Forbes Asia   广告投放热线:010-85590199
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Forbes Asia

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Launched in September 2005, Forbes Asia serves as Asia-Pacific’s definitive voice celebrating entrepreneurial capitalism and business. Written and edited specifically for Asia-based top management, entrepreneurs and those aspiring to positions of corporate leadership, Forbes Asia chronicles wealth creation, entrepreneurial success and economic growth throughout Asia. Each issue identifies and profiles Asia’s noteworthy individuals—from the richest people to the most remarkable philanthropists, as well as the leaders of the region’s best performing publicly listed companies, big and small. Forbes Asia presents relevant local features and authoritative reporting, with every issue giving equal weight to original Asia-specific articles and the best of Forbes from the rest of the world. In addition to Forbes Asia, Forbes’ presence in the region also includes eight local editions: Forbes China, Forbes India, Forbes Indonesia, Forbes Japan, Forbes Korea, Forbes Mongolia, Forbes Thailand and Forbes Vietnam, offering marketers unparalleled access to senior business leaders in this prospering region.


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