生基金委The China Scholarship Council 美心星巴克(广东)各门店Maxim’s Restaurant Starbucks Coffee (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. 莫尔顿餐饮Morton’s Restaurant 宁波市商会会馆Ningbo Chamber of Commerce 全国指定汽车4S店designated 4S shop 上海毅宏游艇Shanghai Yihong Yacht 深圳奔驰维修中心Benz Maintenance Shenzhen Centre 新加坡旅游局Singapore Tourism Board 英中贸易协会The China-Britain Business Council 中国法国工商会French Chamber of Commerce 为2014年新增陈列点 Newly developed display spots in 2014 杂志发行Forbes China 2015
2425 76.2 67.4 58.4 68.8 读者具有商务决策权(%) Proportion of Readers who have business decision rights 《福布斯》中文版 Forbes China 《财经》 Caijing 《财富》中文版 Fortune China 《商业周刊》中文版 Businessweek China 读者构成 Readership Profile 读者基本特征与市场竞争格局 Basic Characters and Market Competition Structure 读者阅读频率(%) Frequency of Reading 经常阅读 Usually 比较经常阅读 Often 偶尔阅读 Sometimes 读者性别构成(%) Male & Female Proportion 男 Male 女 Female 21.2 78.8 读者构成 全部数据来源于:新生代市场监测机构“中国新富市场与媒体研究(H3) (2014)” All data comes from Sinomonitor ‘China New Rich Marketing and Media Study (H3) (2014)’ 读者年龄构成(%) Age Structure 18-24岁 46-50岁 25-29岁 30-34岁 35-39岁 40-45岁 5.418.0 30.8 27.0 90.6% 14.8 4.0 9.9 3.42.6 6.9 10.1 4.75.1 3.6 17.2 9.3 7.4 13.4 工作职务为董事长/首席执行 官/总裁或副总裁/企业主/ 企业合伙人(%) Proportion of Readers who are Chairman/ CEO/ President or Deputy President/ Entrepreneur/ Business Partner 工作职务为总经理/副总经 理/厂长(%) Proportion of Readers who are General Manager/ Deputy General Manager/ Factory Director 读者是公司董事会成员(%) Proportion of Readers who are Corporate Board Members 16.744.9 38.1 Forbes China 2015 83.579.076.770.314.2 5.3 7.7 11.6 14.9 7.8 11.9 13.9 个人税前总收入50万元及以 上(%) Proportion of Readers whose annual personal pre-tax income are 500 thousand Yuan or above 家庭税前总收入80万元及以 上(%) Proportion of Readers whose annual household pre-tax income are 800 thousand Yuan or above 过去一年使用平板电脑阅读电 子杂志(%) Proportion of Readers who read electronic magazines on tablet PC in the past year 阅读电子杂志同时还会阅读传 统纸质杂志(%) Proportion of Readers who read both traditional paper magazines and electronic ones 读者消费特征与广告价值 Consumption Characters and Advertising Value 《福布斯》中文版 Forbes China 《财经》 Caijing 《财富》中文版 Fortune China 《商业周刊》中文版 Businessweek China 36.935.0 28.827.6 汽车消费 Automobiles Consumption 19.116.5 11.412.7 平均预购汽车价格(元) Average price of cars to be purchased 360,218 277,239266,067 175,000 未来计划两到三年内购车(%) Proportion of Readers with demand for purchasing cars in two or three years 最常居住面积160㎡及以上(%) Proportion of Readers whose area of the most commonly lived house are 160㎡ or above 3.2 房产消费 Housing Consumption MPV保有率(%) Proportion of Readers own MPV 3.7 2.3 1.6 2.7 未来一年预购房产(%) Proportion of Readers with demand for purchasing residences in the coming year 14.3 12.1 10.711.3 2.1 1.31.3 2.0 最常居住的住房结构是独立式别墅(%) Proportion of Readers who commonly live in detached villa
2627 数码消费 IT & Electronic Devices Consumption 拥有5万元及以上价位家庭影院(%) Proportion of Readers own home theatre devices valued 50 thousand Yuan or above 过去一年笔记本电脑支出8千元及以上(%) Proportion of Readers who spent 8,000 Yuan or above on notebook PCs in the past year 12.99.8 7.57.3 12.2 7.9 9.0 6.2 拥有两部及以上数量平板电脑(%) Proportion of Readers own 2 tablet PCs or above 未来一年预购平板电脑(%) Proportion of Readers with demand for purchasing tablet PC in the coming year 15.9 13.212.612.5 5.8 2.01.6 4.4 读者构成 Readership Profile 读者构成 读者消费特征与广告价值 Consumption Characters and Advertising Value 《福布斯》中文版 Forbes China 《财经》 Caijing 《财富》中文版 Fortune China 《商业周刊》中文版 Businessweek China 时尚消费 Fashion & Luxury Consumption 3.7 2.12.4 3.2 18.1 10.212.0 16.3 每年购买高端服饰支出3万元及以上(%) Proportion of Readers whose annual cost on luxurious apparels is 30 thousand Yuan or above 每年购买珠宝首饰支出5万元及以上(%) Proportion of Readers whose annual cost on jewelries is 50 thousand Yuan or above 13.2 8.78.3 9.6 56.2 54.254.455.0 过去一年购买过腕表(%) Proportion of Readers who purchased watches in the past year 过去一年参加过时尚或新品时装发布会(%) Proportion of Readers who participated in fashion show or press launch in the past year Forbes China 2015 读者消费特征与广告价值 Consumption Characters and Advertising Value 《福布斯》中文版 Forbes China 《财经》 Caijing 《财富》中文版 Fortune China 《商业周刊》中文版 Businessweek China 休闲消费 Leisure Consumption 外出旅行每月乘坐飞机2次及以上(%) Proportion of Readers taking airplane for tourism twice a month or above 公务出差入住三星及以上等级酒店(%) Proportion of Readers who choose three-star hotels or above during business trip 1.4 1.0 0.8 1.0 5.9 2.93.6 5.5 44.5 37.940.639.1 因公务出差每月乘坐飞机次数(%) Times of taking airplane for business travel every month 食品消费 Food Consumption 过去一年参加过红酒品尝会/红酒节(%) Proportion of Readers who participated in red wine tasting party or festival in the past year63.1 43.643.3 54.447.935.1 32.6 45.7 43.4 24.827.9 39.820.6 12.810.8 19.5 家庭常备酒类(%) The homely storage of liquor 葡萄酒(100元/瓶以上) Wine (100 Yuan or above each) 高档白酒(200元/500ml以上 Chinese spirits (200 Yuan per 500ml) 威士忌 Whisky 金融理财 Financial Management 以前购买理财产品,现在仍在使用(%) Proportion of Readers whose financing products purchased before are still under application 过去一年商业保险支出5千元及以上(%) Proportion of Readers whose commercial insurance expenses were 5 thousand Yuan or above in the past year 54.4 17.3 14.912.7 9.5 家庭年收入30%及以上比例用于投资(%) Proportion of Readers who put 30% of their annual household income on investment 19.4 15.414.7 9.5
2829广告刊例价 四色 Four Color OPEN 4X 8X 12X 封面拉页 Front Cover Gatefold 702,400 第一跨 1st DPS 715,200 691,100 667,100 644,100 第二跨 2nd DPS 644,200 620,600 599,800 579,100 第三跨 3rd DPS 624,800 604,000 583,200 563,000 第四跨 4th DPS 552,700 535,300 516,500 498,900 前三个面对目录页 First Three Facing TOC 319,900 308,300 297,800 287,000 其他面对目录页 Other Facing TOC 267,900 259,400 248,900 241,000 封三 C3 272,600 265,000 255,700 246,500 封三跨页 C3 DPS 503,400 490,500 472,900 454,200 封底 C4 518,100 501,500 484,600 466,700 跨页 DPS 465,900 450,300 434,900 420,200 全页 Full Page 231,500 223,000 215,500 207,500 2/3页 2/3 Page 172,500 166,100 160,900 156,300 1/2页 1/2 Page 138,600 133,800 129,400 124,500 1/3页 1/3 Page 92,400 89,300 85,600 84,300 双色 Two Color OPEN 4X 8X 12X 全页 Full Page 192,700 186,200 179,800 173,900 2/3页 2/3 Page 145,300 140,000 134,900 129,800 1/2页 1/2 Page 115,400 111,700 108,000 103,800 1/3页 1/3 Page 77,100 74,900 72,000 70,000 黑白 Black & White OPEN 4X 8X 12X 全页 Full Page 154,100 148,900 145,100 138,600 2/3页 2/3 Page 115,400 111,700 108,200 104,100 1/2页 1/2 Page 92,600 89,100 86,900 83,500 1/3页 1/3 Page 62,300 59,600 58,500 55,400 备注: 指定版位、出血版:加收15% Required Position, Bleed: add 15% to the unit rate 连续页、特殊版位:加收10% Consecutive Pages, Special Position: add 10% to the unit rate 加厚128g铜版纸:加收10%; 加厚157g铜版纸:加收15% Thicker Paper 128g:add 10% to the unit rate; Thicker Paper 157g:add 15% to the unit rate 特殊制作根据具体形式查询 For special production, please inquire about the rate according to format Forbes China Rate Card 2015 (RMB) 《福布斯》中文版2015年广告刊例价(RMB) Forbes China 2015 四色 Four Color OPEN 4X 8X 12X 封面拉页 Front Cover Gatefold 115,100 第一跨 1st DPS 117,200 113,300 109,400 105,600 第二跨 2nd DPS 105,600 101,700 98,300 94,900 第三跨 3rd DPS 102,400 99,000 95,600 92,300 第四跨 4th DPS 90,600 87,800 84,700 81,800 前三个面对目录页 First Three Facing TOC 52,400 50,500 48,800 47,000 其他面对目录页 Other Facing TOC 43,900 42,500 40,800 39,500 封三 C3 44,700 43,400 41,900 40,400 封三跨页 C3 DPS 82,500 80,400 77,500 74,500 封底 C4 84,900 82,200 79,400 76,500 跨页 DPS 76,400 73,800 71,300 68,900 全页 Full Page 38,000 36,600 35,300 34,000 2/3页 2/3 Page 28,300 27,200 26,400 25,600 1/2页 1/2 Page 22,700 21,900 21,200 20,400 1/3页 1/3 Page 15,100 14,600 14,000 13,800 双色 Two Color OPEN 4X 8X 12X 全页 Full Page 31,600 30,500 29,500 28,500 2/3页 2/3 Page 23,800 22,900 22,100 21,300 1/2页 1/2 Page 18,900 18,300 17,700 17,000 1/3页 1/3 Page 12,600 12,300 11,800 11,500 黑白 Black & White OPEN 4X 8X 12X 全页 Full Page 25,300 24,400 23,800 22,700 2/3页 2/3 Page 18,900 18,300 17,700 17,100 1/2页 1/2 Page 15,200 14,600 14,300 13,700 1/3页 1/3 Page 10,200 9,800 9,600 9,100 备注: 指定版位、出血版:加收15% Required Position, Bleed: add 15% to the unit rate 连续页、特殊版位:加收10% Consecutive Pages, Special Position: add 10% to the unit rate 加厚128g铜版纸:加收10%; 加厚157g铜版纸:加收15% Thicker Paper 128g:add 10% to the unit rate; Thicker Paper 157g:add 15% to the unit rate 特殊制作根据具体形式查询 For special production, please inquire about the rate according to format Forbes China Rate Card 2015 (US$) 《福布斯》中文版2015年广告刊例价(US$)
3031广告投放须知 Advertising Notes 广告投放须知 尺寸 Size (mm)出血稿 Bleed (w×h) 不出血稿 Non-Bleed (w×h) 裁位尺寸 Trim Size (w×h) (1) 整页 Full Page209 x 273175 x 225203 x 267 (2) 跨页 Spread 412 x 273380 x 225406 x 267 (3) 1/2跨页 1/2 Spread 412 x 136380 x 127406 x 133 (4) 2/3页直稿 2/3P Vertical130 x 273114 x 225127 x 267 (5) 1/2页直稿 1/2P Vertical 100 x 27384 x 22597 x 267 (6) 1/2页横稿 1/2P Horizontal 209 x 136175 x 116203 x 133 (7) 1/3页直稿 1/3P Vertical 69 x 27353 x 22566 x 267 (8) 1/3页横稿 1/3P Horizontal209 x 103175 x 82203 x 100 (9) 文章赞助 Article Sponsorship (a) 175 x 29(下出血)175 x 26175 x 26 (9) 文章赞助 Article Sponsorship (b) 209 x 29(左右下出血)203 x 26 203 x 26 制作规格Production Specifications 物料要求 Illustrator生成的ai或 eps格式/Indesign文件/ PDF格式 请提供两张光盘及两张彩 色打样稿 Material Request Illustrator Files /Indesign Files/ PDF Please provide two sets of CDs and color proofs 第一跨页及最后一跨,重叠位两边各留7mm; P2-P31之间以及最后32P间的跨页,重叠位两边各留6mm; 其余跨页,重叠位两边各留4mm。 四边各留3mm出血位 印刷细则 封面:157克铜版纸 内页:60克UPM Ultra 装订:无线胶订 Production Specification Cover: 157g Coated Fine Paper Inside: 60g UPM Ultra Binding: Glue binding The first and last DPS, please allow 14mm across the gutter(7mm on each side); DPS among P2-P31 and the last 32 pages, allow 12mm(6mm on each side); The other DPS, allow 8mm(4mm on each side). Leave 3mm bleed on each side. 2015年广告截稿期 Advertising Deadline 2015 2014年 12月30日 30-Dec-14 2015年 1月16日 16-Jan-15 2月9日 9-Feb 5月18日 18-May Issue A 3月16日16-Mar Issue B 3月30日30-Mar Issue A 4月17日17-Apr Issue B 4月28日28-Apr Forbes China 2015 制作规格Production Specifications (a) (b) (1) 整页 Full Page (5) 1/2页直稿1/2P Vertical (6) 1/2页横稿 1/2P Horizontal (7) 1/3页直稿 1/3P Vertical (8) 1/3页横稿 1/3P Horizontal(9) 文章赞助 Article Sponsorship (2) 跨页 Spread(3) 1/2跨页 1/2 Spread (4) 2/3页直稿 2/3P Vertical 尺寸 Size (w×h mm) 209 x 273 203 x 267412 x 273 406 x 267 412 x 136 406 x 133 100 x 273 97 x 267 175 x 29 (下出血) 175 x 26 130 x 273 127 x 267 209 x 136 203 x 133 69 x 273 66 x 267209 x 103 203 x 100 175 x 225 380 x 225 380 x 127 84 x 225 209 x 29 (左右下出血) 203 x 26 114 x 225175 x 116 53 x 225175 x 82 出血Bleed 出血Bleed 出血Bleed 出血Bleed 出血Bleed 出血Bleed 出血Bleed 出血Bleed出血Bleed 不出血Non-bleed 不出血Non-bleed 不出血Non-bleed 不出血Non-bleed 不出血Non-bleed 不出血Non-bleed 不出血Non-bleed 不出血Non-bleed不出血Non-bleed 注意事项 1.请不要将原始文件转存为任何PhotoShop文件,需要保留矢 量文字,并将文字转曲线。 2.请确定所使用的图片为CMYK或Greyscale色彩模式。存储 格式为EPS或TIFF格式,分辨率不低于300dpi。请不要使用 RGB色彩模式或JPEG模式的图片。 3.文件需提供正确的裁位尺寸,出血位和裁位线。 4.为避免文字及其重要内容部分被裁切或订入中缝,广告内容部 分需距上、下、右裁切线5mm,左裁切线8mm。 5.跨页广告如果中心线两边有连贯阅读的文字,请保证左右两边 文字距离有16mm的空白装订位。 Notes 1. Please do not save your original file under Photoshop format, retain the text vector graphics. 2. Images must be CMYK or grayscale, TIFF or EPS at minimum 300 dpi. No RGB or JPEG format should be used. 3. Files should be 100% size with no rotations, and include all standard trim, bleed and center marks outside of live image area. 4. Avoiding to cut off the contents in your files, please allow 8mm safety margins from the trim size of the material on the left side, and 5mm on the top, bottom and right side. 5. For DPS ads with consecutive contents on both sides, please allow 16mm safety margins between the text (8mm on each side from the central line). 6月19日 19-Jun 7月17日 17-Jul Issue A 9月14日14-Sep Issue B 9月28日28-Sep Issue A 8月14日14-Aug Issue B 8月28日28-Aug Special Issue 10月23日23-Oct Issue A 11月16日16-Nov Issue B 11月27日27-Nov
3233别册定制 Customized Supplement 别册定制 极富视觉冲击力和文字美感的品牌别册,是由《福布斯生 活》中文版团队结合品牌的理念与需求,度身定制的生活 方式和行业消费方式指南。 品牌别册拥有广泛读者群和多维度发行渠道,面向高端群 体传达高阶消费讯息,并前瞻高端消费品行业趋向,树立 业界风标。 融创意设计、行销推广、编读互动为一体的最佳品牌载体。 Customized brand supplement, full of robust layout and elegant language, is a tailor-made lifestyle guide book combined with brand's philosophy. Created by ForbesLife China team, it possesses extensive readership and multi-dimensional publication channels, and defines high-end consumers' taste and foresees quality consumption trend. Combining creative design, energetic promotion and good editorial, the supplement is positioned to be a top brand vehicle. Forbes China 2015
34DM及EDM广告投放 DM & EDM Advertising Service DM及EDM广告投放 DM 精准直接邮寄 DM Accurate Direct Mail 《福布斯》中文版与中国邮政长期密切协同合作,拥有稳 定的杂志、印刷品等寄送效果。另外,数据库的准确性以 及中国邮政为《福布斯》中文版提供的优质服务,将邮寄 的退件率控制在惊人的千分之二以下。 Forbes China has cooperated with China Post closely for a long time so that it has stable mailing effect of magazines and prints. In addition, accuracy of the database and excellent service provided by China Post control the return rate of mailing less than 0.2%. EDM 精准电子邮件 EDM Accurate Email Direct Marketing 电子邮件营销方面,我们选择了全球领先且最专业的邮件 发送平台商SmartFocus。该平台具有独立的第三方精准 数据报告以及高标准的发送成功率和打开率。 As for EDM, we select SmartFocus, the leading and most professional email sending platform supplier, which has independent accurate data report of the third party and high-standard sending success rate and click rate. 数据筛选类别 Data Filter Category 发送形式 Forms 1.腰封(随《福布斯》中文版杂志) Girdle (attached with the magazines) 2.夹带(随《福布斯》中文版杂志) Attachments (attached with the magazines) 3.印刷品、信函直邮寄送 Direct mailing for prints and letters 物料规格 Material Specifications 1.物料为单独网页形式,如网页包含图片需提供原始图片;内容中图片占比不 宜超过网页大小的50%;正文字体为宋体(12px或14px),大标题可用黑体 Material should be separate webpage, and original photos shall be provided if any is included in the webpage; percentage of photo shall be no more than 50% of the whole webpage; typeface of the test shall be Song (12px or 14px), and headline can be bold-face 2.网页宽度700px Width of webpage is 700px 3. HTML文件在20K之内,引用图片文件总大小在150K之内 HTML file shall be no larger than 20K, and referred photos shall be no larger than 150k in total 4.网页必须为HTML静态页面,不能包含Flash The webpage must be HTML static page, shall not include any Flash 地区 行业 职务 学历 性别 个人年收入 公司类型 Region Industry Position Education Sex Personal annual income Types of Companies 刊例价 Rate Card 1.基础单价:4元/条 Base price: 4Yuan each 2.根据数据筛选类别,每筛选一个类别在基础单价上加1元 According to the Data Filter Category, 1Yuan is increased based on the base price if one category is screened 3.重量价格:需实物称重后计算增加产生的邮政费用 Weight price: mailing expenses calculated based on actual weight DM DM&EDM EDM刊例价 Rate Card 1.基础单价:3元/条 Base price: 3 Yuan each 2.根据数据筛选类别,每筛选一个类别在基础单价 上加1元 According to the Data Filter Category, 1Yuan is increased for the base price if one category is screened 3.要求使用“福布斯中文版”或“福布斯中文网” 标题发送,基础单价上加1元 1Yuan is increased based on the base price if sending with the headline of “Forbes China” or “Forbeschina.com” 福布斯中文版数字媒体平台 Forbes China Digital Media Platform
3637Forbes China 2015 商业 全球商业大势报道,大公司、标杆企业的深度解析 创业 报道全球及中国前沿的商业模式和创业智慧、前瞻的创富 机会 科技 展现创新的科技、前沿的科技产品、尖端的科技应用。报道 最具创新精神的科技人物 生活 诠释优质财富生活品质和品位:从文化到旅游,从游艇、飞机、 名车等精英座驾到美食、美酒,从华美服饰到经典收藏 投资 最新投资趋势和投资机会的报道 城市 商业城市的创新与发展。解析城市商业与人文环境,解读城 市的竞争力。为读者把握城市中的创业与发展机会 专栏 引领中国创富深化及全球化的智慧社区。荟萃意见领袖和创 业、创新者声音 Business Reports on global business trends, and deep analysis of large companies and benchmarking enterprises Entrepreneurs The home for cutting-edge business models, entrepreneurial wisdom and the forward-looking wealth creation opportunities in China and around the globe Technology Represent innovative technologies, leading technical products and state-of-the-art technical applications; report the most innovative figures in technology field Life Interpret the quality and taste of excellent wealth life, from culture to tourism, from such elite vehicles as yachts, airplanes and flashy cars to fine food and wine, and from gorgeous costumes to classic collections Investing Reports on the latest investing trends and opportunities City Innovation and development of commercial cities; to analyze business and cultural environment of cities and interpreter their competitiveness, and to master business and development opportunities in the city for readers Special Column Lead deepen and global intelligent community in China and integrate views of opinion leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators 福布斯中文网 关于福布斯中文网 频道介绍 About Forbes China.com Channel Description 福布斯中文网(www.Forbeschina.com) 是福布 斯中文版的唯一官方网站。秉承全球顶级财经杂志 《福布斯》“创业精神、创富利器”的编辑理念, 致力于打造“中国创富首页”。 福布斯中文网以打造前瞻、共享、互动社区为目标 以构建创业、创新、创富生态链为愿景,专注于为 中国高净值人士提供创富平台。 首页 丰富的专题、资讯,覆盖商业、创业、科技、投资、生活、城市、 富豪等话题;百位全球企业界、投资界实践者和各类意见领 袖专栏 榜单 中国富豪榜、全球富豪榜、包含了G20主要国家的富豪榜; 商业城市排行榜、名人榜、慈善榜、潜力企业榜、创投人排行榜、 体育赛事及俱乐部品牌排行榜等各类排行榜 富豪 全球及中国富豪的榜单、资讯;富豪个人档案;富豪深度报道、 对话;富豪分析文章 Forbeschina.com is the unique official website for Forbes China. It insists in the editorial concept of Forbes -“Entrepreneurship Spirit and Wealth Creation Tool”, and devotes to build the “Wealth Creation Homepage in China”. Forbeschina.com targets at a prospective, sharing and interactive community with the purpose of building an ecological chain for business startup, innovation and wealth creation, and focuses on providing wealth creation platform for high net worth individuals in China. Homepage Various topics and information, covering business, entrepreneurs, technology, investing, life, city, and billionaires; special column for hundreds of practitioners in global business and investment circle and various opinion leaders Lists China Rich List, The World’s Billionaires and other rich lists of major countries in G20; China’s Best Cities for Business, China Celebrity 100, Best China Charities, China Up-and-Comers, China Best Venture Capitalists and Sports List, etc Billionaires Ranking and information of global and China rich list; personal resume of billionaires, dialogue with billionaires and in-depth report, and analysis articles by billionaires
3839Forbes China 2015 消费能力 Consumption Ability 投资理财意识强Strong investing and financial awareness 投资理财渠道多样,平均个人年投资额:174万元 Various investing and financial channels, average annual personal investing cost: 1.74 million Yuan 消费金额高High consumption 平均个人年度日常消费: 8.5万元 平均个人年度信用卡消费:9万元 Average annual personal consumption: 85 thousand Yuan Average annual personal consumption by credit card: 90 thousand Yuan 奢侈品/汽车偏好中高端Medium and high-end luxuries/autos 私车预购率:37% 私车平均预购价位:33.7万元 奢侈品购买率高,偏好中高端产品,如腕表 Pre-order rate of private cars: 37% Average pre-order price of private cars: 337 thousand Yuan High purchase rate of luxuries, medium and high-end products (e.g. watch) are preferred 房产拥有率高High occupation rate of housing 房产拥有率:59% 多套房产拥有率:31% Occupation rate of housing: 59% Occupation rate of several houses: 31% 热爱旅游,讲究品质Enjoy travelling and strive for quality 有出游经历:73% 有国外出游经历:34% 57%的用户出游时选择入住五星级/度假型酒店 Have travel experiences: 73% Have abroad travel experiences: 34% Choose five-star hotels/holiday hotels during travel: 57% 网站用户构成 网站用户构成 Website Users Profile 用户画像 Users Image 学历 Education 大学本科及以上(85.4%) Bachelor Degree and above (85.4%) 收入 Income 性别Gender 男性(87.9%) Male (87.9%) 职业Occupation 企业高层管理人员(61.8%) Senior Management Level of Enterprises(61.8%) 平均个人年收入: ¥42.7万元 Average Annual Personal Income: 427 thousand Yuan 平均家庭年收入: ¥ 66.5万元 Average Annual Household Income: 665 thousand Yuan 平均年龄: 34.7岁 Average Age: 34.7 年龄Age 地域Geographical Distribution 经济发达地区占7成以上(北京、上海、广东省及东南沿海) More than 70% in developed zones (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and south-east coastal areas) iResearch-2014年福布斯中文网媒体价值研究报告 iResearch-2014 Forbeschina.com Media Value Report 福布斯中文网用户主要由上榜富豪、民企高管及中小企业 主构成,与同类财经媒体差异明显。基于福布斯中文网的 独创性专题如榜单频道,深入细致的企业家和富豪专访, 以及备受追捧的企业管理类分析文章等各项独特优势,福 布斯中文网的用户忠诚度高,访问转化率高达31.2%; 且用户黏性大,高频次访问用户占比69.7%,平均访问 时长达到23.1分钟/次。 Users of Forbeschina.com are mainly consisted of Tycoons, Senior Executives from private owned enterprises and Entrepreneurs from small & medium companies, which has obvious difference when compared with other vertical business websites. With Forbes-only sections such as Rich-List, Exclusive interviews with Tycoons and Entrepreneurs, as well as in-depth analytic features focusing on strategic management, Forbeschina.com successfully won more loyal readers than competitors, with conversion rate reaching as high as 31.2%, and high frequency users accounting for 69.7% of the website reader-base. The average time spent on website reached a peak at 23.1 minutes per visit in 2014.
4041 福布斯中文版iPad版 Forbes China for iPad 福布斯传媒全球23个语言版本中,首选中文版; 福布斯“创业、创新、创富”企业家精神在移动 终端的延伸; 新闻推送,财经科技信息事时掌握; 深度独家视角,纵览创业创富财富股市 为何选择福布斯中文版iPad应用端 Why Forbes China for iPad? 福布斯品牌的全球影响力和知名度; 有别于其他财经媒体,以严谨扎实的数据和榜单闻名; 权威的编辑内容营造出优异的品牌投放环境; 到达福布斯中文版读者--中国富有的商业领袖及精英人群; 专业的第三方广告投放平台; 获得福布斯中文网等其他福布斯媒体平台的广告曝光机会; Global influence and popularity of Forbes brand; Be different with other financial media by well-known strict data and lists; Authoritative contents bring excellent brand promotion environment; Reach readers of Forbes China – rich commercial leaders and elites in China; Professional third party advertising platform; Obtain exposure opportunities on other media platform of Forbes China, such as Forbeschina.com Among the 23 local and regional editions of Forbes for iPad, Forbes China for iPad is preferred; Extension of entrepreneurial spirit “Entrepreneurship, Wealth Creation, Innovation” of Forbes in movable terminal; Newsfeed, real-time master of financial and technical information; Deep and unique insight, bring the overview of business startup, wealth creation and stock market. 手机版福布斯中文网 3G.Forbeschina.com 全球顶级财经媒体《福布斯》唯一中文手机官网, 这也是继福布斯中文版杂志、福布斯中文网、福布 斯中文版for iPad之后,福布斯在中国推出的又一 媒体平台,为读者提供跨不同平台的整合阅读体验。 It is the unique Chinese official website in mobile phone of Forbes, and another media platform of Forbes China after Forbes China magazine, Forbeschina.com, and Forbes China for iPad, which can provide integrated reading experience for readers on crossing platform. 全面支持多种手机游览器 更快速、简洁、节省流量 超过400万福布斯中文网微博、微信等社交 媒体粉丝群直接推送 Completely support multiple mobile phone browsers Faster, simpler, and flow-saving Direct feed to more than 4 million social media followers of Forbes China 福布斯中文网 福布斯中文版移动产品Forbes China 2015
4243Forbes China 2015 特殊位置/需求定价 Remarks for special position/requests: 特殊指定位置 或投放时间段 Special position or customized position, and/or special time period (e.g. Forbes List announcement date) 单价增加20%Add 20% to the unit rate 额外广告位置Additonal region targeting单价增加10%Add 10% to the unit rate 额外频道位置Additonal channel targeting单价增加10%Add 10% to the unit rate ForbesChina.com 邮件(邮件插入方 框广告) ForbesChina.com E-newsletter (E-newsletter rectangle ad) 右侧第一方屏E-1 (300×250) Right-hand First Medium Rectangle E-1(300×250)¥25,000/次insertion 右侧第一方屏E-2 (300×250) Right-hand Second Medium Rectangle E-2(300×250)¥22,000/次insertion 底部横幅E-3 (645×90) Bottom Banner E-3 (645×90)¥20,000/次insertion 邮件库租用 EDM Rental数据租用(直邮)Database Rental¥4/个name;最少30000个起租 minimum by 30,000 names 微博Weibo¥15,000/条article¥40000/打包折扣价 Package discount price微信Wechat¥30,000/篇article 专题Mini Site¥400,000/月/个month for each 频道赞助Section Sponsorship¥380,000/月month 软文Advertorial ¥30,000/篇article 广告主提供(800字以内) Provided by advertiser(context within 800 words) 论坛Interactive Meeting¥300,000/场event取决于会议规模 Subject to meeting scale 其他线上活动Other Online Events面议Case by case E-1 E-2 E-3 F-5 F-4 F-3 F-2 A-2 A-3 A-4 B-2 B-1D-1 D-2 C-2 C-3 F-1A-1C-1 数字媒体广告刊例价及制作规格 福布斯中文版数字媒体2015年广告刊例价及制作规格 Forbes China Digital Media Rate Card &Specs 2015 位置编号 Position Code 频道 Channel 广告位置 Ad Position 尺寸 Size 千次展现成本(人民币) CPM Rate Card (RMB) E-1欢迎页 Welcome page欢迎广告Welcome Ad 640*480¥500 F-1 首页 Home page 顶部横幅Leaderboard728*90/1000*90¥400 F-2右侧方屏广告一1st MPU300*250 ¥400 F-3右侧方屏广告二2nd MPU300*250/336*280¥340 F-4右侧竖屏广告Skyscraper300*600/336*850¥380 F-5底部横幅Bottom Banner730*90¥280 C-1频道首页 Channel home page 顶部横幅Leaderboard728*90/1000*90¥400 C-2右侧竖屏广告一Rectangle1/Skyscraper1300*250(336*280)/300*600(336*850)¥360/¥400 C-3右侧竖屏广告二Rectangle2/Skyscraper2300*600/300*250¥320/¥280 A-1 文章 Article 顶部横幅Leaderboard728*90/1000*90¥400 A-2右侧竖屏广告一1st MPU/Skyscraper300*250(336*280)/300*600(336*850)¥360/¥400 A-3右侧竖屏广告二2nd MPU/Skyscraper300*250(336*280) /300*600(336*850)¥330/¥350 A-4底部横幅Bottom Banner645*180¥200 B-1 3G首页 3G Home page 顶部横幅3G Top Banner645*90¥400 B-2中部横幅3G Middle Banner645*90¥340 B-3底部横幅3G Bottom Banner645*90¥280 D-13G文章页 3G Article 顶部横幅3G Top Banner645*90¥380 D-2底部横幅3G Bottom Banner645*90¥200 G-1 iPad 欢迎广告Welcome Ad横版Horizontal1024×768 竖版Vertical768×1204 ¥500 G-2频道首页广告Channel home page横版Horizontal1024×713 竖版Vertical768×969 ¥400 G-3常规矩形广告Rectangle横版Horizontal300×250 竖版Vertical198×92 ¥340 G-4浮层广告Floating AD横版Horizontal1000×90 竖版2000Vertical×180 ¥340 *横幅尺寸大小建议20k至30k之间;flash初始最大尺寸不超过100k;广告物料需在投放前4个工作日提供; * iPad:提供两种尺寸精度是为满足iPad一代、二代的电容屏与Retina显示屏之间不同的视觉呈现效果 * Ad Specs:gif/jpg/png format,Banner file size between 20K to 30K; FLASH max initial load file size is 100K. Ad material deadline 4 working days before released. * For iPad: Two dimension accuracies are provided to meet different visual effects between capacitive screen of the first and second generation of iPad and Retina display screen. 富媒体:单价增加50% 订制需求:单价增加35% Rich Media:Add 50% to the unit rate. 100% SOV Requirement:Add 35% to the unit rate. G-1G-2 G-3 G-4 *广告形式的实现视开发进程而定 * Realization of advertising forms depends on development progress
44 福布斯创业学习会 Forbes China Entrepreneurial Study Session 每一个创业者都是孤独的,而他们所热衷的是,创造出 一个全新的世界,这个世界并不存在于现实之中,承载 了太多他们对于未来世界的梦想。当他们用手中的技术、 创造力和资源去塑造这一梦想的时候,他们改变了这个 世界。我们希望将孤独的创业者聚集起来,提供平台, 让创业的火种在分享中传递,让智慧在激情中碰撞。 2015年,福布斯中文网将为您私人定制《福布斯2015 年度商业阅读推荐》,我们将定期推荐书目到您的书桌, 并季度举办“线下读书会”,让作者和行业精英与您面 对面交流阅读心得,搭建分享、交流、共赢、成长的学 习型平台。 Every entrepreneur is lonely. They are keen to create a new world which doesn't exist in reality but carries their dreams about the future. When using their technology, creativity and resources to build this dream, they have changed the world. We hope to gather the lonely entrepreneurs and offer them a platform for entrepreneurial spark passing on in the sharing and intelligence clashing in passion. In 2015, Forbeschina.com will offer you tailor-made “2015 Forbes Business Reading Recommendations”, to recommend book lists on a regular basis, and hold "off-line Reading Party" quarterly, through which the authors and industry elites can exchange their reading experience and set up a win-win learning platform for growth by sharing and communication. Free Forbes China magazines for a year 40% discount for tickets to salon activities such as Lujiazui Big Data Salon 会员权益 Membership Rights 全年《福布斯》中文版杂志赠阅 “陆家嘴大数据沙龙”等主题沙龙活 动入场券 6折优惠 优先尊享福布斯特约合作商户提供的 体验或优惠 三次受邀参加福布斯中国高端论坛的 机会 每季度分享“最具价值书单”并在年 底获赠福布斯年度推荐书籍一本 参与读书分享会,与书籍作者、行业 精英思想交锋 Share “Most Valuable Reading List” quarterly and get a book on the list of “Forbes Business Reading Recommendations” for free Priority for privilege offered by strategic business partners of Forbes China Participate in reading sharing session and exchange ideas with the authors and industry elites Three opportunities to be invited to forums or events hosted by Forbes China 福布斯创业学习会