引领 国际潮流最前沿的 LEAD ON THE INTERNATIONAL OF POP CULTUREL They are experts on the popular fashion style and know how to use the fashion elements to create their own fashion personalities, so every day they bring new changes to their own daily lives. 她们擅长选择最前沿的流行风格打造自己, 明白什么时 尚能真正为我所用,她们每天的生活都有崭新的变化。
They are optimistic, confident and act with courage and determination. They enjoy brand products, but don't follow the others blind. They pursue career success and personal achievements, but never at the expense of their own lives. 她们乐观自行,敢作敢为,懂得欣赏品牌, 却不受品牌的约束。 GUIDE THE STYLISH AND COOL GIRLS 最张扬的 指导 个性女生
最实用的 INTRODUCE THE MOST PRACTICAL BEAUTY TIPS 介绍 扮美技巧 They refused to be conservative. The places they haunt are not necessarily well-known, but certainly distinctive; the spending is not huge, but very effective. 她们拒绝守旧,出没的场所不一定知名,但肯 定具有特色,花销不一定最贵,但肯定最能达 到效果。
展现 美丽生活最时尚的 SHOW THE MOST FASHIONABLE LIFE STYLE They like to swipe credit cards and experience the fun and satisfaction the new technologies bring with. They are used to be imitated and envied. 她们乐于信用透支,最先体验新技术带来的娱乐 和满足,充实而富于乐趣,习惯了被模仿与羡慕。
MAGAZINE 1299105/ 册 中国发行量NO.1 NO.1 IN THE YEARLY CIRCULATION 70%8%5%3%12%2% 报刊亭 KiosksAirportSubscriptionDrugstores 超市便利店 Bookstores 书店 Subway 地铁订阅机场 发行渠道 DISTRIBUTION 呼和浩特 银川 太原 成都 无锡 南昌 昆明 福州 兰州 合肥 重庆 长春 西宁 厦门 南京 温州 沈阳 北京 上海 广东 大连 海口 天津 哈尔滨 石家庄 青岛 杭州 吉林 长沙 郑州 宁波 武汉 西安 济南 乌鲁木齐 贵州 南宁
传授实用性的穿衣技巧实用至上 Teach practical dressing skills. Practicality first 邀请专业服装搭配师来解决读者 的穿衣困惑 美丽课堂 狂爱大牌 介绍当季大牌的流行趋势,拍摄 风格大气,兼具昕薇风格。 Brand obsession Introduce the seasonal trends of the international brands in classy and groovy genres of photography - Xinwei style. FASHION服装版 立足国际前沿的时尚观点 From the international perspective of fashion.60% 昕潮流 在原有基础上更注重视觉 效果和实用性的结合。 Xin trend Pay more attention to the combination of visual effects and the practicality. Beauty Salon Invite professional outit matcher to help readers dress stylishly. 时下最流行的单品信息至IN单品 Information on the most popular items . IN-Item
Makeup frontier 彩妆前沿 介绍流行的妆容趋势 Introduce the latest makeup trends. Beauty salon 美丽课堂 介绍护肤技巧和彩妆历史 Introduce skin care and makeup tips and their history Baby soft skin 宝贝肌肤 介绍当季热门的护肤方法, 以不同主题来解决各种肌 肤问题。 Guide to the seasonal skin care and use different themes to solve a variety of skin problems. Xin-products 昕品优选 以某个美容话题为出发点, 严选一类产品介绍给读者。 Based on the latest beauty topics, select carefully one product line for the readers. Hairstyle advice 靓发攻略 讲解当季头发的打造、发色、 头发护理。 Focus on the seasonal haircut, hair color and hair care. Manicure 恋恋美甲 美甲的花样要符合时尚趋向 简约的潮流,注重操作性。 Manicure pattern to meet the fashion trend of simple trend, pay attention to the operation. 美容版 BEAUTY25% 专业视角,深度挖掘, 为读者带来贴心的美 容建议。 From the professional perspective, give readers the most useful beauty advice.
Stars星点 着重介绍一位当下处于焦点位置的 男星、女星为对象进行采访 Interview currently popular actors or actresses. A bite of Xinwei恬动舌尖 与网络美食达人、酒店星级 大厨和高 人气餐厅合作的美 食推荐节目 Cooking programs in cooperation with gourmets, star chefs and restaurants of high popularity. Travel 拎包去旅行 为读者推荐更适合她们的高 性价比和自由度的目的地。 Recommendation of the high cost-effective and free tourist destinations. 生活版 LIFE15% 现代都市年轻女孩的 生活视野。 Modern urban girl's vision of life. COVER STORY 封面故事 当期封面的明星或品牌 代言人的采访栏目 Interview with the cover stars or brand ambassadors. Xin - Topic昕TOPIC 制作有趣实用的“昕”话题 Make interesting and useful "Xin" Topics.
DIGITAL 多渠道立体的传播方式 实现新媒体与传统媒体跨界营销 Multi-channel communication to achieve the cross-border marketing in both the new and traditional media 昕薇网站 Xinwei Website 昕薇官方微博 Xinwei Weibo 昕薇专属模特微博 Xinwei Model Microblog 昕薇官方微信 Xinwei WeChat 昕薇美妆微信 Xinwei Beauty WeChat VIVA畅读 VIVA Reading 掌阅iReader Xinwei iReader 合作内容更丰富 Diversiied cooperation
Popular fashion portal, the exclusive area for the high-end white-collar. 昕薇网 WEBSITE 人气前沿的时尚门户网站 高端时尚白领生活专属地 Xinwei has developed from a well-known traditional media into a mobile media and brought a brand new reading experience. 昕薇从知名传统媒体,逐步发展移动媒体的触手,带来全新的阅读感受。 xinwei.tv 美容 BEAUTY服装 FASHION 乐活 LIFE 品牌 BRANDS 模特 MODEL 商城 STORE 互动 INTERACTIVE PV180/万UV70/万
数字媒体的革新与创优 Innovation in digital media 昕薇微博 WEIBO 昕薇官方微博昕薇专属模特微博 Xinwei model microblog includes the model agency, the model competition and the model training and has 75270 fans. Xinwei microblog has three columns: Xin pop, Xin stars and popular items recommendation. It has 3890000 fans. 75,0003,800,000 昕流行 Xin-Trend 昕看点 Fashion 昕明星 Xin-Star 中国女孩 Fashion 单品推荐 Xin-Products女孩圈 Fashion 模特经纪 Model Agent 昕看点 Fashion 模特大赛 Model Contest 中国女孩 Fashion 模特培训 Model Train女孩圈 Fashion 粉丝粉丝
数字媒体的革新与创优 Xinwei web is weibo wechat viva wreader 昕薇微信 WECHAT 昕薇官方微信昕薇美妆微信 美容推荐 Products 美容推荐 Fashion美容问答 Interlocution 美容问答 FashionV试用 V-Trial V试用 Fashion 昕看点 Focus 昕看点 Fashion中国女孩 Model 中国女孩 Fashion女孩圈 Community 女孩圈 Fashion 粉丝 650,000 头条平均阅读数 3/万 普通条平均阅读数 1/万 平均转发数 300+ 粉丝 160,000 头条平均阅读数 5000+ 平均转发数1000+ 普通条平均阅读数 5000+ Xinwei WeChat is divided into three sections: Xin focus, Chinese girls and girls circle and has 605,790 fans. The average daily visits to the headline news are 30000, and the average daily readers are 10,000. The news can be forwarded 300+ times every day. Xinwei Beauty WeChat has three sections: beauty recommendation, beauty Q & A and V-trial. The number of fans is 158,450. Every day the headline news are read 5000+ times and forwarded 1000+ times.
移动阅读新体验 潮流咨询垂手可得 Experience the trend of mobile reading and consult the experts easily. Each issue of Viva reading has been downloaded about 590,000 times and been read more than 500,000 times. The subscribers reach 480 million. The monthly active users are 7 million and the daily active ones are 15 million. The download of each issue from the iReader amounts to 590,000 times, and each is read 500,000 times. PV - 100 million and UV - 3.5 million. The daily active users are 45 million. Cooperate with the domestic leading company of the mobile reading 掌上阅读 EMAGAZINE 每期下载量 59/万 每期阅读量 50/万 用户量 4亿8000万 月活量 700/万 日活量 1500/万 每期下载量 59/万 PV 1亿 UV 350/万 日活量 4500/万 每期阅读量 50/万 引入国内手机阅读行业领先者
CHINA GIRL 每一年都为更多拥有明星梦想的女孩提供展现 自身魅力的平台 Every year Xinwei acts as a platform for more and more girls who have a star dream showing their talents and charm.
CHINA GIRL “中国女孩”昕薇平面模特大赛, 是由《昕薇》杂志社于2010年发起并主办的 中国平面模特大型专业赛事。 "Chinese Girl" is a major professional Chinese print models contest, initiated and organized by Xinwei magazine in 2010. 数十家合作媒体网路直播、选择全国范围内 的时尚商场、校园开展针对大赛的宣传推广。 Dozens of media partners select nationwide fashion malls and campus to carry out promotion for the contest and webcast the event. 大赛遍及近20个城市。总决赛在海外的成功 举办,为“中国女孩”走向世界奠定了坚实的 基础! The contest makes a trip throughout nearly 20 cities. The inals held successfully overseas lay a solid foundation for the "Chinese Girls" to begin a career on the world stage! 有梦想,正青春 你就是 昕 明星
软广告指由杂志为客户编辑的广告。特殊广告指 1/2 版、1/3 版等需要和杂志内容衔接的广告;若是 3 页 以上的连续页,也需按照特殊规格广告时间表运作。以上日期如遇改变,以另行通知为准。 Dvertorials refer to those complied by XINWEI'S editor. Advertisements with special specifications refer to those 1/2 and 1/3 page advertisement connected with the content of the magazine. Extended pages with more than 3 pages will be handled according to the timetable for advertisement with special specifications. Further notice will be given if there were any change of the above dates. 广告尺寸 Adertisement Size 跨页装订尺寸 Trim Size / 成品尺寸 278x428mm Bleed Size / 出血尺寸 284x434mm 全页装订尺寸 Trim Size / 成品尺寸 278x214mm Bleed Size / 出血尺寸 284x220mm 竖半版装订尺寸 Trim Size / 成品尺寸 278x107mm Bleed Size / 出血尺寸 284x113mm 横半版装订尺寸 Trim Size / 成品尺寸 139x214mm Bleed Size / 出血尺寸 145x220mm 竖 1/3 版装订尺寸 Trim Size / 成品尺寸 278x71mm Bleed Size / 出血尺寸 284x77mm 微信/微博广告 Wechat/Weibo Advertising 微信/微博广告位置 基础物料说明 Wechat/Weibo ad position Basic material introduction 微信主图定制软文 Main customized advertorial material 微信副图定制软文 Auxiliary chart advertorial material 编辑推荐单品露出 Editor's recommend product √画面精度:300dpi; √ 图片格式: JPG; √ 广告物料提前 2 工作日提交 Picture format:300dpi, Video format:JPG, advertisement material should be handed two days early微博发布 Micro blog's publish 微博活动定制 customized activity 网站广告 Website Advertising 网站广告位置 基础物料说明 FrontPage ad position Basic material introduction 首屏焦点图 Focus picture 右侧广告位 Right side ad position 通栏 Full column √画面精度:300dpi; √ 图片格式: JPG; √ 广告物料提前 2 工作日提交 Picture format:300dpi, Video format:JPG, advertisement material should be handed two days early 定制软文 Customized advertise material
普通版位软文广告价格 Prices for advertorials on regular pages or places 2016《昕薇》广告价格 2016 ADVERTISING PRICES 特殊版位广告价格 Prices for special pages or places 普通版位广告价格 Prices for regular pages or places 版位 POSITION 价格(元) Rate(RMB) 880,000 576,000 521,000 484,000 466,000 448,000 431,000 301,000 293,000 287,000 279,000 124,000 107,000 410,000 399,000 387,000 386,000 339,000 封面拉页 第一跨页 第二跨页 第三跨页 第四跨页 第五跨页 目录前跨页 第一目录旁页 第二目录旁页 第三目录旁页 第四目录旁页 目录页 1/2 版 目录页 1/3 版 第一目录间跨页 第二目录间跨页 第三目录间跨页 封三跨页 封底 Front Cover Gatefold 1st Spread Page 2nd Fashion Spread Page 3rd Fashion Spread Page 4th Fashion Spread Page 5th Fashion Spread Page Spread Page Content Full Page Facing 1st Content Full Page Facing 2rd Content Full Page Facing 3st Content Full Page Facing 4th Content 1/2 Page In Information Content 1/3 Page In Information Content Full Page Facing 1st Spread Page Between Content Full Page Facing 2rd Spread Page Between Content Full Page Facing 3st Spread Page Between Content Last Spread Page Back Cover 版位 POSITION 价格(元) Rate(RMB) 前 1/3 普通内页 中 1/3 普通内页 后 1/3 普通内页 前 1/3 普通跨页 中 1/3 普通跨页 后 1/3 普通跨页 1/2 版 1/3 版 197,000 180,000 165,000 280,000 279,000 263,000 111,000 94,000 Full Page Within 1/3 Of The Magazine Full Page In The Middle 1/3 Part Full Page In The Rest 1/3 Of Part Spread Page Within 1/3 Of The Magazine Spread Page In The Middle 1/3 Part Spread Page In The Rest 1/3 Of Part Half Page 1/3Page 刊登的广告必须遵守中华人民共和国《广告法》和相关法律法规的规定。广告用语用字应符合普通话和中文简体规 范汉字的要求。按本刊公布尺寸提供4色菲林及色彩打样,因提供不符合尺寸的菲林而耽误时间由提供方负责。 Published advertisements shall abide by the Advertisements Law of the People's Republic of China as well as other relevant rules and regulations. This company has the right to modify or even cancel those advertisements that fail to accord with relevant laws, rules and regulations. The expressions and characters used in advertisements shall follow the requirements for Mandarin and of simplified standard Chinese character. Four- color film and color designs should be provided in the size required by this magazine. The supplier should be responsible for any time delay arising from the inappropriate provision of film. 广告刊登须知 Advertising Requirements 版位 POSITION 价格(元) Rate(RMB) 前 1/3 普通内页软文 中 1/3 普通内页软文 后 1/3 普通内页软文 前 1/3 普通跨页软文 中 1/3 普通跨页软文 后 1/3 普通跨页软文 1/2 版软文 1/3 版软文 215,000 210,000 179,000 305,000 296,000 287,000 122,000 105,000 Full Page Within 1/3 Of The Magazine Advertorial Full Page In The Middle 1/3 Part Advertorial Full Page In The Rest 1/3 Of Part Advertorial Spread Page Within 1/3 Of The Magazine Spread Page In The Middle 1/3 Part Advertorial Spread Page In The Rest 1/3 Of Part Advertorial Half Page 1/3Page
位置 分部频道/CHANNEL 名称 POSITION 价格/天(RMB/DAY) 视频 Video 首页 Homepage 首页 Homepage 导航上全屏 回收全屏 置顶全屏 首页浮标 首页浮层 首页顶部旗帜 首页焦点图 通栏一 通栏二 通栏三 通栏四 时装版块焦点图 美容版块焦点图 时装顶端模块01/02 美容顶端模块01/02 时装图文链接01/02/03 美容图文链接01/02 乐活图文链接01/02/03/04 导航上全屏 回收全屏 置顶全屏 焦点图 顶部旗帜 右侧模块02 右侧模块03 首页通栏1 首页通栏2 150,000 175,000 200,000 125,000 150,000 35,000 43,000 24,000 21,000 17,000 17,000 24,000 24,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 22,500 17,500 14,000 11,000 14,000 11,000 Half-page Under Navigation Expanded Half-page Under Navigation Top Half-page Float Banner Float layer Top Leaderboard Focus Picture Leaderboard 01 Leaderboard 02 Leaderboard 03 Leaderboard 04 Focus pic of Fasion Section Focus pic of Beauty Section Medium Rectangle 03 Medium Rectangle 04 Medium Rectangle 06 Medium Rectangle 07 Medium Rectangle 08 Half-page Under Navigation Expanded Half-page Under Navigation Top Half-page Focus picture Top Leaderboard of Slide-show Article Medium Rectangle 02 Medium Rectangle 03 Leaderboard 01 Leaderboard 02 网站合作价格 Prices For Website 微信合作价格 Prices For Wechat 单图文 头条 次头条 普通条 单图文 头条 次头条 普通条 60,000 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 30,000 15,000 10,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 5,000 品牌资讯+ 品牌二维码+ 原文阅读链接 品牌资讯+ 品牌二维码+ 原文阅读链接 品牌资讯+ 品牌二维码 软性品牌植入 品牌资讯+ 品牌二维码+ 原文阅读链接 品牌资讯+ 品牌二维码 品牌资讯+ 品牌二维码+ 原文阅读链接 品牌资讯+ 品牌二维码 品牌资讯+ 品牌二维码+ 原文阅读链接 品牌资讯+ 品牌二维码+ 原文阅读链接 品牌资讯+ 品牌二维码 品牌资讯 品牌资讯+ 品牌二维码+ 原文阅读链接 品牌资讯+ 品牌二维码 品牌资讯 软性品牌植入 名称POSITION 形式FORM 内容 价格/天(RMB/DAY) 昕薇官方微信 昕薇美妆微信 2016新媒体合作价格 2016 PRICES FOR NEW MEDIA COOPERATION 微博合作价格 Prices For Weibo 昕薇官方微博 首页焦点图 直发置顶帖 转发置顶帖 直发普通贴 转发普通贴 普通帖 品牌资讯 品牌资讯+ @官微/文字链 品牌资讯+ @官微/文字链 品牌资讯+ @官微/文字链 品牌资讯+ @官微/文字链 软性品牌植入 40,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 名称POSITION 形式FORM 内容 价格/天(RMB/DAY) 电子杂志合作价格 Prices For Emagazine 掌阅iReader VIVA畅读 硬广 软文 硬广 软文 月刊 半月刊 80,000 120,000 60,000 100,000 名称POSITION 投放周期 形式FORM 价格/天(RMB/DAY)