CHINA’S PREMIER MAGAZINE FOR LUXURY BOATING AND YACHTING ENTHUSIASTS China’s fast growing economy and the development of yachting infrastructure are spurring demand for private boats and yachting activities throughout the country. CHINA BOATING magazine is responding to this growing aspiration of China’s elite for discerning lifestyle activities and the development of facilities in cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Hainan, Qingdao, Xiamen, Dalian, Shengzhen and Zhuhai. With the legacy of Asia Paci?c Boating’s thirty years heritage and its reputation in the international boating industry for being the leading source of news and information, CHINA BOATING magazine is positioning itself as China’s ultimate luxury boating reference. 中国高速增长的经济和游艇工业的迅速发展,极大刺激了中国富豪对私人游艇活动的需求。对私人游艇不断增长的热望来自于中国各界精英对生 活方式的理解和洞察,也来自于中国各大城市,例如上海、北京、海南、青岛、厦门、大连、深圳和珠海等,在城市设施的发展和完善中,《中华宝艇》正是在这样的潮流和各界人士的期待中应运而生的。 承载在亚太地区游艇业中发展三十年的荫泽,以及其在国际游艇业中素以具有领先地位的信息渠道而闻名的声誉,《中华宝艇》定位于成为中国 首本最具权威性的豪华游艇及其生活的参考杂志。 《中华宝艇》将致力于传递对于中国航海事业深度分析的综合信息、调查发布世界范围内豪华游艇的最新信息、以及这些游艇所到目的地的介绍 和生活方式的特写。 中国首本为豪华游艇爱好者定制的杂志 CHINA BOATING provides high quality focused editorial coverage of news and informa- tion relating to the luxury boating and yachting world. For every issue, our strong global network of correspondents generates fresh, original content that keeps readers coming back for more. NEWS China Boating covers the latest boating news and events to affect China and the region, including yachting coverage, new launches, boat show updates and marine indus- try developments. FEATURES Regular features provide an in-depth look behind the scenes at boatyards and take a closer look at major launches and new models, with high quality images and descrip- tions of interior and exterior styling as well as performance. We also go cruising in China and Asia Paci?c waters, some of the best yachting playgrounds in the world. INTERVIEWS We speak one-on-one with leading designers, yachtsmen and other industry luminaries to get the inside track on topical news and issues. IN STYLE A rundown of new gadgets, gizmos and essential equipment designed to make the yachting experience even more agreeable. LIFESTYLE Articles focused on ways to enjoy leisure time both on and off the water. 《中华宝艇》致力于提供豪华游艇界内最全面信息和高质量的报道。我们凭借遍 布全球的强大采编队伍精心为每一期杂志提供最新的、原创的报道,令读者对我 们的杂志百看不厌。 信息资讯 提供最新的游艇信息和中国以及亚太地区具有影响的重大事件,其中包 括游艇报道,最新下水的游艇介绍,最新船只展示和关于海运业发展的报道。 热点聚焦 定期的特别报道带领读者走进造船厂、更近距离的了解下水游艇和最新 的游艇模型。这些报道都配以高质量的图片,游艇内部、外观、款式以及性能的 详细介绍。同时,我们还会带领读者纵横中国和亚太地区的各个水域,以及世界 上一些最适合游艇旅行的地区。 独家专访 我们将就热点的新闻和事件,邀请业内顶级的设计师,游艇驾驶员和其 他行业的知名人士进行一对一的探讨。 风尚前沿 在这个栏目中,我们将纲要式的介绍能够使您的游艇之旅变的更舒适愉 快的小器具、小发明和一些重要的装备。 时尚专题 这个栏目中的文章主要介绍不同的生活方式,使读者在海上或者岸边的 休闲生活更加愉快。
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1 2、3 5、6 7 8、9 10 11、12 13 4 1.大连星海湾国际游艇俱乐部 Dalian Xinghai Bay International Yacht Club 泊位(Berth):79个 网址:www.xinghaibay.com 2.青岛国际游艇俱乐部 Qingdao International Yacht Club 泊位(Berth):600余个 网址:www.qiyc.cn 3.青岛银海国际游艇俱乐部 Qingdao Yinhai International Yacht Club 泊位(Berth):366个 网址:www.yinhai.com.cn 4.无锡太湖山水游艇俱乐部 Wuxi Shanshui Marina 泊位(Berth):80个 网址:www.shanshuimarina.com 5.苏州太湖水星游艇俱乐部 Suzhou Taihu Mercury Club & Marina 泊位(Berth):144个 网址:www.mercurymarine.com.cn 6.大自然国际游艇俱乐部 Natural International Yacht Club 泊位(Berth):120多个 网址:www.natural-yacht.com 7.宁波莱悦游艇俱乐部 Ningbo Leisure Boating Club 泊位(Berth):15个,最大可停泊50英尺游艇 网址:www.leisureboating.cn 中华游艇会所地图 高端活动 Marina Scene ExclusiveEVENTS CHINA Launched in 2004, China Boating has positioned itself as China’s premier yachting publication. China Boating is keeping its rapid expansion and coverage in China’s major cities but also second-third tier cities through targeted magazine distribution and series of upscale and lifestyle events for selected Vips. China Boating brings together the af?uent and in?uential Chinese high net worth individuals to a world of yachting, luxury and glamorous lifestyle. 自2004年创刊以来,《中华宝艇》已成为国内顶级的游艇专业刊物。 历经六年的发展,杂志已成功覆盖了中国各大一线城市,同时正积极致力于二、三线城市的拓展工作。与此同时,为了迎合国 内高端人群的需求,杂志还定期在各地主办、协办各类高端活动。 为国内高端人群营造游艇生活方式,搭建游艇生活平台是《中华宝艇》矢志不渝的宗旨。
1 2、3 5、6 7 8、9 10 11、12 13 4 8.上海游艇会 Shanghai Marina Club 泊位(Berth):110个 网址:www.shmarinaclub.com 9.上海亚廷游艇会 Shanghai Yacht Club 泊位(Berth):25个(另有20个干泊位) 网址:www.shanghaiyc.com 10.九龙山将军游艇俱乐部 Nine Dragon Admirals Yacht Club 泊位(Berth):95个(另有70个陆地干仓) 网址:www.963.org.cn 11.深圳大梅沙湾国际游艇会 Shenzhen Marina Club 泊位(Berth):175个(另有100多个陆地干仓) 网址:www.szmarina.com.cn 12.深圳浪骑游艇会 Longcheer Yacht Club 泊位(Berth):275个(另有400个干舱) 网址:www.longcheer.com 13.三亚鸿洲国际游艇会 Visun International Yacht Club 泊位(Berth):72个 网址:www.visun-yacht.com
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BLUINC MEDIA GROUP BLU INC MEDIA(CHINA) LIMITED is a subsidiary of SPH Magazines Pte Ltd,which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of media giant Singapore Press Holdings Limited.Blu Inc’s philosophy is to publish market-leading magazines that connect with Asia’s wealthy, brand-conscious individuals through their chosen lifestyle activities. Blu Inc ensures that each magazine meets the highest international publishing standards, providing readers with a blend of international and locally produced content in a fresh and innovative format. Blu Inc传媒集团 BLU INC媒体(中国)有限公司是新加坡SPH报业集团SPH杂志公司的分 支公司。打造亚洲范围内的高端杂志,诠释高端生活方式是Blu Inc的的理念,隶属 公司旗下的每一本刊物都以此为准绳,旨在为广大的读者朋友们搭建一个了解国 内外高端生活方式的平台。 ASIA-PACIFIC BOATING With a heritage that spans 30 years, Asia-Paci?c Boating is an essential reading tool for the region's luxury boat and yacht owners and a?cionados. This ultimate lilfestyle magazine provides direct access to the most affuent and in?uential elite. 《亚太宝艇》拥有30年历史的《亚太宝艇》杂志是亚洲及太平洋地区豪华船艇爱好 者的必备读物,该极富奢华品味的杂志旨在为亚太区精英阶层传递最直接有效的 国际资讯。 LP - luxury Properties LP (Luxury Properties) is an exciting bilingual magazine from Blu Inc, targeted at high net worth individuals in Asia looking to enjoy the ultimate in lifestyle residences. With articles written in both English and Chinese, the magazine contains the latest news about outstanding, high-end properties for sale in Asia and around the world 《地标》隶属Blu Inc传媒集团旗下,是一本顶级奢侈地产类双语杂志(英文和简体 中文相对照),亚洲地区的高净值收入人群为主要的目标读者。中英文双语内容 汇聚了全球最顶级奢华建筑豪宅,旨在全面展现高端人群的奢华生活。 JET ASIA-PACIFIC The bilingual publication for Asia's and mainland China's high ?yers. This bilingual magazine keeps the region's high net worth individuals informed of the very latest developments and options available to them in the extremely dynamic world of private aviation. 《尊翔》以双语全情展示包括中国大陆地区在内的亚太公务航空业界讯息。杂志 通过最新的行业新闻与消息,行业人物访谈,新机型介绍与试飞等,力求帮助读 者分析与指导他们的私人飞机投资计划,解释最新的亚太区公务飞机的规定与标 准。目前,杂志已成为众多有意购买私人飞机人士的最佳选择参考。 PINNACLE Published on behalf of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, Pinnacle magazine represents the ultimate luxury lifestyle magazine. Sent quarterly to Rolls-Royce owners and VIPs in Hong Kong and mainland China, this bilingual magazine allows you to associate your company with the ultimate luxury brand and in?uence the decisions of Greater China's most af?uent and in?uential individuals. 《峯之峯》作为劳斯莱斯汽车的车主杂志,以诠释顶尖奢华的生活品味为宗旨。 该杂志系季刊,定期会送抵中国香港和大陆地区的劳斯莱斯车主及重要贵宾手 中。双语发行的《峯之峯》杂志一直致力传达一流奢华品牌的资讯,对业界高端 人士的影响深刻。 ASIA SPA Asia’s only magazine totally dedicated to the pursuit of complete wellbeing. From the latest spa destinations and treatments to health, cuisine, fashion and cosmetics, AsiaSpa provides over 120,000 of today’s wealthiest, brand-conscious urban females with an essential guide to pampering and inner tranquility. 《ASIA SPA》亚洲唯一一本全情投入完善个人健康生活的杂志。从最新的温泉疗养 胜地、健康烹调方式到时尚、化妆资讯,刊物涉及面广泛,旨在为当今超过12,000 名城市新贵女性充当心灵导读。 ACTION ASIA Action Asia has been the region's leading travel and adventure lifestyle magazine for more than 148 years. Winner of the Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA) awards for editorial excellence for three years running, and with a readership of more than 14536,000 Action Asia prides itself on raising the standards of publishing in Asia. 《ACTION ASIA》连续18年充当亚洲地区顶尖的旅行及极限运动杂志,三年来一直 荣获亚洲出版人协会颁发的优胜奖,而今读者群已飚至145,000人次。能赢得此等 佳绩,《Action Asia》也引以为傲。 POLO Polo is the ?rst polo-lifestyle magazine in Asia. This luxurious publication aims to cover and explore the latest developments in Asia as well as news in the world of polo, acting as a vital link between readers and the game. 《皇家马球》是亚洲第一本权威性马球杂志,旨在为精英阶层传递亚洲以及世界 范围内马球运动的最新动向,充当着广大读者与马球运动间的重要桥梁作用。 For subscription or advertising, please contact us: