媒体优势: 1,覆盖北京著名的西单商圈,人流量超大。 2,辐射北京金融街东部,人群购买力极强。 3,临近中南海西门,位置尊贵。 4,老佛爷百货为世界知名商店,提升美誉度。
北京西单老佛爷百货(Galeries Lafayette Screen)LED大屏,媒体周边商场林立,居民集中,显示屏所处位置人口高度密集,车水马龙,热闹非凡。媒体周边的高端商业消费人群、商旅人士及旅游观光人群;有较高的受众人群注意率,地理位置绝佳,瞬间传达,被动受众。媒体离地高度约20m,周围无干扰,视觉冲击力强。是各企业想要短期内打造知名度的首选高性价比黄金LED媒体。
媒体优势: 1,覆盖北京著名的西单商圈,人流量超大。 2,辐射北京金融街东部,人群购买力极强。 3,临近中南海西门,位置尊贵。 4,老佛爷百货为世界知名商店,提升美誉度。
Beijing Xi Dan District Galeries Lafayette Screen
Xi Dan District is a major traditional commercial area known throughout Beijing. With a total length of 3.4 miles (5.4 kilometers), it starts from Xuanwumen Gate in the south and stretches to Xinjiekou crossing in the north. The history of the commercial street can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). At that time, it was an essential crossing leading to the downtown area from southwest of the suburban area. Since then, this area has blossomed as a commercial center in the western part of Beijing. Nowadays, the North Street of the commercial quarter is the most prosperous section of the whole commercial quarter, with many shopping malls, department stores, restaurants and entertainment centers scattered around. As is youth and fashion themed, it attracts numerous young people to gather here.
IMPACTS 580,000 daily vehicular flow, 700,000 daily pedestrian flow
================================================================== 北京宏业凯广告有限公司, 联系电话: 010-85590199,13910027984(微信同号) 王先生 johnson@allchina.cn