The one and only media in China spectrums from business to fashion industry. BAZAAR MEN STYLE and BAZAAR MEN BUSINESS target top business elites and now have the highest reading rate. These two monthly issues fully cover the group which has relatively high consuming capability. IPAD + SOCIAL MEDIA + APP Multi-choices directly interacts with enormous users. Strong market promotions are plainly forging ahead. Creative activities have accurately effected on marketing. Business leaders, international superstars, fashion pioneers, art masters, entrepreneur heroes BAZAAR MEN 中国唯一一个横跨商业与时尚领域的媒体品牌 汇聚 这个时代最有价值的人与事 吸引中国各界精英人群 呈现独一无二的品牌价值 《芭莎男士 品位版》+《芭莎男士 商业版》 两本月刊覆盖中国最具消费力的高端读者群 PAD版杂志+社交媒体+APP 多屏互动 直击海量定位用户 市场推广强势夺人 创意活动精准营销 商界领袖 演绎巨星 时尚先锋 艺术大家 创业英雄……
两本独立月刊 《芭莎男士 品位版》 《芭莎男士 商业版》 两本独立半年刊 《芭莎男士 品位全书》 社交媒体+视频专区+APP 形成线上整合资源 品位成功年度人物 商业新青年 系列巡展 三大创意活动 创造强势媒体集群效应 BAZAAR MEN STYLE, BAZAAR MEN BUSINESS( two independent monthly issues ), BAZAAR MEN STYLE BIBLE ( semiyearly issue), social media, video zone and APP are made to integrated resources. The cluster of annual major events such as BUSINESS YOUTH, exhibitions, BAZAAR MEN 'MEN OF THE YEAR' and creative activities for key users produce cluster effect and consequent competitiveness. 2015 All in position
It is on sale on the irst day of each month and it fulills men's pursuits of quality lives. BAZAAR MEN STYLE inds joy in life and leads people to go for luxurious lifestyle through major contents such as fashion, plaything and LOHAS. BAZAAR MEN STYLE A TEXTBOOK FOR ALL ELITES TO IMPROVE PERSONAL STYLE. 每月1日上市 全方位满足一个男人最具品位的生活追求 时装+玩物+乐活 发现生活乐趣 引导消费潮流
The most interesting access to fashion, multi-perspectives on fashion culture.Wise recommendations for new fashion items FASHION From fashion trends to brand culture. From new items to pragmatic tips for wearing. 为精英男士提供 多角度解析时装文化 最有趣的时装阅读 为经营男士提供 睿智的新品推荐 搭配的升级指南
玩物 Test Drive breaks professional boundaries and demonstrates quality life. Watch Mind can let you understand watches more and purchase wisely. The latest electronic products introduction and selected cool ways to play with new technology. PLAYTHING Let men play with better quality. Let men play with greater value. 品位“试驾” 打破专业界限 彰显品质生活 读“风度表情” 让你更懂腕表 更明智选购 探索“科技世界” 了解最新电子产品 掌握新潮流科技的炫酷玩法
Take the premium wine and savor the amazing cuisine. Into the world most visited tourist resorts. Sports and adventure, wild dreams. To learn a variety of life attitudes through BAZAAR MEN igures and their stories. Smart art collection, professional art exhibition guide. Serious counsel and thoughtful advice on grooming and skin care for living in this modern society. LOHAS More devoted life experience. More cozy life control. 读懂你的杯中酒 品位你的盘中餐 以最具品位的姿态迈向 全球最诱人的旅游胜地 运动与冒险,收放自如的野性梦想 读品位人物,看趣味人生, 了解多样生活态度 聪明的选择艺术收藏, 专业的游历艺术展览 理容与护肤, 看脸的时代中最贴心的指导
In 2015, BAZAAR MEN covers a huge target group of high end business elites. 2014年CBES平均每期阅读率No.1 时尚男刊--平均每期阅读率对比 (2014年CBES) 2014 No.1 average per issue reading rate from CBES 《芭莎男士》用户群体自身的奢侈品牌消费品位 BAZAAR MEN users' attitude to luxury brands. 《芭莎男士》用户去年 平均家庭税前年收41万元 《芭莎男士》用户去年平均家庭税前年收入 Average family annual income of BAZAAR MEN users (before tax) 《芭莎男士》用户私家车拥有情况 Private car usership 《芭莎男士》用户住房拥有情况 Private property usership 《芭莎男士》用户群体多为商界领导者 《芭莎男士》用户最高职位分布 The highest job position distribution of BAZAAR MEN users 《芭莎男士》用户学历水平集中在本科以上, 所占比例为74%。 《芭莎男士》用户学历分布 Qualiication distribution of BAZAAR MEN users. 《芭莎男士》用户多为年轻有为、 高学历的商务精英 《芭莎男士》用户高度集中在25-44岁年龄层, 所占比例为74%。 《芭莎男士》用户年龄分布 Age distribution of BAZAAR MEN users. 《芭莎男士》商务精英用户,经济基础雄厚 《芭莎男士》用户去年平均个人税前年收入25万元。 《芭莎男士》用户去年平均个人税前年收入 Average personal annual income of BAZAAR MEN users (before tax) 7.49% 6.50%6.49%5.85%4.52% 芭莎男士GQELLEMEN男人风尚时装男士版 服装汽车手表化妆品香水珠宝红酒 45-54岁 21% 40万-49.9万 8% 20万-29.9万 24% 30万-39.9万 13% 12万-14.9万 12% 60万-99.9万 10% 50万-59.9万 9% 40万-49.9万 14% 30万-39.9万 21% 2-3套 49.79% 20万-29.9万 23% 部门主管人员 7.14% 部门总监/经理 50.77% 其他管理职位 1.85% 15万-19.9万 20% 50万以上 6% 12万以下 17% 硕士及以上 10% 本科双学位 13% 本科 51% 大专以下 2% 大专 24% 55岁以上 3% 100万以上 6% 20万以下 17% 3辆及以上 1.32% 4套及以上 2.14% 无 0.22% 1套 47.85% 2辆 22.34% 1辆 69.84% 无 6.50%24岁以下 2% 25-34岁 35% 34-44岁 39% 《芭莎男士》用户群体坐拥高生活品质 BAZAAR MEN users have the highest life quality. 一定要奢侈品牌 Must have 倾向于奢侈品牌 Prefer to (正副)董事长/总经理 总裁/首席执行官 CEO/董事/厂长 50.77% 所有数据均来自CTR央视市场研究股份有限公司的CBES数据库产品 35% 45% 63% 47% 52% 56% 46%27% 34% 28% 29% 28% 25% 21%28% 23%19%29%18% 11%
拥有2辆以上私家车 Two private cars owner or above. 芭莎男士 10.77% ELLEMEN睿士 9.78% 智族GQ 7.90% 时装男士版 6.79% 男人风尚 6.04% 私旅入住四星级以上酒店 Stay at above 4 star hotels for leisure trip. 芭莎男士 12.38% ELLEMEN睿士 9.39% 智族GQ 8.57% 男人风尚 7.53% 时装男士版 6.33% 过去一年参加健身俱乐部 Member of a gym for the last year 芭莎男士 13.55% ELLEMEN睿士 10.87% 智族GQ 9.78% 男人风尚 9.40% 时装男士版 6.73% 拥有1万元以上腕表 10,000 worth hand watch owner or above. 芭莎男士 15.99% ELLEMEN睿士 10.94% 男人风尚 10.88% 智族GQ 8.23% 时装男士版 6.89% 拥有两套以上住房 Two private properties owner or above. 芭莎男士 8.42% ELLEMEN睿士 6.18% 智族GQ 5.95% 男人风尚 5.64% 时装男士版 4.42% BAZAAR MEN fully covers the group which has relatively high consuming capability. 所有数据均来自CTR央视市场研究股份有限公司的CBES数据库产品
Excellent marketing promotions fully attract key brand audience. Meanwhile, ordering small sized events with better privacy could also target opinion leaders. The cluster of annual major events such as BUSINESS YOUTH, exhibitions, BAZAAR MEN 'MEN OF THE YEAR' and creative activities for key users produce cluster effect and consequent competitiveness.
The most creative brand brochure Customized fashion stories Powerful recommendations on consumption Exclusive celebrity report Unique creative projects Global resources Top production team 最具创意的品牌专刊 量身打造的时装故事 最具消费指导的品位推荐 独家的名人体验
与芭莎男士精英俱乐部20万高端会员打通。 1,000,000 200,000 微博近, BAZAAR MEN its own social account has most active, inluence users among all male fashion medias. With millions of followers on weblog and 200 thousand fans on wechat which easily connects BAZAAR MEN ELITE CLUB to new memberships. YOUWEEK, it provides everyday’s outit recommendation for men according to daily weather. Until now, it has 200000 download in IOS and android system. Overall, it serves every man who pursues fashion in life. Cover over 100 thousand cities all over the world. Millions of well selected outit photos. High enthusiasm. High participation. Multi-functions such as time management, career fortune, etc. Social marketing High Speech, creative interaction. 《芭莎男士》拥有活跃的、 最具影响力的社交媒体帐号 微行,根据气温、地理位置及您的个人喜好提供出行着装建议覆盖全球 10万城市,精选百万张穿搭图片,热情度最高,参与感最强的时尚社区, 更有日程管理、职场运势等特色功能。 一切只为每一位爱好时尚,希望时尚的男士用户量身打造。 (IOS及安卓总下载量250,000) —Enjoy Your Life On Your Terms 粉丝 关注 微信
Professional publishing Fully coverage 1 2 3 4 5 11 6 7 8 10 9 13 14 12 1.黑龙江HeiLongJiang 2% 2.辽宁LiaoNing 6% 3.北京Beijing 23% 4.天津Tianjin 2% 5.山东Shandong 4% 6.陕西Shanxi 2% 7.四川Sichuan 6% 8.重庆Chongqing2% 9.湖北Hubei2% 10.江苏Jiangsu 9% 11.上海shanghai20% 12.浙江Zhejian9% 13.湖南Hunan 3% 14.广东Guangdong 10% 订阅及赠阅 Subscription 35% 零售 Retailing 65% 目标发行量Target circulation: 700000册 时尚迅达发行公司—中国拥有最广泛深 入发行渠道的专业发行公司 专为《芭莎男士》高端读者群度身定做的 特有发行策略和监督机制终端 Distributor- Offering the most extensive sales outlet Distribution is tailor-made exclusively to attract eligible readers. 发行区域 城市分布 中心城市 北京、上海、广州、深圳 一级城市 杭州、南京、成都、重庆、沈阳、大连 二三级城市 哈尔滨、西安、昆明、厦门、青岛等 Major cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen First tier cities: Hangzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Shenyang, Dalian ect. Second and third tier cities: Harbin, Xi'an, Kunming, Xiamen, Qingdao Areas in circulation Urban distribution 北京Beijing 23% 上海Shanghai 20% 广东Guangdong 10% 浙江Zhejiang 9% 江苏Jiangsu 9% 辽宁 Liaoning 6% 四川 Sichuan 6% 山东Shandong 4% 湖南Hunan 3% 重庆 Chongqing 2% 湖北Hubei 2% 黑龙江Heilongjiang 2% 天津Tianjin 2% 陕西 Shanxi 2%
版位 Position RMB USD 广告价格及操作表 PROFESSIONAL DISTRIBUTION AND COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE Double page spread dimensionsFull page dimensions 全页尺寸: 275X214mm 全页出血尺寸: 285X224mm 跨页尺寸: 275X428mm 跨页出血尺寸:285X438mm 2015.1 2015.1.1 2014.12.6 2014.12.15 2015.2 2015.2.1 2015.1.6 2015.1.15 2015.3 2015.3.1 2015.2.6 2015.2.15 2015.4 2015.4.1 2015.3.6 2015.3.15 2015.5 2015.5.1 2015.4.6 2015.4.15 2015.6 2015.6.1 2015.5.6 2015.5.15 2015.7 2015.7.1 2015.6.6 2015.6.15 2015.8 2015.8.1 2015.7.6 2015.7.15 2015.9 2015.9.1 2015.8.6 2015.8.15 2015.10 2015.10.1 2015.9.6 2015.9.15 2015.11 2015.11.1 2015.10.6 2015.10.15 2015.12 2015.12.1 2015.11.6 2015.11.15 Month Publication Date Contract Due Material Due 月份 出版日 合同截止日 物料截止日 出版日期 Publication date BAZAAR China is one sale monthly from the 1st of the preceding month. 印刷方法Printing Process BAZAAR China is printed using the most advanced 4/C web offset printer, screen line 175lpi 特殊制作 Special Orders All special order are available on a contract basis, negotiated separately and may not be cancelled.This includes but is not limited to different sizes or special production treatments, such as gatefold, inserts, supplements, multiple-page advertisements, special inks and paper, Special orders must be discussed in advance to conirm mechanical feasibility and inal quotation. 一般条款General Conditions All advertisements are subject to BAZAAR approval, BAZAAR retains the ultimate right to reject any advertisement. Any advertisement that contains bilingual text must display the Chinese text before the foreign-language text. All advertisements must use simpliield Chinese character text. All Cosmetic, Medicine and Food advertisements must display a health/hygiene certiicate number. The word “BAZAAR promotion”will be placed above content in which BAZAAR ‘s opinion stimulates editorial. BAZAAR will not be responsible for errors in advertising materials that are provided after the material deadline. 封面+封面故事Cover+Cover Story1,080,000 170,000 封面外折 2POutside Gatefold 2P850,000 134,000 封面内折 4PInside Gatefold 4P1,200,000 190,000 封二跨页Inside Front Cover Spread800,000 126,000 第一服饰跨页1st Fashion Spread 700,000 110,000 第一非服饰跨页1st Non-Fashion Spread 680,000 107,000 第二服饰跨页2nd Fashion Spread630,000 99,000 第二非服饰跨页2nd Non-Fashion Spread 610,000 96,000 第三服饰跨页3rd Fashion Spread600,000 94,600 第三非服饰跨页3rd Non-Fashion Spread 580,000 91,500 第四服饰跨页4th Fashion Spread 560,000 88,000 第四非服饰跨页4th Non-Fashion Spread 540,000 85,000 第五服饰跨页5th Fashion Spread520,000 82,000 第五非服饰跨页5th Non-Fashion Spread 500,000 79,000 目录前跨页Spread Before Table Of Content480,000 75,000 卷首语对页Full Page facing Editor's Letter420,000 66,000 目录及卷首语间跨页Spread Between TOC&Editor's Letter460,000 72,000 目录对页1-3Facing Table Of Content 1-3380,000 60,000 目录间跨页Spread after Content430,000 68,000 目录对页4-时尚评论4th Facing TOC(Fashion Review)350,000 55,000 目录对页5-男装规则5th Facing TOC (Gentlemans Rules)340,000 53,600 目录对页6-设计解析6th Facing TOC (Style Analysis)330,000 52,000 目录对页7-摩登对话7th Facing TOC (Modern Talks)320,000 50,500 目录对页88th Facing TOC 310,000 48,900 目录对页99th Facing TOC 300,000 47,300 目录对页1010th Facing TOC 290,000 45,700 前1/2单页Full Page in the first 1/2 Magazine 270,000 42,500 前1/2跨页Double-page Spread in the first 1/2 Magazine410,000 64,700 后1/2单页Full Page in the last 1/2 Magazine 240,000 38,000 后1/2跨页Double-page Spread in the last 1/2 Magazine350,000 55,000 时装大片6PFashion Shooting 6P900,000 142,000 封三Inside Back Cover300,000 47,300 封三跨页DPS of Inside Back Cover400,000 63,000 封底Outside Back Cover830,000 130,000