Media Kit 2016 共生永续 乐享生活◎ Since 2007 ---------------------------------
2015/07 #90 01 Being more than a magazine, LOHAS plays a role of an information platform covering print media, new media and the irst LOHAS lifestyle Institute for 150 million LOHASers in China. 《LOHAS乐活》不仅是一本杂志,更是中国1500万乐活族群依赖的生活方式信息平台,涵盖 实体杂志、新媒体和中国首家乐活研究院。
Spirit of LOHAS Coexisting, Sustainable and Enjoyable 杂志理念 共生永续,乐享生活
出版宗旨 关心自己,关怀他人,关爱地球。 《LOHAS乐活》和国际国内公益慈善组织都有良好的合 作关系,并在中国1500万的乐活族群中形成了自己所特 有的品牌气质和效应,以精致、贴心、诚恳和实用为媒 体呈现标准。 媒体定位 乐活生活方式信息平台。 21世纪以来,绿色、有机、环保、永续的生活方式,已 经成为全球化浪潮下最受关注的议题。《LOHAS乐活》 秉持可持续的健康理念,以身、心、灵的全方位的健康 作为生命目标,传达“共生永续,乐享生活”的杂志理念。 同时,也让读者群体暨乐活族群,能够在诸多消费品中 找出属于自己的乐活DNA,并且影响周围人一同加入乐 活族。我们相信,中国日益增长的乐活族群,是目前最 具生活品味和拥有强大的购买力的人群。 Our Purpose Care for oneself, care for others and care about the earth. LOHAS magazine, maintaining sound cooperation with domestic and international non-proit and charity organizations, has developed the unique quality and efect of our brand among 150 million LHOAS fans in China, which presents a standard for the media with its exquisiteness, thoughtfulness, sincerity and practicality Positioning LOHAS group's platform of lifestyle information. In the 21st century, the green, organic, environmental and sustainable lifestyle has become the most popular topic in the context of globalization. Adopting the concept of sustainable health and targeting the all- around health of body, mind and soul, LOHAS magazine delivers its idea of ‘Sustainable and Enjoyable’. Meanwhile, it enables LOHAS group to locate their own LOHAS DNA in various consumption products, and then they can inluence people around to join the group. We believe that LOHAS group have strong purchasing power and an extraordinary taste. 03
提供乐活平台 我们在提供的,是一个全 方位立体的乐活平台。 除实体杂志外,还有App for LOHAS、iLOHAS 网站、微信、微博、视 频、市场活动、公益项 目、展览、体验店、乐活 研究院和“乐活之选”。 LOHAS Platform What we are providing is an all-around and three- dimensional LOHAS platform. “LOHAS” is more than a magazine. It is the favorite platform of lifestyle information for China's LOHAS group, covering physical books, new media, marketing activities, non-proit projects, exhibitions, experience shop, LOHAS Institute and LOHAS Choice . 乐活平台 LOHAS Platform 杂志 乐活研究院体验店 展览市场活动公益项目 微信&微博别册 iLOHAS网站 APP视频 乐活之选 04
05 微博 & 微信 ▼ (截止日期2015年10月31日) Weibo粉丝33+万 Wechat粉丝10+万 iLohas下载量380+万 发行量数据 杂志发行量52万 iPad iPhone 官方网站 / Official Website Magazine Circulation 0.52 million iLohas Downloads 3.8 million Wechat Fans 0.1 million Weibo Fans 0.33 million Circulation Figure
06 別册选题 5月 别册 《发现南法》 10月 别册《发现南澳》 《发现济州岛》 《发现阿姆斯特丹》 《发现冲绳》 《发现巴黎》Opics for the supplement May Supplement “Discover South France” Oct. Supplement “Discover South Australia”Discover Jeju Island Discover Amsterdam Discover Okinawa Discover Paris 月5 乐活买菜经 月6 发现南法 月7 亲水运动 月8 花园生活 芳香 疗愈力 月4月2 爱猫物语 月1 互联网 更好生活 游山美学 令人尊敬的 日用品 月3 发现南澳一人生活 月12月11月10月9 有机美人 2016年每月专辑 Internet Makes Better Life Life of Gardening The Touring Aesthetics Story About Loving Cats Lohas Tips for Grocery Shopping Discover South Australia Respectable Commodity Discover South France One Person Life Energy of Aromatherapy Water-loving Activities Organic Beauty
07 健康 科技改变美妆 车上速效美容 最棒的补品不在药店在水果店 把大自然的香味带在身边 媲美大牌的手作护肤品 DIY手作护肤品大合集 菌小姐美容法 减龄美妆 跟着生理周期来护肤 要瘦要美先学会拉伸 手工啤酒 排毒餐 下午茶(餐厅类) 开放式三明治 罐子沙拉 蜂蜜 刀/切法 意面的N种吃法 饼干 健康零食 内脏年龄/内脏大扫除 醋的能量 用刮痧年轻十岁 健康吃糖 打造不胖的体质 香蕉健康力 蜂蜜 牙齿护理 卫生巾 情绪疗愈法 袜子的功用 Technology changes beauty Instant beauty makeup in the car The best tonic is not in the pharmacy but the fruit shop Always carry fragrance from nature Hand-made skin-care products with high quality Collection of DIY hand-made skin-care products Miss Jun’s Beauty Methods Younger-look makeup Do the skin care to the physiological cycle To be slim and pretty from stretching the body Handmade Beer Detox diet Afternoon tea (restaurants) Opening Sandwiches Salad in a jar Honey Knife/cutting ways N ways to eat pasta Cookies Healthy snacks Age of viscera/cleaning of viscera The energy of Vinegar 10 years younger by scraping therapy Eat sugar in healthy ways Build not-fat physique Healthy energy of banana Honey Dental care Sanitary pad Emotional healing method Functions of socks 美容 美食 Food Health Beauty
08 金牌栏目 Trump Column
LOHAS FASHION This is a comprehensive fashion column that covers clothing, fabrics, matching, jewelry and wrist watches, etc. and focuses on clothes made of natural materials such as cotton, linen, silk, wool, cashmere, etc. It also recommends clothes, footwear, hats, accessories and dressing styles that suit . LOHAS Closet Focus on the matching of apparel and accessories; recommend seasonal coats, trousers, caps, shoes, bags and jewelry that suit the aesthetics of LOHAS group; pay attention to practicality in life. ◎风格专题 结合服装大片、面料运用、实用搭配、珠 宝及腕表推荐于一体的综合性时尚风格专 题,关注棉麻、蚕丝、羊毛、羊绒等天然 材质制成的服装,并且推荐适合乐活族群 的服饰、鞋帽、配饰及穿着方式。 ◎乐活衣橱 注重服饰的实用搭配,根据四季变换的节 气冷暖,推荐适合乐活族群审美的上衣、 裤装、帽子、鞋子、包袋和珠宝饰品,侧 重生活实用。 衣 「Clothes」 09
LOHAS Cooking Talent Focus on interviewing people with amazing talents in cuisine and recommend creative works of these chefs, display the process of preparation and the private recipe, aiming to share with readers the authentic and enjoyable attitude towards cuisine. LOHAS Kitchen Choose kitchenware as the topic, recommend a variety of practical cooking utensils, such as the choice of wok, the correct use of knife, the magic of cooking tools for fruit and vegetable, so that readers can really appreciate the fun and energy that kitchen brings to life. ◎乐活料理家 以采访民间料理达人为主,推荐料理家的创意作 品,并且展现制作过程和独家食谱,旨在与读者分 享最真实、最愉悦的料理态度。 ◎乐活厨房 以厨房用品作为选题方向,推荐各种实用的料理器 物,如铁锅的选择、刀具的正确运用、果蔬料理助 手的神奇功能等,让读者真正体会到厨房给生活带 来的乐趣与能量。 食 「Food」
◎静物 以大片形式呈现乐活生活方式,选取 代表乐活态度的单品,进行组合设计 与排列。根据四季时令与生活需求, 确立主题方向。 ◎乐活家电 每期关注一个当下的乐活生活方式, 推荐节能、低碳、可持续的绿色家 电,例如果蔬清洁器、净水机、电动 牙刷、早餐家电、节能冰箱,并且推 荐读者如何使用和选购。 ◎支招 从绿色家居、低碳建材和生活日用品 入手,与读者共享绿色、可持续的 生活方式,如卫浴产品的巧用、灯光 在居室中的布置、如何举办一次圣诞 “环保”派对。 Still Life This is a comprehensive fashion column that presents LOHAS lifestyle by selecting, designing and displaying typical products according to in-season lifestyle and the topic. Electric Eco Life Focus on a popular LOHAS lifestyle in each issue, recommend energy-saving, low-carbon, sustainable and green home appliances, such as fruit and vegetable cleaner, water puriier, electric toothbrush, breakfast appliances, energy-e
Journey & Slow City LOHAS journey is unique in terms of its purpose, means and the choice of destination. We reject the "locusts-style" travelling and avoid means of transport with high carbon emission. We prefer to choose 4 +2 mode (traveling by 4-wheel vehicle and sightseeing by 2-wheel bicycle). We follow the life and customs of local people and the recommended means of transport include walking, bicycle, low- emission car, train, and the service provided by airline companies that adopt low-carbon operation. We advocate environmentally- designed hotels and ine farm resorts. At the same time, the column recommends outdoor sports equipments, comfortable shoes, sunglasses, high-quality suitcases and traveling companions. Green Bed Recommend green hotels, family inns and resorts that advocate the concept of coexisting with nature and protecting the environment; share destinations for sustainable life according to the diferent seasons. ◎旅途 & 慢城 乐活的行特别之处在于目的、方式和目的地的选择,我们拒绝“蝗 虫式”的扫荡行,尽量避免高碳排放量的出行方式,多选择4+2(四 轮+两轮,开车去,骑车玩),过当地人的生活,建议以步行、自行 车、减排实用型汽车、火车线路、低碳飞行方式的航空为旅行方式, 并关注环保设计酒店,农场精品度假村。同时,推荐户外运动装备、 舒适的鞋、太阳镜、优质旅行箱、旅行伴侣等。 ◎乐驿 推荐与自然共生、倡导环保理念的绿色下榻地,以酒店、民宿、度假 村为主,结合四季时令,分享永续生活的出行目的地。 行 「Travel」
Natural Therapy A non-medicine therapy that makes use of things in people's life, such as food, breath, sleep, rest, etc. to maintain and regain health; It is based on scientific principle, but more similar to traditional Chinese therapy, focusing on the self-healing capacity of body and adopting natural and non-toxic methods. Fitness Build and improve one's body shape through sports and exercise. Meanwhile, enhance the fitness and acquire energy. Generally, it is displayed by movies, or a series of diagrams with words that illustrate the movement. ◎自然疗法 一种非药物性疗法,应用与人类生活有直接关系的物质与方 法,如食物、呼吸、睡眠、休息等来保持和恢复健康的科学养 生方式。它强调增强机体的自愈能力,应用自然和无毒的疗 法,更接近于中医。 ◎康怡 通过运动、健身等各种方式改善并完美自己的体形,同时促进 身体的健康和能量的获得。一般以拍摄大片及动作分解的一系 列图片加文字示意形式来表现。 13 养 「Health」
LOHAS Vehicle LOHAS Vehicle aims to recommend global latest electromobiles, hybrid cars and low- emission cars and promote four-plus-two- tyre lifestyle. 3C Electric Eco Life Recommend LOHAS 3C products, combined with the latest trends in environmental protection; share with readers a convenient, leisurely and real digital lifestyle. 14 乐 「Eco Joy」 ◎乐活汽车 以推荐全球最新的电动车、混合动力车, 以及小排量的汽车为主,崇尚汽车加自行 车的4轮加2轮的生活方式。 ◎乐活3C 推荐具有“乐活”特点的3C产品,结合 当下最新的环保趋势,与读者分享一种便 捷、慢调、有质感的数字生活。
Showcase Recommend the latest trend in beauty and healthcare; the products are presented in the form of still life and model makeup, emphasizing aesthetics and visual effect, highlighting the role of products in makeup and healthcare. Must Read Emphasize practical beauty and health care, apply the concept of green beauty to actual life, focus on the health care of facial and body parts, and recommend beauty products and SPA clubs for LOHAS groups of various ages. ◎乐活妆容 推荐最新的乐活美容趋势和保养理念,将 产品以静物组合、模特妆容的大片形式呈 现,偏重审美与视觉,突出产品在妆容、 保养中的作用与地位。 ◎美丽宝典 偏重实用性的美容保养和护理,将绿色美 容的理念运用到实际操作中,同时结合面 部与身体的调养,推荐适合各年龄段乐活 族群的美容产品和SPA会所等。 美 「Beauty」
我们提供的是一个全方位立体的乐活平台。以杂志为主体,同时拥 有官方微信、App for LOHAS、iLohas网站、微博、视频、市场活 动、公益项目、展览、体验店、“乐活之选” 跨界礼盒。 合作形式 Trump Column What we offer is a comprehensive and all-around LOHAS platform, which centers on the magazine and also includes official Wechat, App for LOHAS, iLohas website, Weibo, video, marketing activities, Non-profit Projects, experience shop, and LOHAS Choice gift package.
18 Trump Column 合作形式 ◎杂志硬广 Advertising Magazine ◎杂志软文 以品牌为中心,策划软性宣传文案, 包括拍摄和撰写。 Promotion Based on the brand, plan the advertorial with copywriting and photography.
19 ◎栏目冠名 以LOHAS编辑内容为主,品牌以冠名的形式, 结合编辑内容,侧重宣传品牌的整体形象。 Named Column Mainly based on the content edited by LOHAS, the column can be named after the brand and focus on promoting the brand image. ◎编辑内容配合 在编辑的专题采访中,产品作为配合代入内 容,如单品推荐或静物拍摄。 Product Placement In the special interviews, the product is mentioned in the content or placed in the pictures as a way of cooperation, such as product-recommendation or still life photography.
20 Magazine Trump Column 合作形式 ◎明信片 针对品牌推广内容制作6至 8连张明信 片,通常以特约插图或静物片形式呈现, 背面体现品牌slogan和logo。全国或地区 渠道夹带发行。 Post card According to brand promotion, 6 to 8 copies of post cards are presented with the form of special illustrations or still-life shootings, along with the brand’s slogan and logo on the back. The post cards are issued through the national or regional channels. Brand supplement Based on the brand promotion, planning, photographing, writing and inviting KOL and celebrities to issue an all-round promotion supplement for the brand.(16-48p depends on the situation) Circulation channels: nationally issued 500,000 copies with the magazine, and regionallyissued200,000copies. The minimum amount is 100,000. ◎品牌别册 根据品牌推广内容,策划、拍摄、撰写, 邀请KOL和明星,为品牌全方位打造宣传 别册。(16-48P,视情况而定) 发行渠道:全国50万册夹带,地区20万册 夹带,10万册起。 ◎发现系列 50万册全国发行,以介绍乐活目的地为 主,发现自然、低碳、慢调的去处,采访 有机、环保、可持续的生活方式,涵盖在 地美食与住宿,推荐手信。至今,发现系 列已出版《发现台南》《发现台北》《发 现清迈》《发现香港》《发现济州岛》 《发现巴黎》《发现冲绳》《发现阿姆斯 特丹》,共8册。 Discover the natural low-carbon and slow-type destination, interview organic, environmental friendly and sustainable lifestyle, cover local food and accommodation, and recommend souvenir as well. Further, the DISCOVER series has published eight copies: Discover Tainan, Discover Taipei, Discover Chieng Mai, Discover Hong Kong, Discover Je Ju Island, Discover Paris, Discover Okinawa, Discover Amsterdam.
21 ◎腰封 随杂志夹带发行,封面露出品牌形象和logo。 Front Cover Horizontal Banner Issued with the magazine, The brand image and logo is showed on the front cover of magazine. ◎背板 随杂志夹带发行,背板图片以品牌硬广为主。 Back Board Issued with the magazine, pictures of back board are mainly from the brand’s advertising.
Wechat and Weibo The online platform of collecting and disseminating the most real- time information, including‘clothing, food, housing, transportation, health, entertainment and beauty’ in the daily life. Collaborated with interesting forms of H5, video, animation, online voting and subscription, it delivers practical and interesting lifestyle with LOHAS aesthetics. The sub-Wechat is the brand’s advertorial. ◎微信&微博 最实时的资讯传播平台,精准推送,每日 发布涵盖“衣食住行养乐美”的资讯,结合 H5、视频、动画、在线投票、订阅等趣味 形式,传递乐活美学、实用趣味的生活方 式。微信副条为品牌推广内容。 微博 & 微信 ▼ 22 ◎H5 以品牌软性宣传为主,策划、技术设计、动画设计、拍 摄、文案于一体,制作并发布H5,于微信公众号、微博 和iLohas App。 H5 Giving priority on brand soft advertisement, and cooperating with plan, technical design, animation, photographing and writing together to produce and issue H5 on Wechat o
--------------------------------- Our website has officially been launched on November 8th, 2014 with three parts including LOHAS magazine, LOHAS community and LOHAS market. It has created a practical and interesting online interaction platform for users and shared the most up-to-date LOHAS information, conveying the concept of healthy lifestyle. ◎ 官方网站于2014年11月8日正式上线,拥有“乐活杂志、乐活社区、乐 活市集”三大版块,为用户创造实用有趣的线上互动平台,分享最新 的乐活趋势,传递绿色健康的生活方式。 硬广 · 启动画面 (3秒) (开启软件之后,即刻有硬广画面呈现) 硬广 · 今日推荐/轮播屏(第1-3屏可选) (开启软件、进入今日推荐栏目,顶部即有轮拨硬广呈现) 软文 · 今日推荐 软文 · 电子别册 LOHAS for iPhone Advertising: iPhone welcome page (3 seconds) (Advertising page appears right after opening the App) *(具体报价见附件,每季度根据用户数据更新) 23 ◎LOHAS for iPhone & iPad 最好的生活类移动阅读应用,每日更新,包含今日推荐、节气 令、杂志精选三个阅读类栏目,以及在线用户社交平台。用户 可以通过手机和ipad浏览高质量的图文、视频、音频等,参与 分享内容至微信、微博等平台,实现移动端社群互动。 App Advertorial ? Daily Recommendation Advertorial? E-supplement Advertising ? Daily recommendation sliding screen (the 1st -3rd screens are available) ◎LOHAS for iPhone & iPad The “Lohas”, as the best daily life mobile reading app, updates daily, covers three different columns on daily recommendation, solar terms, featured selections, and the online social platform. Our readers can browse high quality pictures, articles, videos and audios via cell phone and Ipad. Also, readers can share the content to Wechat and Weibo, so as to attain the interaction among social groups at the mobile terminal.
播放渠道合作播出平台 24 合作方式 ◎HOWCAN好看”视频 好看HOWCAN是LOHAS乐活品牌旗下一个全新的原创视 频品牌,于2015年6月26日首播上线。以生动立体的视频 形式,在互联网平台,分享乐活理念。以“季”为单位推出系 列视频,主题围绕手作、自然、健康、运动等。 每周五上 线,时长1.5-3分钟,制作周期一个月。 HOWCAN Video HOWCAN, which belongs to LOHAS, is a new original video brand, made its virgin show on Jun.26th 2015. In the form of interesting and all-around video, it shares LOHAS’s concept on internet. It shows series of videos using ‘season’ as an unit, centering around DIY, nature,health and exercise and so on.It updates every Friday for 1.5 to 3 minutes on the Internet, and its production cycle is 1 month. 栏目冠名 2 品牌定制 3 产品植入 1 Trump Column 合作形式 i Amsterdam 品牌定制,以品牌所推广的产品作为线索,从策 划、脚本、制作、发布,全方位均围绕产品展开。 According to the promotion of the brand, the Video is customerized for the particular product with planning, designing, writing, producing and issuing in an all-round way. 在视频中明显露出产品植入,并且植入产品与主 题具有相关联性。 Obviously showing the product placement in the video, which is related to the topic. Product placementName the column 以4集为单位。连续四期,推出某一个主题,品牌 以冠名的形式, 推广其特定品牌,或者是品牌形象。 Take four episodes as one unit. One main topic should be issuedafter four sessions have been issued. The brand can give a name to the column in order to popularize the particular brand or brand image. Customerized Video for brand
◎乐活之选 “乐活之选”的认证与甄选项 目,自2009年由现代传播乐活 研究院牵头进行。以《LOHAS 乐活》杂志为媒介,针对“衣、 食、住、行、养、乐、美”七 大类别进行选拔。以天然、生 态、绿色、环保、可持续作为 评选标准,颁发给对社会的可 持续发展有积极贡献的品牌。 每年年初评选Top 100 Green Buy,以手账形式呈现。 25 LOHAS Choice Since 2009, LOHAS Institute by Modern Media Group is taking the lead of the project “LOHAS Choice” about certification and selection. The “LOHAS Magazine” is aiming at choosing brands from “Clothing, Food, Housing, Transportation, Health, Entertainment, and Beauty” in seven different categories as the medium. Taking the Nature, Ecology,Environmental protection, and sustainabilityto meet the criteria, these brands, have positivecontribution to the society at the aspect of sustainable development,will be awarded. Further, “Top 100 Green Buy” will be elected and presented in the form of Agenda at the beginning of each year.
◎市场活动 1. 客户定制活动:从策划、创意、文案、执行、搭 建、邀请KOL、其他媒体发稿一整套,为品牌度身定 制的主题活动。 2. 读者俱乐部:客户可以支持的形式,如实物置换, 产品露出,小样赠送等。俱乐部活动每月一次,根据 杂志大专题举办。 3. LOHAS支持的第三方活动。 4. 地球水慈善晚宴。 26 1/ 地球水慈善晚宴。2/ 客户定制活动——周大福铂金系列。 3/K11多肉植物线下展览。4/ 悠方私宴。 Marketing Events 1.Customized events: an entire set of designing, creative thinking, copywriting, executing, coordination, inviting KOL and promotion via other media to deliver tailor-made events for brands. Activities supporting the magazine. 2.Readers club: in forms that customers may support, such as products barter, product showing, and samples distribution. Club events take place every month according to main topic of the magazine. 3.The third party activities supported by LOHAS. 4.The charity dinner of EARTH WATER. Trump Column 合作形式 Events
Roadshow & Exhibition 1.Exhibition on lifestyle and arts: brands supporting 2.Charity exhibition: brands sponsoring ◎线下展览 1.生活艺术展:品牌参与融入 2.公益项目展:品牌赞助支持 地球水三地巡回展 27 乐活之家静态展 LOHAS多肉植物展 Exhibition LOHAS Exhibition on Succulent Plants Static exhibition of LOHAS Home EARTH WATER-Water tour exhibitions in three cities
28 ◎日子店 2014年2月,《LOHAS乐活》杂志开出了第一家线下实体店,5个月后,全新开 张了第二家实体店,旨在让来店的客人切身体验到真实的乐活生活方式。店铺所 售商品涵盖衣食住行养乐美七个方面。除了每年4-5月,10-11月的淡季,顾客成 单涵盖线上和线下两大平台,其中礼盒定制成为了主要畅销产品。店铺主要销售 品类为:快消、服装以及书籍。
29 LOHAS Day Shop In February 2014, in order to let our customers experience the real LOHAS lifestyle, LOHAS opened its irst of-line store and then the second one in five months. The stores sell products in seven different fields: garment, food, living, vehicles, health, entertainment and beauty. Except for slack seasons in April, May, October and November every year, customers purchase from the two platforms: online and o
案例分享 Demo Case
◎MUJI图书印刷 2/ ◎Book Printing 32 出版时间:2015年5月 发行:随刊发行10W册 内容:MUJI10年大事记、创始人采访、衣、 食、住、行、养、乐、美以及专栏特辑。 ◎别册 1/ Demo Case 案例分享 Publication date: May 2015 Circulation: 100,000 circulated with the magazine Content: Great events of MUJI in 10 years, interview with the founder, and columns of garment, food, living, vehicle, health, entertainment, beauty and special columns. ◎Supplement
33 主要介绍无印良品衣美住行四个方面的基本理 念,同时推介MUJI APP的使用。 ◎杂志软文 4/ 3/ 展览时间:2014年7月-8月 展览地点:MUJI上海环贸iapm店 MUJI杭州利星名品广场店 主题: LOHAS携手MUJI无印良品在两大购物商 场的MUJI门店进行为期1个月的展览,展出夏日 传统风物。 ◎MUJI╳ LOHAS展览: AtelierMuji夏日瞬间展 04 Mainly introduced the basic concepts of MUJI on clothing, beauty, living and vehicles. Meanwhile, recommended the use of MUJI APP. ◎Promotion Exhibition of Summer lashes Exhibition date: July-August 2014 Exhibition Location: MUJI (Shanghai) IAPM MUJI (HangZhou) Li Xing Ming Pin Square Topic: LOHAS will cooperate with MUJI to hold the exhibition for one month at MUJI stores in shopping malls, showing traditional products associate with Summer. ◎Crossover Exhibition with MUJI,Summer flashes
34 地球水公益项目 Demo Case 案例分享 1/ 2015地球水限量版瓶身设计 Limited edition of bottle design for 2015 EARTH WATER Non-profit Project of EARTH WATER
35 02/ 慈善明星晚宴 03/ 公益项目倡议书 04/ 杂志硬广 杂志软广 05/ 上海、广州、北京三地公益巡展 06/ 2015地球水线下公益大使和明星支持 07/ 地球水其他露出机会 08/《发现阿姆斯特丹》别册 09/ 每周微信推送 H5游戏 10/ 地球水微博推送 2/3/4/ 5/6/7/ 微博 & 微信 ▼ 8/9/10/ 02/ Charity Celebrity Events 03/ Proposal of Non-profit Project 04/ Advertising and Promotion on magazine 05/ Water tour exhibition in three cities:Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing 06/ Offline supports for the 2015 EARTH WATER from charity ambassador and celebrities 07/ Other showing platform for EARTH WATER 08/ Weekly Wechat release 09/ H5 games 10/ Weibo release
36 Demo Case 案例分享 杂志发行量52万 100历届参与明星近 位 发布媒体平台数达22家 媒体价值400+万元 巡展覆盖人数:99+万 Magazine circulation:520,000 Media value:400+W Exhibition visitors:900,000+__ 22 Media Platforms Around 100 celebrities participated in the activities
读者构成READERSHIP PROFILE 年龄 Age 18~24 18~24 25~34 25~34 35~44 35~44 >45 >45 教育程度 Education Level 大专 Junior College Graduate 本科 University Graduate 硕士及以上 Master Degree or Above 其他 Others 21.0% 54.3% 15.2% 9.5% 22.3% 64.2% 11.5% 2.0% 7.7% 15.2% 35.0% 13.9% 8.9% 8.4% 10.9% 男 Male 女 Female 35.0% 65.0% 职业状况 Occupation 家庭主妇 Housewife 在读大学生 College students 企业/公司一般管理人员 Supervisors 企业/公司高级管理人员 Top/Middle Level Management 高级/中级专业技术人员 Senior/Secondary Professional 个体/私营业主/自由工作者 Self-employed/Self-operating Owners/Freelance 其他 Others 11.2% 30.2% 25.5% 18.9% 14.2% 个人税前年收入 Yearly Personal Income(RMB,Before Tax) 6万元以下 Less than 60,000 6万元(含)~12万元 60,000(inc.)~120,000 12万元(含)~20万元 120,000(inc.)~200,000 20万元(含)~50万元 200,000(inc.)~500,000 50万元或以上 500,000(inc.) or more 37
家庭税前年总收入 Yearly Household Income (RMB,Before Tax) 25万元以下 Less than 250,000 25万元(含)~40万元 250,000(inc.)~400,000 40万元(含)~50万元 300,000(inc.)~500,000 50万元或以上 500,000(inc.) or more 11.3% 35.4% 24.9% 28.4% 核心读者各类消费年人均支出(单位:元) Avg. Yearly Spend on various categories (Unit:RMB) 有机服饰类 Organic dress 有机食品类 Organic food 有机家居类 Organic household 运动健身 Sports/Fitness 旅行度假 Travel/Holiday 消费情况与生活态度CONSUMING BEHAVIOR & LIFE ATTITUDE 3,523 8,913 2,648 5,155 14,047 态度 Attitude 非常关注自己身体是否健康 Pay much attention to health 以实际行动支持环保 Take action on environmental protection 只要有可能我就会购买环保性能好的产品 I would purchase environmental-friendly products 偏爱对健康美容有益的食物 Prefer to buy food which is good for health and beauty 喜欢使用纯天然成分的品牌 Prefer to use brands/products with natural ingredients 我愿意无偿参与公益活动 I'd like to be a volunteer some time 资料来源:读者俱乐部 Information Source: Reader's Club 88.5% 86.5% 95.2% 88.0% 79.0% 90.5% 38
39 CIRCULATION AND DISTRIBUTION 发行数量及城市分布 台北 上海 南京 杭州宁波 温州南昌 福州 合肥武汉 长沙 广州南宁 昆明 贵阳 深圳 香港澳门 海口 成都 重庆 济南 太原银川 兰州 西宁 拉萨 青岛 郑州 石家庄 北京 沈阳 长春 哈尔滨 呼和浩特 乌鲁木齐 天津 西安 苏州 无锡常州 华北区 North China 西北区 North-west China 东北区 North-east China 西南区 South-west China 华东区 East China中南区(华中+华南) Central-south China 港澳及其他 HongKong/Macau/others 4,000 0.8% 总量 Grand Total 520,000 100.0% 北京 Beijing 110,000 21.1% 天津 Tianjin 14,000 2.7% 石家庄 Shijiazhuang 2,000 0.4% 小计 Sub-Total 126,000 24.2% 沈阳 Shenyang 6,000 1.1% 大连 Dalian 6,000 1.1% 哈尔滨 Harbin 2,000 0.4% 长春 Changchun 2,000 0.4% 小计 Sub-Total 16,000 3.0% 上海 Shanghai 140,000 26.9% 杭州 Hangzhou 21,000 4.0% 南京 Nanjing 15,000 2.9% 宁波/温州 Ningbo/Wenzhou 6,000 1.2% 苏州/无锡/常州 Suzhou/Wuxi/Changzhou 6,000 1.2% 青岛 Qingdao 4,000 0.8% 厦门/福州 Xiamen/Fuzhou 2,000 0.4% 济南 Jinan 2,500 0.5% 南昌 Nanchang 1,500 0.3% 合肥 Hefei 2,000 0.4% 小计 Sub-Total 199,500 38.4% 西安 Xi'an 6,500 1.3% 小计 Sub-Total 6,500 1.3% 成都 Chengdu 21,000 4.0% 重庆 Chongqing 11,000 2.1% 昆明 Kunming 2,000 0.4% 小计 Sub-Total 34,000 6.5% 广州 Guangzhou 90,000 17.3% 深圳 Shenzhen 32,000 6.2% 武汉 Wuhan 6,000 1.1% 长沙 Changsha 2,000 0.4% 海口/三亚 Haikou/Sanya 2,000 0.4% 郑州 Zhengzhou 2,000 0.4% 小计 Sub-Total 134,000 25.8%
零售占发行总量的75%,订阅占发行总量的 10%,赠阅占发行总量的10%,团购及企业客户 占发行总量的5%。其中在各零售渠道中: ◎ 电商渠道(包括天猫、卓越亚马逊、蜘蛛网、 杂志铺、京东、1号店、教育网、季风/爱知网店、 微信等)约占零售量的20% ◎ 书报摊、书报亭,约占零售量的44%; ◎ 大型超市、连锁便利店,约占零售量的17%; ◎ 机场及火车站,约占零售量的12%; ◎ 地铁书店,约占零售量的7%。 DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS LOHAS RESOURCES 发行渠道分布 乐活特殊渠道 Over 600 LOHAS enterprise members and stores, facing to daily purchase activity places of LOHAS population, has accurate focus and straight targets to high- ranking LOHAS community. ◎LOHAS stores; ◎High-end SPA, health clubs , Yoga and itness club centers; ◎High-end restaurants , organic products; ◎Top beauty salons, hair salons, high-end health care centers; ◎High-end bookstores and art salons; ◎Chain convenience stores, high-tra
41 2016年1月1日生效 Effective from January 1st, 2016 2016年广告刊例 ADVERTISING RATE 以下价格为税前价格,6%的增值税另计。 The rate below are all pre-tax, 6% VAT is to be surcharged. 版面四色 4 color printing 价格(人民币) 特色客户项目 Unique Feature Projects 别册:16页 / 8页 Special issue: 16p / 8p 689,000/424,000 (157g FSC哑粉纸、190mm(W)×255mm(H)、骑马钉、随全国发行) (157g FSCMatt arts, 190mm(W)×255mm(H), Staple, with national issue) 别册:12页 Special issue: 12p 424,000 (120g FSC书纸、140mm(W)×200mm(H)、骑马钉、随全国发行) (120g FSCbook paper, 140mm(W)×200mm(H), Staple, with national issue) 明信片:6张(16p)Postcard:6 cards(16p) 265,000 (250g FSC单粉卡、120mm(W)×165mm(H)、打孔装订、随全国发行) (250g FSC Coated one-side artpaper, 120mm(H)×165mm(W), Punch binding , with national issue) 台历:28页 Desk calendar:14张(含封面封底,及支架底座、线圈) 400,000 (250g FSC哑粉纸、180mm(H)×210mm(W)、随全国发行) (250g FSCMatt arts, 180mm(H)×210mm(W),with national issue) 封面腰封 Front Cover Horizontal Banner 400,000 (157g FSC哑粉纸、285mm(W)×70mm(H)、随全国发行) (157g FSCMatt arts, 285mm(W)×70mm(H),with national issue) 背板 Back board 450,000 (300g FSC白卡纸、208mm(W)×365mm(H)、随全国发行) (300g FSCwhite cardboard, 208mm(W)×365mm(H),with national issue) 栏目冠名:2页 Named column:2p 160,000 (Logo露出、1/3p硬广,主题配合) (Logo reveal, 1/3p Ad,) 栏目冠名:4页 Named column:4p 250,000 (Logo露出、1/2p硬广、主题配合,1次产品露出) (Logo reveal, 1/2p Ad, 1 editor content) 别册前半部分跨版硬广(First Half DPS on special issue) 307,000 别册后半部分跨版硬广(Second Half DPS on special issue) 240,000 微信(不含制作/含制作) 30,000/50,000 Weichat(Without production rate/ With production rate) 普通版面 Run of Page(R.O.P.) 前1/2部分全版First Half FP 167,000 后1/2部分全版Second Half FP 126,000 前1/2部分跨版First Half DPS 292,000 后1/2部分跨版Second Half DPS 229,000 半版竖放1/2 Page Vertical 115,000 半版横放1/2 Page Horizontal 103,000 三分之一竖放1/3 Page Vertical 93,000 三分之一横放1/3 Page Horizontal 80,000
乐活于2012年3月13日登陆苹果App Store,凭借其出色丰富的内容、高清精美的图片、清新雅 致的版面布局、灵活便捷的翻看方式,赢得超高的用户人气,仅仅3天时间即登顶App Store报刊 杂志排行。今日,随着不断优化的用户体验和清新恬淡不失趣味的选题设计,截至2014年11月 30日,LOHAS for iPhone的总下载量已达到289万,激活用户高达205万,蝉联榜首两月之久。 42 硬广·启动画面 (3秒) (开启软件之后,即刻有硬广画面呈现) 硬广·日荐后 (开启软件之后,进入阅读,即有硬广呈现) 硬广·封面后 (开启货架上的当期杂志,封面翻页后有硬广画面呈现) 硬广·栏目后 (开启货架上的当期杂志,指定栏目页后即显示单页软文) 软文·别册 (货架上单独陈列,以别册形式呈现) 软文·每日推荐 (开启软件,进入每日推荐,在AD的日历下方,即是该软文) LOHAS for iPhone Advertising: iPhone welcome page (3 seconds) (Advertising page appears right after opening the App) Advertising: Daily Recommendation (Advertising page appears after starting reading) Advertising: after cover (Advertising page appears after opening the magazine cover) Advertorial: special supplement (Special supplement is displayed separately on the shelf) Advertorial: after appionted feature (After opening the magazine, full page advertorial is shown after certain feature) Advertorial: Daily Recommendation (Advertorial text is below the AD calendar after opening the App and getting into daily recommendation) 特殊版面 Special Position 封面拉页Gatefold of Front Cover 917,000 封底拉页Gatefold of Back Cover 720,000 封二4p拉页IFC Gatefold(4 pages) 800,000 封二跨版(第一跨版)Inside Front Cover Spread(1st DPS) 573,000 第二跨版Second Double Page Spread(2nd DPS) 549,000 第三跨版Third Double Page Spread(3rd DPS) 527,000 目录前跨页Spread Before Content Pages 424,000 第一目录对页Facing First Content Page 253,000 第二目录对页Facing Second Content Page 241,000 书版权对页Facing Masthead 229,000 编者言对页Facing“From Editor’s”Page 207,000 封三IBC 217,000 封三跨版IBC Spread 355,000 封底OBC 458,000 *(具体报价见附件,每季度根据用户数据更新)
43 广告格式 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 印刷 Printing 柯式印刷 Offset 装订 Binding 胶脊装订 Perfect Binding 线网 Screen 175线 (每英寸) 175 lines per sq inch 稿件 Material 电子版光盘,两张彩样稿 electronic file plus two color copies 格式 Format 稿件原大尺寸,300dpi精度,CMYK颜色的PDF或TIFF文件 300dpi, CMYK, pdf file 累计折扣 FREQUENCY DISCOUNT 1~3次 1~3 Insertions 3% 4~6次 4~6 Insertions 5% 7~9次 7~9 Insertions 10% 10~12次 10~12 Insertions 12% 代理佣金 Agency Commission 15% 上述广告制作费用包含的工作内容 THE ABOVE RATES INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES ◎ 概念创意; ◎ 撰文; ◎ 平面设计(不多于两次的修改,第三次修改每次收RMB 500); ◎ 胶片(如因客户要求修改,每次每版收RMB 500); ◎ 不超过一个的产品硬照(模特照片或图片库照片或多于一个产品硬照另议)。 ◎ Creative Concept; ◎ Copywriting; ◎ Design (no more than 2 sets of corrections can be made, a cost of RMB 500 will be incurred from the third correction); ◎ Films (an extra charge of RMB 500 per page will be imposed for any amendment requests from clients); ◎ No more than one product shot (Shooting with models, stock photos and additional product shots will incur additional costs). 软性广告设计/制作费 ADVERTORIAL DESIGN AND PRODUCTION RATE 跨版 Double Page Spread RMB 8,000 (仅设计) RMB 15,600 (含物料制作) 全版 Full Page RMB 5,000 (仅设计) RMB 9,800 (含物料制作) 半版 Half Page RMB 3,200 (仅设计) RMB 6,500 (含物料制作) 封面用纸:昭和涂工 普白 ZH200TG 内页用纸:艾普丽丝 普白 IP100PB 纸张 Paper
版位尺寸示意 SIZE (实际尺寸 TRIM SIZE,比例为1?10) 44 出血位 Bleeding 每边各加3mm Add 3mm for each bleed edge 订位限期 Booking Deadline 出版日期前30日 30 Days before Publication Date 截稿限期 Material Deadline 出版日期前25日 25 Days before Publication Date 全版 Full Page 215mm(W)×275mm(H) 半版竖放1/2 Page Vertical 90mm(W)×245mm(H) 半版横放1/2 Page Horizontal 180mm(W)×120mm(H) 1/3版竖放1/3 Page Vertical 60mm(W)×245mm(H) 1/3版横放1/3 Page Vertical 180mm(W)×80mm(H) 跨版Double Page Spread 430mm(W)×275mm(H) 封二跨版(第一跨版)Inside Front Cover Spread(1st DPS) 416mm(W)×275mm(H) 封面拉页/封底折页Front Cover Gatefold/ Back Cover Gatefold 423mm(W)×275mm(H) 常规 Common 特殊 Special 明信片Postcard 120mm(W)×165mm(H) 别册 Special issue 190mm(W)×255mm(H) 别册 Special issue 140mm(W)×200mm(H) 台历 Desk calendar 180mm(W)×210mm(H) 封面腰封 Front Cover Horizontal Banner 285mm(W)×70mm(H) 背板 Back board 208mm(W)×365mm(H) WW W W WWW W W HH H H HHH W H W H W H W H W H H H *备注
客户别册制作价目 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 付款细节 Payment Details 50% 款项须于订位合约签署后支付; 50% down payment is required when booking contract is signed; 50% 余款须于别册出版日的30天内支付。 50% payment should be paid within 30 days of the supplement publication date. 特殊定制别册报价根据客户具体方案而定。 Taylor-made supplement production price subjects to particular project conditions. 形式 Format 骑马钉装订,随刊附送 Saddle-stitch, loose insertion booklet 制作包括 Production Includes ◎ 标准摄影及标准模特儿,明星邀请; ◎ 内容撰写及版面设计; ◎ 印刷及插送费用; ◎ 两次免费内容或设计上之更改。 *客户特别指定之摄影、模特、纸质、形式或设计要求,以及多于两次的内容修改,将另作额外报价。 ◎ Standard photo shooting and standard models;Invitation of celebrities ◎ Copywriting and layout design; ◎ Printing and insertion cost; ◎ 2 sets of free revision on design or content. * Additional costs will be quoted on specified requirements set by clients on shooting , model, paper quality, special format, special design and more than 2 sets of changes on content or design layout. 版权 Copyright 别册的版权为现代传播集团所拥有,如欲取得版权将收取额外费用。 Copyright of the Supplement lies with Modern Media Group. Should client wish to purchase the copyright, a quotation will be provided. 订位限期 Booking Deadline 出版日期前一个月 1 month before publication date 截稿限期 Material Deadline 出版日期前10天 10 Days before publication date