中国家居杂志 第一品牌 THE NO.1 BRAND OF HOME & FURNISHING MAGAZINE IN CHINA 《瑞丽家居设计》—离你最近的家 RAYLI HOME Your Most Intimate Home
广 告 刊 例 MEDIA KIT OF RAYLI HOME Marvelous Reputation, )LHUFH%UDQG,QàQLWH9DOXH In 2014, Rayli Home became one of the Top 30 Newspapers and Magazines with the Greatest Advertising Value of 2013-2014 In 2013, Rayli Home won the honor of the Most Valuable Magazine Brand of the Top 100 Branded Media in China in the 6th China Branded Media Forum In 2012, Rayli Home won the Well-known Brand in Asia in the 7th Asia Brand Ceremony 辉煌荣誉 强势品牌 价值无限 荣膺“2013-2014中国报刊广告 投放价值排行榜期刊30强” 在第六届中国品牌媒体高峰论坛上 荣获“中国品牌媒体百强——最具 品牌价值期刊奖项” 在第七届亚洲品牌盛典上 荣获“亚洲知名品牌奖” 2014年 2013年 2012年
杂志定位 POSITIONING Functional Fashionable Professional Rayli Home aims at presenting a fashionable home furnishing concept and executing plan in a functional and professional way, giving our audience the most thoughtful advice From home furnishing to lifestyle, Rayli Home is devoted to exploring every detail of home and life and accompanying our readers to savor the home and lifestyle trend, discover the creativity in life and share a healthy way of living 实用 时尚 专业 生活 文化 灵感 Life Culture Inspiration
瑞丽家居体验馆 RAYLI HOME Experience Lounge 瑞丽新装家 RAYLI SPACE 心级评选 Choice of the Heart Award 与新媒体平台实时互动的系列落地活动 每月诞生明星产品 专项打造 深入报道 全媒体传播 ALL-MEDIA COMMUNICATION 《瑞丽家居设计》的读者 +新媒体的用户 =《瑞丽家居设计》的粉丝 Reader of RAYLI HOME + User of New Media = Fan of RAYLI HOME Selected Topics Featured Reports A Star Product to be awarded every month Series of activities that feature real time interactions through new media platforms
广 告 刊 例 MEDIA KIT OF RAYLI HOME CONTENT CREATION Offer the most comprehensive guidance and reference for our readers and present the best "match" for their home furnishing and lifestyle through "Review", "Learn", "Listen" and "Execute"Я??? 从赏、学、听、做四个方面给予读者全 面的引导与借鉴,为他们提供最适合 的家居之“选” 赏 呈现具有前瞻性和指导性的家居趋势, 推荐当季至IN单品 学 国际家居视野以及实用搭配课程,提升 阅读品位与消费理念 听 甄选真实人家案例,主人亲身讲述饰家 与淘物的经验;瑞丽达人专题,揭开“光 环背后”的名人生活,分享生活方式 做 以热爱生活的心来开发居家创意设计, 以精明的选择来评出心中所属 Review Present fashion forward home furnishing trend and recommend the “IN” items of the season Learn Provide an international perspective on home furnishing and offer functional coordination courses to enhance the level of taste and selection of our readers Listen Select real home furnishing examples and invite those homeowners to share the experiences on home decoration and furniture shopping; RAYLI Master Feature reveals the behind-the-scene stories of celebrities and shares their way of living Execute Explore creative home furnishing ideas with passion for life, and ?nd a smart choice of the heart
广 告 刊 例 MEDIA KIT OF RAYLI HOME NEW CONTENT + NEW MEDIA ???? 纸刊每期选出的明星产品将在iPad杂志 上同期进行展示与呈现,读者可以在线 投票,评选心中最赞产品 逐步与品牌开展联营合作,明星产品超 链接至品牌网站,让读者在了解产品的 同时更有机会了解品牌,并促进销售
线上互动媒体与线下市场活动相结合, 向合作伙伴提供全方位的市场解决方案 Choice of the Heart Award The star products awarded by each issue of the printed version will be showcased and presented on the same issue of the iPad magazine. Readers can vote for the choice of their hearts online RAYLI HOME Microsite More cooperative business operations with brands shall be launched gradually. Star products shall be linked to brand websites to allow readers get to know more about the brands and promote product sales RAYLI HOME Experience Lounge Online interactions and below-the- line activities are integrated to offer a comprehensive marketing solution to our partners 新内容 新媒体
广 告 刊 例 MEDIA KIT OF RAYLI HOME SUPPLEMENT OF RAYLI HOME RAYLI SPACE The grand special collection created and executed by the editorial board Varied and practical selected contents Collection of home decoration stories of homeowners Easy and convenient home decoration courses ???? 《瑞丽新装家》 编辑部策划制作的大专辑 多样有用的精华内容 收集家居主人的经验 简便易学的饰家课程
广 告 刊 例 MEDIA KIT OF RAYLI HOME iPad MAGAZINE ⒛≮*/'0 潮流速递 国际展讯 ???7*&8 瑞丽饰家 走进人家 ??%*: 生活灵感 自个儿动手 iPad杂志 APP Store中家居类电子杂志下载 量位居前列,每期一个主题,浓缩 杂志精华,花絮视频/音频加入, 了解台前幕后。注重阅读的趣味性 以及与用户的互动性,多样化的交互 方式,开辟更多的营销模式 The iPad Magazine of Rayli Home is among the top list of most downloaded home furnishing magazines. It features one theme every issue, which focuses on selected contents of the printed magazine and includes videos/ audios of trailers to tell the behind-the-scene stories. The iPad Magazine is all about the fun and the interaction between the readers. The various ways of user interaction offer many more possibilities for marketing solutions TREND INFO Express channel for the latest trend and international fashion news NEW FOCUS VIEW RAYLI goes into real houses for home furnishing inspirations LIFE DIY Life inspirations to be achieved by your own hands
READERS 读者 热爱生活,享受生活,是都市爱家人士的高品质生活表 达。正值25 ~ 50 岁的黄金年华,有丰富的内涵、优越 的资历、良好的修养。他们乐于追随家居杂志倡导的生 活方式——旅游、聚会,善于捕捉潮流;他们关注家庭 内涵和品质,追求舒适细节和家居文化;他们在意家的 装饰风格和装修,不断创造灵感空间。他们愿意借鉴《瑞 丽家居设计》,让自己的家更富魅力,选择新锐物件,呈 现瑞丽式样的人文精致生活 乐享高品质家居生活的 都市阅读群 读者构成 Readership Composition The urban readers’ group that enjoys high quality home furnishing and lifestyle 性别 Gender 男性 Male 女性 Female 38% 62% 年龄 Age 25岁以下 25~30岁 31~45岁 45岁以上 5% 24% 65%6% 家庭平均月收入 Average Monthly Household Earnings (RMB) 8000元及以下 8001~10000元 10001~15000 元 15001~20000元 20000元以上 职业 Profession 高级白领 Senior White Collar 私营业主 Private Business Owner 普通职员 Ordinary Employee 自由职业 Freelance 政府公务员 Civil Servant 2% 32% 35% 21% 10% 55% 14% 12% 12% 7% To live with passion and joy is an expression for the pursuit to high quality lifestyle of those urban home lovers. They are usually in their primal age from 25 to 50, sophisticated, successful and well mannered. They enjoy the lifestyle that home and lifestyle magazines advocate – travelling, partying and following the latest trend. They care about the quality and substance of family life, pursue comfort and the lifestyle, pay attention to the style of furnishing and decoration, and never stop creating inspiring space in their homes. They are willing to borrow ideas or ?nd inspirations from Rayli Home to bring more charm to their houses and to choose fashion-forward pieces to give their home a sense of sophistication and style
广 告 刊 例 瑞丽家居设计 RAYLI HOME555 307时尚家居 TRENDSHOME 数据来源: 新生代市场监测机构 中国新富市场与媒体研究(H3)2014 单位:千人 Source: China New Rich Marketing and Media Study(H3)2014, Sinomonitor International Unit: 1000 readers 《瑞丽家居设计》拥有 最广泛的高端受众 RAYLI HOME has the most extensive high-end readers 瑞丽联名信用卡 海量覆盖并精准到达高消费力人群 189万持卡人及申请人 63%持卡人来自一线和二线城市 65%持卡人是23~35岁有消费力人群 人民币27亿元单月持卡消费总额 数据来源:瑞丽联名信用卡用户数据库,2014年11月Rayli Co-branded Credit Card Massive yet precise reach of consumers with higher purchasing power 1.89 million cardholders and applicants 63% of the cardholders are from Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities 65% of the cardholders are aged between 23 and 35, with fair purchasing power A monthly consumption volume of 2.7 billion RMB from cardholders Data source: User Database of Rayli Co- branded Credit Cards, November 2014
《瑞丽家居设计》受众在各大消费领域表现出更高的消费水平 Rayli Home readers demonstrate higher consumption level in various major consumption areas 数据来源:新生代市场监测机构 中国新富市场与媒体研究(H3)2014 Source: China New Rich Marketing and Media Study(H3)2014, Sinomonitor International 瑞丽家居设计 RAYLI HOME时尚家居 TRENDSHOME 食品 FOOD 过去一年家庭平均每月的食品消费支出(元) Average family monthly expenditures on food in the previous year (RMB)3,359 2,898 饮品 BEVERAGE 过去一年家庭平均每月的饮品消费支出(元) Average family monthly expenditures on beverage in the previous year (RMB)1,376 1,353 家庭耐用 消费品 HOME APPLIANCE 拥有的家庭影院价格(元) Price of home theatre owned (RMB)16,06314,788 拥有的高端电视机价格(元) Price of high-end TV set(s) owned (RMB)9,594 8,656 拥有的音响价格在8000元及以上(读者规模:千人) Its sound system is priced over 8,000 yuan (Audience: 1,000 Readers)6136 汽车 CAR 拥有的汽车价格(元) Price of car(s) owned (RMB)243,744234,184 过去一年平均汽车日常支出(不包括保险费)(元) Average expenditures related to car(s) in the previous year (RMB)12,96011,329 数码产品 DIGITAL PRODUCTS 拥有的数码相机价格(元) Price of digital camera(s) owned (RMB)5,6505,622 拥有的笔记本电脑价格(元) Price of laptop(s) owned (RMB)7,1347,008 拥有的平板电脑价格(元) Price of Pad owned (RMB)3,9193,915 住房 HOUSING 未来一年欲购房的面积(m2) Size of housing to be purchased in the following year (m2) 131110 服饰 CLOTHING 平均每年在购买高端服饰上的支出(元) Average expenditures on high-end clothing each year (RMB)16,43814,834 平均每年在购买时尚女鞋上的支出(元) Average expenditures on fashionable woman shoes each year (RMB)8,4308,014 奢侈品 LUXURY 平均每年在购买黄金/白金/珠宝首饰上的支出(元) Expenditures on gold/Pt/jewels each year(RMB)14,83013,308 最新购买的手表价格超过1万元(读者规模:千人) Having recently bought a watch worth over RMB 10,000(Audience;1,000 readers)13680 金融理财 WEALTH MANAGEMENT 银行卡最高透支额度(元) Maximum overdraft limit of bank card(s) (RMB)37,849 29,529 过去一年的商业保险的支出(元) Expenditures on commercial insurance in the previous year (RMB)7,5786,848 生活方式 LIFESTYLE 平均每年在美容院做美容的费用(元) Average expenditures on skin care in the beauty parlor each year (RMB)5,5495,400 过去一年在旅行(包括购物)上的支出(元) Expenditures on travelling (including shopping) in the previous year (RMB)29,69927,344
广 告 刊 例 MEDIA KIT OF RAYLI HOME ?? 瑞丽拥有全国最强大的期刊营销系统。遍及全国的 62,000多家销售、展示终端,使瑞丽实现了对中国地 级以上市场和发达县级市场的全面有效覆盖 Other Channels其他渠道 10%20%30%40%50% 51% 15% 10% 9% 7% 3% 3% 2% 60% 多样化的发行网络Diversi?ed Distribution Network RAYLI boasts the most powerful distribution system of all periodicals in China. Its 62,000 outlets enable RAYLI to effectively cover all markets above the prefecture and country level within the PRC 《瑞丽家居设计》月发行量600,000 (册) Monthly Circulation of Rayli Home 600,000 (copies) 省份Province 发行量Circulation省份Province 发行量Circulation 北京Beijing 109,000 上海Shanghai 99,000 广州Guangzhou 84,000 江苏省Jiangsu 34,500 浙江省Zhejiang 33,000 广东省(除广州)Guangdong 22,000 湖南省Hunan 21,500 四川省Sichuan 16,000 湖北省Hubei 15,500 山东省Shandong 13,000 天津Tianjin 13,000 辽宁省Liaoning 12,000 重庆 Chongqing 11,500 河北省Hebei 11,500 福建省Fujian 11,000 河南省Henan 9,500 云南省Yunnan 9,000 安徽省Anhui 9,000 吉林省Jilin 8,500 黑龙江省Heilongjiang 8,500 陕西省Shaanxi 7,500 甘肃省Gansu 7,000 广西壮族自治区Guangxi 7,000 贵州省Guizhou 6,000 江西省Jiangxi 5,500 山西省Shanxi 5,000 内蒙古自治区Inner Mongolia 3,500 新疆维吾尔自治区Xinjiang 3,000 青海省Qinghai 2,500 宁夏回族自治区Ningxia 2,000 Rayli Home readers demonstrate higher consumption level in various major consumption areas DISTRIBUTION Newsstand and Kiosk 报摊报刊亭 Chain Supermarket连锁超市 Subway 地铁 Hotel,Restaurant,Office Building 宾馆、饭店、写字楼 Airport 机场 Subscription 读者订阅 Bookshop 书店
四大系列活动贯穿全年 整合《瑞丽家居设计》品牌优势 配合全方位、立体化的渠道及市场营销手段 旨在搭建与目标群体沟通交流的桥梁 为品牌打造最佳宣传平台 ? 2015年度《瑞丽家居设计》盛典 ——最具设计风潮指向家居榜单 这是中国第一家居杂志品牌《瑞丽家居设计》倾力打造的年度 核心品牌活动。盘点年度家居品牌中最有设计风格的产品设计, 并于年底评选出本年度最具人气的设计师。并在杂志、iPad 杂志、官方微信微博中进行详尽报道与展现 Supported by the brand advantage of Rayli Home Fitted with all-round and three-dimensional channels and marketing solutions Rayli Home aims at bridging the brands with targeted groups and setting up the optimum promotion platforms Four Theme Campaigns, presented by the 2015 RAYLI HOME, punctuate the whole year The 2015 RAYLI HOME Design GALA – The Most Fashion-forward Home Furnishing Ranking List This is the core annual brand campaign created by the No.1 home furnishing magazine brand –Rayli Home On the design gala, the products with the most design elements will be reviewed and the most popular designer will be elected at the end of the year. These products and the winning designer shall be featured and showcased in the printed magazine, the iPad magazine and the of?cial WeChat and Microblog of Rayli Home 2015《瑞丽家居设计》全新呈现! ---------------------------------
广 告 刊 例 市场活动 Rayli Home Experience Lounge (COFCO Plaza, Beijing) A new experiment to ful?ll the needs of interaction between brands and the market A venue to create the interactive experience for brand customers The Rayli Home Experience Lounge is located on Floor B3 of the COFCO Plaza in Beijing. With an area of 204 m2, it is a multi-functional venue for marketing campaigns, showcasing events and commercial shoots COFCO Plaza, located in the core center of Beijing, is one of the few stores that sell high-end home furnishing brands. The furnishing brands showcased in the COFCO plaza represent the most premium ones in the world. Therefore, the clientele of COFCO Plaza includes social celebrities, top executives, show business stars, diplomats and other high-value consumer groups 读者系列活动 ——追求“有态度的生活” 亮丽现身“瑞丽家居中粮体验馆”及全国一二线城 市的顶级商场、大型家居卖场中,倡导大众享受家居 “慢生活”理念。融合杂志所推崇的国际视角与中 国传统文化,借助极富创造力的现场DIY手工互动 联合家居品牌打造优雅的品质感活动,彰显品牌实 力及魅力,实现品牌的口碑营销 Readers’ Theme Events – To “Live with an Attitude” The Theme Events for Rayli Home readers will be launched in the COFCO Experience Lounge and premium shopping malls and large home furnishing stores of ?rst- and second-tier cities nationwide, promoting the idea of the “Slow Way of Life”. These events create a fusion between the international perspective and the Chinese traditional culture that is advocated by the magazine, and bring heated onsite interactions through creative DIY activities. Rayli Home aims at creating elegant and quality events together with home and furnishing brands that bring out the strength and charm of those brands and achieve successful word-of-mouth marketing for them Designer Theme Salons – Sharing “La Joie de Vivre” (The Joy of Living) These salons feature the most appealing designers, and fellow designers will be invited to their studios to exchange and share their hobbies, collections and life experiences. It is estimated that throughout the whole year, we will have the privilege of going into the studios of eight to ten masters to ?nd and share the beauty of life. These live activities, combined with featured reports, shall bring much more added value for our clients 瑞丽家居体验馆(北京中粮广场) 一种满足新形势下的广告客户与市场互动需求的新型尝试 一块提供与品牌活动互动体验于一体的合作场地 “瑞丽家居体验馆”位于北京中粮广场购物中心B3层,占地面积204平方米 是集合市场活动、展示和大片拍摄的综合场地 中粮广场以其核心的地理位置是北京仅有的几大高端家居品牌集散地之一 在这里销售的高端家居品牌基本上代表了当今世界家居领域内的制高点。中粮 广场因其家居级别之高,故前来光顾者也多为社会名流、企业高管、演艺明星、 各国外交人员等高端消费群体 设计师主题沙龙活动 ——分享“生活情趣” 携手最具号召力的设计名师,在其工作室之中与其他 优秀设计师进行互动交流,分享其爱好、收藏与心得 预计全年走进8~ 10位设计大师的工作室,共同发 现与分享“生活”之美。结合现场活动与杂志专题报 道的立体结构,为客户挖掘更多的附加价值
ADVANTAGE OF ADVERTISEMENT 跨媒体立体营销 瑞丽数字媒体秉承瑞丽品牌内涵,凭借深厚实力和创新方式,为都市 人群提供围绕时尚生活的多元化资讯及服务,成为深受信赖的垂直时 尚门户。瑞丽手机客户端、手机瑞丽网,多终端俱全,实时分享流行资 讯,强大的互动平台,让千万用户不仅是时尚资讯的接收者,更是资讯 的创造者,是企业扩展品牌影响力、放大企业品牌价值的优质平台 瑞丽用户大数据库 由瑞丽系列期刊群读者、瑞丽网网民、瑞丽各类活动报名会员、瑞丽联 名信用卡、男人风尚灵通卡、瑞丽商务旅行卡用户共同构成。具有数量 庞大、用户资料详尽、信息准确、可细分性和活跃程度高的特点,可协 助广告主准确快速地触达目标人群,以进行有关产品或服务的各种形 式广告宣传及市场调查研究 广告优势 Cross-media Three-dimensional Marketing The Rayli Digital Media carries the Rayli brand heritage, offering diverse information and services to urban people on fashion and lifestyle. It has become the most trusted vertical fashion portal with the strength and innovations. Multiple channels including the mobile APP and the mobile website share fashion news at anytime anywhere. The powerful interactive platform makes the millions of users not only receivers of fashion information, but also creators of new pieces. It is de?nitely a quality platform for companies to expand brand in?uence and deliver brand value Rayli User Database The Rayli user group consists of the readers of printed Rayli magazines, visitors to, registered members of Rayli events and cardholders of Rayli co-branded credit cards, LEON co-branded cards and Rayli Business Travel Cards. The user database covers a huge number of active users with detailed and accurate user information, and the highly active data can be segmented and retrieved. The database helps advertisers reach the targeted group in a fast and precise manner to advertise and promote their products and services and to conduct market researches ---------------------------------
广 告 刊 例 MEDIA KIT OF RAYLI HOME ?????? 海尔、欧派、方太、LG、珊嘉、A.O.史密斯、科宝·博洛尼、三星、松下、NATUZZI、 美步、富安娜、西门子、汇泰龙、美克·美家、摩恩、得高、多乐士、索菲亚、索尼、欧琳、 立邦漆、阿里斯顿、美标、汉斯格雅、依诺维绅、皇朝家私、广州本田、雷达、顾家工 艺、曲美、雪弗兰、柔然、慕思、科勒、百兰、樱花、造梦者、高度国际等 Cooperative Partners Haier, Optima, FOTILE, LG, sungari, A.O.SMITH, Boloni, SAMSUNG, Panasonic, NATUZZI, MOBO, FUANNA, SIEMENS, HUITAILONG, Markor Furnishings, MOEN, HISTEP, Dulux, SOGAL, SONY, OULIN, NIPPON PAINT, ARISTON,American Standard, Hansgrohe, INNOVATION, EMPIRE FURITURE, HONDA, RADO, KUKA, QM, CHEVROLET, RO N, de RUCCI, KOHLER, BALAND, SAKURA, Sleepmaker, GOOD INTERNATIONAL and more ???? 436元,低于同类杂志 (以内页整版为例) 瑞丽家居设计 RAYLI HOME 内页刊例(元) Full Page(RMB)180,000 436 250,000 1,020千人成本(元/千人) Cost Per Thousand(RMB) 时尚家居TRENDSHOME 数据来源:新生代市场监测机构 CMMS中国市场与媒体研究2014(秋) Source:CMMS China Marketing & Media Survey 2014(Autumn) Sinomonitor International Cost Per Thousand RAYLI's cost of RMB 436 per thousand readers is lower than that spent by its counterparts in the domestic market ( this cost is that for a full page advertisement ) ---------------------------------
广告价格 Advertising Quotation 2015年《瑞丽家居设计》主刊广告价格及版位 Advertising Rates and Positions of Rayli Home, 2015 封面折页Cover Gatefold Double Page Spread before Table of Contents Full Page Inside Second Half of Magazine Second Double Page Spread Full Page Facing Masthead Inside Back Cover 1/2 Page First Double Page Spread Full Page Facing Table of Contents Double Page Spread Third Double Page Spread Full Page Inside First Half of Magazine Back Cover 1/3 Page 第一跨页 目录前跨页 458,000 218,000 343,000 165,000 305,000 182,000 79,000 380,000 180,000 330,000 254,000 99,000 218,000 308,000 75,000 35,700 56,100 27,000 49,900 29,800 12,900 62,200 29,500 54,000 41,600 16,200 35,700 50,400 第三跨页 目录旁页 第二跨页 版权旁页 一般内页(杂志前1/2部分) 封三 一般内页(杂志后1/2部分) 封底 一般跨页 1/2版内页 1/3版内页 价格(元) Rate (RMB)Rate (USD)价格(美元)版位Position 273,000 137,000 189,000 147,000 168,000 137,000 215,000 105,000 179,000 116,000 44,000 137,000 61,000 44,700 22,400 30,900 24,100 27,500 22,400 35,200 17,200 29,300 19,000 7,200 22,400 10,000 价格(元)价格(美元) 注:若广告客户指定广告位置,则须加收广告费用的20% Notes: An extra 20% of the advertising rates will be charged should clients speciically require certain positions Cover Gatefold Double Page Spread before Table of Contents Double Page Spread Second Double Page Spread Full Page Facing Masthead Back Cover 1/3 Page First Double Page Spread Full Page Facing Table of Contents Inside Back Cover Third Double Page Spread Full Page 1/2 Page 价格(元) Rate (RMB)Rate (USD)价格(美元)版位Position 2015年《瑞丽家居设计》副刊广告价格及版位 Advertising Rates and Positions of Rayli Home Supplement, 2015 封面折页 第一跨页 目录前跨页 第三跨页 目录旁页 第二跨页 版权旁页 一般内页 封三 封底 一般跨页 1/2版内页 1/3版内页 ADVERTISEMENT 广告 ---------------------------------
广 告 刊 例 MEDIA KIT OF RAYLI HOME ???? 网线:175 线 广告四周各留3mm出血位 跨页广告中间留10mm重叠位 广告???? 出刊日期:每月16日 资讯截止日期:出刊前40天 广告版位预订截止日期:出刊前50天 广告菲林截止日期:出刊前30天 广告刊??? 刊登的广告须遵守中华人民共和国《广告法》和相 关法律法规的规定。本公司有权对不符合有关法律 法规的广告予以修改直至撤换。广告用语用字应符 合普通话和中文简体规范汉字的要求。按本刊公布 尺寸提供电子文件及彩色打样,因提供不符合尺寸 的电子文件而耽误时间由提供方负责 ?????? 5SJNNFE 4J[F PG 'VMM 1BHF NNYNN )Y8
广告?? Advertisement Format 1SJOUJOH 3FRVJSFNFOUT Reticle: 175 lines Leave 3mm safety margins from the bleed size of the material For double page spread ,allow 10mm across the gutter ,FZ "EWFSUJTJOH %FBEMJOFT Issue Date: 16th of every month Material Deadline: 40 days before issue date Advertisement Position Deadline: 50 days before issue date Advertisement Material Deadline: 30 days before issue date "EWFSUJTJOH 3FRVJSFNFOUT Published advertisements shall abide by the Advertisements Law of the People's Republic of China as well as other relevant rules and regulations. This company has the right to modify or even cancel those advertisements that fail to accord with relevant laws, rules and regulations. The expressions and characters used in advertisements shall follow the requirements for Mandarin and of simpli
造梦灵感家DESIRED HOME 全媒体策划贯通传播平台 闪耀KOL人群分享 时尚大片拍摄 贯通平面新媒体传播通路 创意软文 An integrated communication platform through all-media planning Fashion Photo Shoot Establish a connected communication route of new printed media Fierce Key Opinion Leaders share creative advertorial pieces with the audience ---------------------------------
广 告 刊 例 MEDIA KIT OF RAYLI HOME ???? 闪耀KOL人群生活方式、实用居家生活指导,探寻设计文化 底蕴、开掘精妙创意生活。既是指导装修的工具书,亦是提升 品牌温度与感染力的创意手册最具指导性的装修实用手册,汇聚消费者最关注的装修热点,深度 植入品牌及产品,指引消费者塑造极具个性的气质家 ?????? 最受业内欢迎的品牌独立别册,专业度与视觉性兼顾,新鲜灵活的 切入角度,瑞丽资深编辑团队策划,品牌形象别册与新品导购工具 书合二为一 ??????? ??????偲? ????????刊 RAYLI SPACE,Supplement of RAYLI HOME Individual Brand Catalogs BRAND CATALOGS Multi-dimensional elevation of the brand quality & Full presentation of brand charisma Brand Catalogs feature the lifestyle of the fierce Key Opinion Leaders, offer practical home and lifestyle guides, explore the design culture and seek creative ideas of the exquisite lifestyle. The Brand Catalogs are reference books to guide home decorations, and they are also creative handbooks that elevate brand temperature and charisma Serving as the most instructive practical handbook for home decoration; Covering the decoration topics most talked by consumers; Featuring deeply embedded advertorial pieces of brands and products; Guiding the consumers to build the most original home of their own The individual brand catalogs are the most welcomed brand catalogs in the industry for its professional contents and great visual effects. Established from a fresh and flexible angle, these brand catalogs are designed and produced by senior editors of Rayli group, and they are integrated with the shopping guide for new products ---------------------------------
创意软文 瑞丽独特编辑视角,充分满足消费者喜好。根据不 同客户需求量身定制,打造独具识别力的创意软文 量身定制的创意软文, 直抵消费者心门 设计话题式软文 扣合当下热点,深入开掘品牌内涵,传递 细腻、亲和、极具赏味的设计生活 闪耀KOL人群分享 分享顶级设计师、影响力意见领袖资源,权威点评、 新鲜体验,助力品牌传播 时尚大片拍摄 家居场景风格搭建,摩登生活方式大片,视觉 传递格调生活品位,全面释放品牌影响力 CREATIVE ADVERTORIALS Bespoken advertorials customized to different brands speak to the heart of consumers directly Rayli’s distinctive editorial angle fully suits the preferences of consumers. The advertorials are creative and precise, tailored to the demands of different clients Designed Feature Advertorials Engaging current hot topics, these feature advertorials seek to explore the internal culture of brands and depict an exquisite, moderate and tasteful lifestyle Fierce KOL Sharing The Fierce KOL group of Rayli shares the works of top designers and their fashion views. Their authoritative evaluations and experience reports will boost the communication effects of brands Fashion Photo Shoot With home decoration settings, the modern lifestyle photo campaigns transmit a tasteful lifestyle through excellent visual deliveries, releasing brand impacts ---------------------------------
广 告 刊 例 MEDIA KIT OF RAYLI HOME ?Й???????? 量身定制营销全案,360度全媒体 传播,贯通《瑞丽家居设计》杂志、 瑞丽家居iPad版、瑞丽网、瑞丽家 居官方微信、微博平台 ????????э??? 精彩微博分享 创意微信推广 互动式阅读体验 瑞丽家居 iPad版 Bridge the Communication Route through Print Media and New Media Bespoken marketing solutions customized to the clients will be communicated through the Rayli all-media channel with a 360-degree coverage, presenting on the Rayli Home magazine, Rayli Home iPad magazine,, Rayli Home Official WeChat and the Rayli Home Microblog Our Partnering Brands and Friends ---------------------------------
OAD APP MODEL/STAR TV MAGAZINES INTERNET 瑞丽360度整合营销,整合瑞丽所有平面刊物、数字媒体、 无线应用、数据库、市场活动以及瑞丽精品读者口碑传播于一体 全网矩阵营销,以创新为主旨为客户提供跨媒体互动整合方案 并负责全案执行。相信整合营销将为你的媒体推广注入全新的生命力! 独家资源分享 瑞丽红人资源 专业运营时尚意见领袖,致力于打造“发掘-培养- 包装-推广-管理”一体化的专业达人塑造运营平台 明星、名人 强大的明星、名人资源 储备 瑞丽封面模特大赛 瑞丽封面模特大赛造就了中国 封面模特从无到有的历史 Sole Resources MARKETING SOLUTIONS营销解决方案 SOCIAL NETWORK ---------------------------------
广 告 刊 例 MEDIA KIT OF RAYLI HOME ???? 基于瑞丽强大的内容,为客户提供 多种选择,整合新媒体及刊社资源 整合内、外资源;瑞丽专属红人、模特、 明星资源联动合作,传播品牌资讯 引领消费时尚,指导购买决策 ???? 在满足品牌本身的需求外 融入更加创新的方案策划 活动文案创意支持多方品牌客户 形成瑞丽整合营销头脑风暴之下 的创意大集市 ???? 个性化专属活动定制,针对不同品牌 多角度、多层面地诠释品牌内涵 打造差异化的竞争优势 充分利用热点话题及新媒体传播手段 为品牌打造“量体裁衣”般的定制服务 营销理念—创意营销 Marketing Concept Creative Marketing 案例分享 Case Sharing ??????? “打开你的美丽 挑战你的偶像” 专题TOTAL PV:205,964 活动总投票数:21,599 活动当天引爆丝芙兰到店人群 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 …… ??? 2013嘉媚乐保加利亚玫瑰之约 2014寻爱地图,澳洲茶树之行 2015嘉媚乐将与瑞丽一起开启公益之行 我们不只是为客户提供年度方案 还与客户保持长期战略性的合作关系 为客户提供持续性的整合营销解决方案 嘉媚乐与瑞丽合作时间:10年 ???? ?叾? ??? ????? ????喆? 三个月的推广中,利用创意性 的传播机制,使还未正式面市 的兰蔻“小黑瓶”在短短几周内 推广至将近10万用户 “小黑瓶”在2个月内征集了 将近5万名试用者,收集了来 自3万余名用户的试用体验, 完成了2万瓶的官网订购纪录, 创造了业内的“神话” 广 告 刊 例 MEDIA KIT OF RAYLI HOME 核心 竞争力 ??&OGP.FEJB "XBSE 【最佳新媒体互动营销奖】 ---------------------------------