[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]23 The Leading Men's Lifestyle Magazine in China. 创刊1年,即获2011年欧莱雅风尚媒体大奖荣誉。 原创时装大片多次被日本《Men's Club》杂志, 香港《ELLEMAN》杂志,台湾《ELLE》转载。 深度专题多次被《看天下》等杂志转载。 The magazine was honored with the prestigious L'Oreal Fashion Media Award 2011 one year after it was founded. Our original photographs, stunning and superb, have been repeatedly reprinted by“MEN's CLUB”magazine (Japan), “ELLEMAN”magazine (Hong Kong) and“ELLE”magazine (Taiwan). Our feature articles have been repeatedly reprinted by such magazines as“VISTA”. 一本为触动,启发,取悦,服务中国新世代男性而创的杂志。 A magazine to surprise, to inspire, to entertain and to serve the new generation of Chinese Men. 睿智风范 魅力 SPIRITED STYLISH SEDUCTIVE EXCLUSIVE CONTENTSINTRODUCTION ELLEMEN Interview 讲述大人物的轶事,不放弃小人物的 传奇,跨越娱乐名人,艺术大师,商界 名流以及崛起中的新鲜人物。我们将 以敏锐迅捷的语言力量剥开社会的假 面,展开光鲜外表下的内在回旋和平 凡角色里的不凡。愿我们一起为肉体 的喧哗和精神的躁动击掌欢呼、公开欣 赏,愿我们一起为卓绝的创造性和平常 的人性感知做出赞美,在速度的漩涡里 安静地照耀每一天。 首创报道与视频同步推出,多维度呈现 人物风格,给读者不同寻常的阅读体验。 民间型男 一个有魅力的男人,会从容驾驭自 己的外表,会创造自己的风格生活。 ELLEMEN报道充满魅惑的男人, 帮助男人在魅力之路上持久远行。 ELLEMEN男人头脑性感、身体也 性感。我们追逐创造性思维给身体带 来的魅力,也注重纯粹的身体塑造。 ELLEMEN男人善于创造自己的 “型”,于是,每一期杂志有来自不同 领域不同族群的男人们,与专业时装 大片并行纸上,挥洒自如,自信绽放。 城市之魅 从国际的都会到本土的核心, ELLEMEN每期走进一个城市,拍 摄人文时装大片,制作专题报道,以精 辟的角度,震撼的视觉,让读者为这世 界的丰富而惊艳,为价值的多样而一 笑,为人与事而感动。生活处处闪亮, 城市魅力无尽。 [STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE] ONLY IN ELLEMEN ELLEMEN Interview We tell stories of somebodies, but we don’t lose sight of the tales of nobodies. We track down showbiz megawatt names, art gurus, business leaders and new faces that are being catapulted to stardom to explore, in a hard-edged way, the unchartered territories of social veneer and get the lowdown on what make these people who they are. Let’s celebrate outstanding creativity and wisdom. Let's pay tribute to every single day in this fast-paced world. With feature story and video in sync, we provide different perspectives on people and give our readers unusual reading experiences. Truemen Show A charismatic man is groomed. A charismatic man has style. We hound down charismatic men and help them keep their charisma. Our ELLEMEN men not only are the cream of the crop, but also are physically attractive. Our ELLEMEN men have a flair for “shaping” their body. We believe that creative thinking and physical attraction go hand in hand. In each issue, we use great shots to flesh out the men from different sectors, and their easy confidence leaps out from the pages. City Culture In each issue, we head to a city, domestic or foreign, to take superb fashion shots and write a feature article. We will offer our insightful understanding of what we see, and make our creations truly pleasant to the eye. Our accounts of the people we meet will tug at the heartstrings of our readers. We will show how beautiful life is. We will prove how fascinating a city could be. 3 INTERVIEW
[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]4[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]5 关于赫斯特 杂志集团(中国) 1988年进入中国,赫斯特杂志集团 (中国)是赫斯特国际集团的100% 全资子公司,旗下设有赫斯特广告、思 迪广告及华道发行。分别在上海、广 州、北京设立办公地点,其中北京为总 部。我们致力于提供跨媒体平台的整 合创意营销服务,包括广告策划执行、 数字营销、视频内容制作、数据库营销 及客户关系管理解决方案、以及全国 零售渠道管理。赫斯特杂志集团(中 国)1988年以来始终锐意进取, 引领 传媒新风尚。每月除以总发行量超过 1300万的涵盖时尚潮流,美容健康, 汽车家居等方面的杂志影响着中国逾 千万读者,更在近三年内大力推动新 媒体平台的整合营销。其中ellechina. com在中国女性垂直网站中位列高端 影响力之首,拥有超过180万注册用 户,日均流量达1000万并持续高速增 长。赫斯特中国旗下各类颁奖盛典, 消费者互动活动,常年覆盖一线直辖 市、省会城市、二线城市。华道发行具 备强大的渠道分销能力,可覆盖全国 50,000个零售终端。思迪广告是数字 行业的风尚专家,2010年进入中国,在 上海和北京拥有分支机构。 About Hearst Magazines China Hearst Magazines China is a 100% subsidiary business unit of Hearst Corporation and has been operating in China since 1988. Our three main vehicles are Hearst Advertising, Next Idea China and Hearst Distribution. We offer multi- media business innovation services via advertising campaign planning & execution, digital marketing service, TV content production, database & CRM solutions and nationwide retail distribution management. We have a staff of more than 600 people in China, in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou offices. Hearst Magazines China has always been determined to lead the new trends in the media industry. Hearst Magazines China affects millions of readers, not only on the basis of the total circulation of more than 13 million magazines per month covering fashion trends, beauty, health, car and home decoration; but also on the vigorous promotion of the integrated marketing of new media platforms including print, web, TV, APPs, events, a credit card and distribution. Hearst Distributions has powerful sales and distribution abilities; covering 50,000 retail POS in China. DECEMBER 2012.12 No.101 邮发代号:4-772 定价:人民币20元整 港元30元整 本刊由上海译文出版社与美国赫斯特出版公司版权合作 EFDPDPWFSGJOBMJOEE?? ABOUT HEARST COVERS
[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]6[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]7 WE TALK TO PEOPLE 我们和他们交谈,因为能 够从他们身上获得灵感, 不仅仅关于生活方式,还 有生活本身。 WE PEOPLE. whose life could continuously INSPIRE others TALK TO
[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]8[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]9 WE COOL STUFF. including gadgets, watchese, cars and MANY MORE TOY WITH 我们喜欢酷的东西。 懂得欣赏出色的 设计和工艺,才是乐趣所在。 WE TOY WITH COOL STUFF
[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]10[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]11 我们关注身边发生的一切, 以奔赴的方式来报道,因为这个社会, 和我们自己密切相关。 WE that worth deep READING and deep THINKING.DO REPORTS. WE DO REPORTS
[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]14[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]15 WE INDULGE IN FUN WE that worth deep READING and deep THINKING.DO REPORTSINDULGEWE by discovering all kinds of exciting ENJOYMENTSIN FUN. 我们放纵自我的享受, 男人必须有所迷恋, 生活才会更加有趣。
[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]16[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]17 READERSHIP 读者属性 事业有成,从商人员,白领,企业家, 决策管理层。 63%读者为25-34岁男士。 平均月收入 RMB21,079,15%月收入超过 RMB50,000。 消费偏好 72%的人愿意在衣服上花费 RMB3,000-20,000/月。 77%的人希望升级手表,汽车等物品。 读者平均购买手表预算2万-5万; 读者平均购车预算30万-55万。 68%的读者会仔细阅读杂志中大部分 广告。 66%的读者认为杂志广告具有参考 价值。 生活形态 他们追求生活品质、新科技、欣赏品牌 文化。他们追求成功,注重角色定位,追 求新奇的意见领袖。他们理性、有主见。 强调个性不凡是读者的主流价值观。 Reader Analysis Successful professionals, business men, white collars, entrepreneurs, decision makers. 63% of readers are males from 25 to 34. Average Personal Monthly Income 21 ,079 RMB. 15% readers' monthly income is more than 50,000 RMB. Consumption Trends 72% of readers are willing to spend RMB 3,000 to 20,000 on the consumption of clothing. 77% of readers plan to upgrade their watches and cars. RMB 550,000 average budget for car purchase and RMB 11,000 for watch buying and have a budget of RMB 20,000-50,000 for buying wristwatches. 68% of readers will closely read a majority of ads in the magazine. 66% of readers consider magazine advertisements worthwhile. Lifestyle They pursue a high quality of life,new technology and enjoy brand culture. They pursue success, stress social status and follow those with fresh, new ideas. They are reasonable and independent. Exuding an extraordinary personality is our readers' strongest value. 我们的读者事业有成,从商人员,白领, 企业家,决策管理层。 63%读者为25-34岁男士。 72% 77% 68% 66% 72%的人愿意在衣服上花费RMB3,000-20,000/月。 72% of readers are willing to spend RMB 3,000 to 20,000/month on the consumption of clothing. 77%的人希望升级手表,汽车等物品。读者购买手表预算2万-5万;读者平均购车预算30万-55万。 77% of readers plan to upgrade their watches and cars. RMB 550,000 average budget for car purchase and RMB 11,000 for watch buying and have a budget of RMB 20,000-50,000 for buying wristwatches. 68%的读者会仔细阅读杂志中大部分广告。 68% of readers will closely read a majority of ads in the magazine. 66%的读者认为杂志广告具有参考价值。 66% of readers consider magazine advertisements worthwhile. 63% 63%读者主要为25-34岁男士。 63% of readers are males from 25 to 34. 读者属性 消费偏好 平均月收入 15% RMB21,079, 15%月收入超过RMB50,000。 21,079 RMB. 15% readers' monthly income is more than 50,000 RMB.
[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]18[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]19 最具创意的年度活动 ? 睿士之声周年庆典 最具深度创意活动,与ELLEMEN 一起聆听这个时代的睿士之声。 ? 汉米尔顿幕后英雄盛典 最感人年度盛典,源于好莱坞,与 ELLEMEN一起支持一直向上的中 国电影。 强大的睿士精英俱乐部 最具声音意见领袖聚集,创意营销方 式影响行业精英。睿士精英读者俱乐 部,力求展现风尚人物的生活态度与故 事,打造最吸引人的互动活动,为行业 领袖建立最直接的社交平台。 微电影 截止2012年12月,ELLEMEN纪实 系列微电影《睿士传奇》播放次数为 12,709,332。“ELLEMEN出品”已然成 为优质微电影的标志。2013年睿士对于 电影的理想及追求必将把ELLEMEN 微电影带入一个新的高峰。 ? 微电影播放渠道 含优酷专区、iPad 电子杂志、 ELLETV等各大平台,每期覆盖上 百万用户。 ? ELLEMEN优酷专区 ellemen.youku.com ELLEMEN网络/渠道 推广宣传 ELLEMEN品牌随时随地捕捉新媒 体带来的机遇,除了官方微博,明星编 辑团队微博, ELLEMEN优酷专区 之外,还与新浪、搜狐、雅虎等门户网 站,乐视视频网站,爱表族等专业网站 的长期合作,通过与明星名人互动等 方式,将内容以多形式多渠道传播,获 得更多关注,多维度提升影响力。 强势发行,覆盖全国逾百所城市。 The Most Creative Annual Event ? Voice of ELLEMEN Anniversary With the most creative event, the voices of ELLEMEN will be heard. OUTDOOR DISPLAY & DISTRIBUTION ? Hamilton behind the Camera Awards The most touching annual gala originated from Hollywood. Let's give our support to China's growing movie industry. ELLEMEN Opinion Leaders Club This is where some of the big name opinion leaders like to hang around and creative marketing can influence these people most effectively. By organizing appealing interactive events and demonstrating the life attitudes and stories of highfliers, ELLEMEN Readers Club provides an effective platform where leaders from different sectors can network and socialize. ELLEMEN Micro-Movie By November 11, 2012, “LEGENDS of ELLEMEN”, ELLEMEN's non-fiction micro- movie series, had been played 7,882,584 times. “A ELLEMEN Production" has become synonymous with quality micro- movies. CREATIVE MARKETING Figures Area 区域 Readership Percent 1 Beijing 北京 111,600 18.0% 2 Shanghai 上海 117,800 19.0% 3 Guangzhou 广州 55,800 9.0% 4 ZheJiang 浙江 55,800 9.0% 5 JiangSu 江苏 31,000 5.0% 6 SiChuan 四川 37,200 6.0% 7 LiaoNing 辽宁 18,600 3.0% 8 ShenZhen 深圳 18,600 3.0% 9 ChongQing 重庆 19,840 3.2% 10 HuBei 湖北 12,400 2.0% 11 TianJin 天津 12,400 2.0% 12 ShanDong 山东 13,640 2.2% 13 HuNan 湖南 9,300 1.5% 14 YuanNan 云南 7,440 1.2% 15 HeBei 河北 6,200 1.0% 16 HeiLongjiang 黑龙江 7,440 1.2% 17 FuJian 福建 11,160 1.8% 18 JiangXi 江西 6,200 1.0% 19 JiLin 吉林 11,160 1.8% 20 GuangXi 广西 6,200 1.0% 21 ShanXi 山西 11,780 1.9% 22 ShanXi 陕西 7,440 1.2% 23 GuiZhou 贵州 6,200 1.0% 24 XinJiang 新疆 6,200 1.0% 25 AnHui 安徽 6,200 1.0% 26 NingXia 宁夏 6,200 1.0% 27 NeiMeng 内蒙 6,200 1.0% Total 620,000 100.0% 2012 Newsstand 440,200 71% Bookstore 37,200 6% Subscription 117,800 19% Display 24,800 4% Total 620,000 100% 71% Newsstand 19% Subscription 6% Bookstore 4% Display 19% 4% 6%71% 强势发行 全国每月覆盖62万读者。 不断开拓新渠道,进入香港销售、 新增电子商务渠道。 逾100家全国五星级酒店展示。 各大机场贵宾厅展示。 逾200家高级手表店展示。 Launch In Style Reaches more than 620,000 targeted men. New distribution channels development, on sales in Hong Kong,the e-commerce. Display in more than 100 5-stars hotels nationwide. Display in VIP lounges of airports nationwide. Display in more than 200 luxury watch stores. ELLEMEN's aspirations and pursuits in the field of movie will hands down bring ELLEMEN's micro-movie to a crest of a wave. The micro-movies are played in such channels as ellemen. youku.com, iPad e-magazine and ELLETV, each reaching a hefty million subscribers. ELLEMEN iPR & Channel Promotion We keep our eyes peeled for opportunities brought by new media. In addition to ELLEMEN's official micro blog, the micro blog of our outstanding editorial team and ellemen. youku.com, we have formed long-term partnerships with such portals as www.sina. com, www.sohu.com and www. yahoo.com as well as such specialized websites as www.letv. com and www.iwatch365.net, and through interaction with celebs, we disseminate the content in numerous forms through numerous channels to generate more exposure and extend our reach. Nationwide circulation,covering hundreds of cities.
[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]20[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]21 iPAD & iPHONE APPiPAD & iPHONE APP 截至2013年1月, 超620,000用户。 More than 620,000 readers by January 2013. iPad电子杂志 过去一年,ELLEMEN iPad多次得 到苹果APP Store热门推荐,读者好评 无数。2013,ELLEMEN将再接再 厉,用全新的阅读体验在iPad上呈现 一如既往的睿智·风范·魅力。 ELLEMEN iPad版特点 互动创新,内容立体呈现; 型号识别,阅读流畅体验; 智能书签,进度自动记录; ELLEMEN COOL Daily 2013上线,全面涵盖iOS & Android & Windows Phone。以ELLEMEN 的视角,每日甄选新鲜好玩的资讯与 不一样的观点——睿士有型,有趣,更 有深度。采用最新最in的开发技术,贴 合使用者需求,力求成为4G时代碎片 时间里的最好应用。 iPad E Magazine In the past year, ELLEMEN iPad has been repeatedly recommended by APP Store and won rave reviews from readers. In 2013, we will continue to make unremitting efforts to offer new reading experiences on iPad and present our best creations. Features of ELLEMEN iPad Interaction and innovation, which ensures that the contents are presented in the best way possible; Model identification, which ensures that reading can be very smooth; Intelligent bookmark, which records the progress of reading automatically. ELLEMEN COOL DAILY It will be put into service in 2013, ELLEMEN iPad 读者分析 高收入、喜欢尝试新鲜、创意产品体验的新世代中国男人群体 ELLEMEN iPad Readers Analysis Chinese men who are high paid, love novel experiences and look for innovative products 关于ELLEMEN iPad中的广告 Advertisement in ELLEMEN iPad applicable to iOS & Android & Windows Phone. Novel and entertaining information and unique points of views are presented from ELLEMEN's perspective. The latest and the trendiest technologies are used to make it more user-friendly. Our goal is that it can be the best application in the age of 4G. 42% 已经推荐给身边的人。 42% Have recommend the magazine to friends. 96% 认为ELLEMEN iPad版值得推荐。 96% Think iPad version worth recommending. 90% 能接受杂志中出现广告。 90% Accept advertisement in the magazine. 42% 认为广告也是一种阅读享受。 42% Think advertisements as a pleasure to read. 扫描二维码或 在App Store中搜索 ELLEMEN下载iPad电 子杂志。 Scan QR code below or search ELLEMEN in App Store to download. 48% 曾经读过ELLEMEN纸质杂志。 48% Read printed ELLEMEN magazine. 针对iPad读者,全国3000个样本分析。 A survey of 3,000 iPad readers nationwide has been conducted. 81% 25-45岁 81% Aged 25-45 年龄 47% 月收入超过2万,22%月收入超过5万 47% Monthly income of over RMB 20,000, including 22% whose monthly income exceeds RMB 50,000 收入 68% 本科以上学历 68% Bachelor's degree or higher 学历 性别 88% 男性 88% Male Resource:
[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]22[STYLISH SPIRITED SEDUCTIVE]23 2013 RATECARD/ADVERTISING ENQUIRES2013 RATECARD/ADVERTISING ENQUIRES ELLEMEN 2013 Calendars Issue 编辑主题 On Sale Date Material Deadline Jan 新年 New Year 22/12/11 10/12/11 Feb 情人节 Valentine's Day 20/1/12 8/1/12 Mar 周年刊 Anniversary Edition 20/2/12 8/2/12 Apr 车展 Auto Show 22/3/12 10/3/12 May 旅行 Travel 20/4/12 8/4/12 Jun 巴塞尔表展 Basel Watch Fair 22/5/12 10/5/12 Jul 夏日 Summer 22/6/12 10/6/12 Aug 美酒地图 Wine Mag 22/7/12 10/7/12 Sep 潮流 Style 20/8/12 8/8/12 Oct 玩物 Playthings 20/9/12 8/9/12 Nov 职场 Workplace 22/10/12 10/10/12 Dec 派对 Parties 22/11/12 1011/12 ELLEMEN 2013 Rate Card (CNY) Position 广告位 2013 Rate Cover Gatefold x 4P 封面内拉页4P 1,210,000 1st Fashion Spread Before TOC 目录前第一服装跨页 690,000 1st Non-Fashion Spread Before TOC 目录前第一非服装跨页(表,车类) 690,000 2nd Fashion Spread Before TOC 目录前第二服装跨页 621,000 2nd Non-Fashion Spread Before TOC 目录前第二非服装跨页(表,车类) 621,000 3rd Fashion Spread Before TOC 目录前三服装跨页 598,000 3rd Non-Fashion Spread Before TOC 目录前第三非服装跨页 598,000 4th Fashion Spread Before TOC 目录前四服装跨页 560,000 4th Non-Fashion Spread Before TOC 目录前第四非服装跨页 560,000 5th Fashion Spread Before TOC 目录前五服装跨页 548,000 5th Non-Fashion Spread Before TOC 目录前第五非服装跨页 548,000 DPS before Content 目录前跨页 517,000 1st TOC 第一目录旁全页 362,000 2nd TOC 第二目录旁全页 319,000 3rd TOC 第三目录旁全页 296,000 Full Page Facing TOC 目录旁全页 280,000 DPS Spread between TOC & Masthead 目录及版权页间跨页 440,000 Full Page Facing Masthead 版权页旁全页 253,000 DPS Spread between Masthead & Editor's Letter 版权页及卷首语间跨页 418,000 Full Page Facing Editor's Letter 卷首语旁全页 250,000 DPS Spread following Editor's Letter 卷首语后跨页 407,000 Backstage, Contributor 花絮,作者旁全页 220,000 Single Page Facing View 开篇“这世界”第一单页 210,000 DPS Spread in View 开篇“这世界”内跨页 352,000 1st Single Page Facing Decode “解码”第一单页 200,000 DPS Spread in Decode “解码”内跨页 341,000 Full Page Before Fashion 服装前单页 170,000 DPS before Fashion 服装前跨页 300,000 Full page after Fashion 服装后单页 142,000 DPS after Fashion 服装后跨页 260,000 Inside Back Cover 封三 220,000 Inside Back Cover Spread 封三跨页 363,000 Outside Back Cover 封底 621,000 Remark: All rate above is CNY ELLEMEN Supplement Rate Card (CNY) Position 广告位 2013 Rate IFCG 封面内拉页4P 735,000 COVER 封面 558,000 1st DPS before TOC 第一目录前跨 425,000 DPS before TOC 目录前跨 354,000 Full Page Facing TOC 目录旁页 210,000 Full Page facing Editor's Letter 卷首语旁页 172,000 Full Page 内页全页 134,200 OBC 封底 437,000 Remark: All rate above is CNY 六月号 June BASEL Supplement 九月号 September Men's Accessories Supplement 10月号 October Coolist Supplement 234 全页 FULL PAGE Full Page Trimmed 全页净尺寸 214mm x 275mm Full Page Bleed 全页出血尺寸 224mm x 285mm 跨页 DOUBLE-PAGE SPREAD Double Page Spread Trimmed 全页净尺寸 428mm x 275mm Double Page Spread Bleed 全页出血尺寸 438mm x 285mm 封面拉页 COVER GATEFOLD (4P) P1 / FP Trimned 全页净尺寸 202mm x 275mm P1 / FP Bleed 全页出血尺寸 212mm x 275mm P2P3 / DPS Trimmed 跨页净尺寸 (202mm(P2)+211mm(P3) x 275mm P2P3 / DPS Bleed 跨页出血尺寸 (207mm(P2)+216mm(P3) x 285mm P4 / FP Trimmed 全页净尺寸 209mm x 275mm P1 / FP Bleed 全页出血尺寸 219mm x 285mm ELLEMEN提供360度创意,独树一帜的广告策划。 ELLEMEN provides innovative and unqiue advertisement planning service. 软文 Texts 微博 Weibo 微电影 Microfilm 创意大片 Great Shots EDM iPad/APP