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    Who is Insider? 《社交Insider》杂志——一本当今中国上流社会的经典之作 Insider is a high society social magazine that focuses only on the LifeStyle of the riches, it is really about who is who in China, with the current speedy development of China when riches come out like the mushroom after the rain, Insider brings all what you want to know and what you want to be in high society in modern China. 社交圈杂志是一本专门介绍当今中国上流社会生活品位、人际往来的生活状态、权威信息的高端杂志,穿梭于上流社会的你我他(她)之间,在当今各类新贵争先涌现的中国,社交杂志为您提供最新的、最时尚的、最权威的富人圈内幕以及高尚的生活品位。 Periodical: 《社交Insider》杂志 Monthly Magazine 月刊,每月1日发行 Language: 语言:中英双语 Chinese with English on the back, each issue is more than 200 pages. 208页,中文、英文注释 The monthly magazine, under Top Media Co., Ltd. - Insider, with total of 326,790 copies monthly all over China(Beijing) and intensive distribution network, will deliver quality editorial on fashion, style, skincare, timepieces, jewellery, food and wine, five-star travel, sport and spas. It also covers ultimate boy’s toys such as luxury cars, yachts and planes, provides savvy investment tips and information on property, and showcases the best in luxury interiors and design on a monthly basis. Our Magazine: Insider 《社交Insider》杂志——您的生活导向 红品文化传媒集团旗下的《社交Insider》杂志,月发行量,通过强有力的发行渠道和内容,包括社交、时尚、生活、商业、文化等集中展示中高端人群在社交生活中的生活方式和品味


    广告投放热线: 010-85590199,13910027984

    发布日期:2015/4/26 13:23:00