完全眼镜   广告投放热线:010-85590199
名称:完全眼镜  发行量:4万册/期 发行周期:两月一次
覆盖:全国 受众:百姓大众  








中国眼镜业的资讯先锋; 合理的发行周期 大规模的发行量


广告刊登须知 Terms and Conditions for Ad placement 广告须经本刊认可后,方可刊登。 Ads can be published only after getting the permission OnEyes from Magazine 广告图文资料若有错误,本刊概不负责。 Should there be any mistakes with the pictures or content of the ads, we are free from any claims 本刊在截稿日期之前若没有收到新的广告文字资料,在合同期限内,有权重复使用广告样稿,广告客户必须按原定价格支付全额费用。 Should we have not received any latest advertising material before the deadline, we reserve the right to use the old ad image and the client shall pay off in full amount based on the original price terms. 本刊在广告刊出后有权处置广告资料,如需收回此资料,广告客户必须书面通知本刊。 We reserve the right to dispose the ad material after publication. A written notification shall be sent to us if the clients want to claim back the materials. 广告客户须按本刊要求提供正确尺寸的分色片。由于广告客户提供尺寸不符造成印刷错误,本刊概不负责。 Clients shall provide us with the pictures/ or ad image in right size. Should there be any printing mistakes due to wrong size, we are free from the claims. 由于广告客户自身原因,造成图文资料迟交误期,导致没有足够时间验证广告印刷样本或其他印刷错误,本刊概不负责。 Should there be any time lag in exiling the printing mistakes or others due to the late submission of picture or ad image by ad clients, we are free from the claims. 付款期限:刊登前15天 Payment Terms: 15 days prior to the publication 附加费:任何指定特殊版面或制作要求,须加收广告费的15%。 Additional Charge: 15% additional fee will be charged for any special request on layout or treatment 取消预定广告:刊登前30天提出书面通知,超过此期限交纳50%违约金。 Cancellation of the Booking: 30 days written notification prior to the publication, a 50% penalty will be charged for anyone exceeding the deadline.


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