
历史更新日期:2012/2/15 16:05:48  归档日期:

版位 Position RMB USD
封面+封面故事 Cover+Cover Story 880000 130000
封面外折 2P Outside Gatefold 2P 660000 97000
封面内折 4P Inside Gatefold 4P 990000 145000
封二跨页  Inside Front Cover Spread 605000 89000
第一服饰跨页 1st Fashion Spread  530000 78000
第一非服饰跨页 1st  Non-Fashion Spread  530000 78000
第二服饰跨页 2nd Fashion Spread 480000 71000
第二非服饰跨页 2nd Non-Fashion Spread  480000 71000
第三服饰跨页 3rd Fashion Spread 460000 68000
第三非服饰跨页 3rd Non-Fashion Spread  460000 68000
第四服饰跨页 4th Fashion Spread 430000 63000
第四非服饰跨页 4th Non-Fashion Spread  430000 63000
第五服饰跨页 5th Fashion Spread 400000 58000
第五非服饰跨页 5th Non-Fashion Spread  400000 58000
目录前跨页 Spread Before Table Of Content 370000 55000
卷首语对页 Full Page facing Editor's Letter 330000 49000
目录及卷首语间跨页 Spread Between TOC&Editor's Letter 360000 53000
目录对页1-4 Facing Table Of Content 1-4 290000 42000
目录间跨页 Spread  after Content 340000 49000
目录对页5-行者思想 5th  Facing TOC() 260000 39000
目录对页6-商业中国 6th  Facing TOC (CHINA Business) 255000 38500
目录对页7-理财有道 7th  Facing TOC (Smart Financing) 250000 38000
目录对页8-对话CEO 8th  Facing TOC (Think Like CEO) 245000 37000
目录对页9-男装规则 9th  Facing TOC (Gentlemans Rules) 240000 36000
目录对页10-品位对话 10th  Facing TOC (Modern Talking) 235000 35000
第一普通单页 1st ROP (Economic Views-1) 230000 34000
第二普通单页 2nd ROP(Economic Views-2) 220000 33000
前1/2单页 Full Page in the first 1/2 Magazine    210000 31000
前1/2跨页 Double-page Spread in the first 1/2 Magazine 300000 44000
后1/2单页 Full Page in the last 1/2 Magazine    170000 25000
后1/2跨页 Double-page Spread in the last 1/2 Magazine 240000 36000
时装大片6P Fashion Shooting 6P 700000 103000
封三 Inside Back Cover 230000 35000
封三跨页 DPS of Inside Back Cover 310000 46000
封底 Outside Back Cover 600000 89000

广告投放热线: 010-85590199,85868940




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