地处工人体育场北路南侧,南三里屯路路西,是三里屯地区商业核心地段,也是东三环交通枢纽的中心位置。周边交通发达,500米内有多达10余条公交线路以及地铁10号线团结湖站。覆盖巨大人、车流; 视野开阔,无遮挡,极易于受众注目。
三里屯SOHO六号商场墙体 周媒体接触人车流:3346+(单位:千人) 规格:16米(宽) x 10米(高)=160平方米 播放时间:8:00-20:00 媒体要求:1920×1440像素
Beijing Sanlitun District SOHO No.6 Building Mega LED screen
Sanlitun is an international shopping, restaurant and entertainment precinct in Chaoyang District in the city of Beijing. It is the most international and bohemian area in the capital.
The screen sits in the intersection of North Worker’s Stadium Road and Sanlitun Road where there are extremely high traffic passing through. There are a number of wide pedestrian crossings in the intersection where the screen is visible to a huge pedestrian footfall.
IMPACTS 478,000+ daily reach
================================================================== 北京宏业凯广告有限公司, 联系电话: 010-85590199,13910027984(微信同号) 王先生 Johnson@allchina.cn