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来源:媒体资源网  发布日期: 2015年7月17日 16:24 


  “China Social Marketing Innovation Summit 2015” will be held in Crowne Plaza Century Park Shanghai, China on September 7-8 2015. The Summit is organized by ECV International Shanghai Co., Ltd.


  At the 3rd Session of the 12th National People's Congress held in March 2015, Premier Li Keqiang proposed the “Internet+” action plan for the first time when delivering the report on the work of the government, emphasizing on utilizing the optimization and integration roles of the Internet in resource allocation. In addition, social media platforms have become an indispensable part in people’s daily life. In this context, it has been an irresistible trend to conduct social marketing, maintain public relations and providing customer services with the platform of the Internet.


  “China Social Marketing Innovation Summit 2015” will focus on the practice and innovation in social marketing, share successful practice cases of social marketing and will bring together the top leaders from Internet, E-commerce, Retail, Garments, Consumer goods, Cosmetics, Home appliance digital, Advertising, Medias, Finance, Aviation, Electric power and automation, Consulting firms and so on. They will discuss how to achieve organized combination of hot topics, such as creative marketing, Big Data and mobile Internet, so as to build an international platform for communication and cooperation between different parties and to help enterprises to work out feasible social marketing solutions.


  Ø 业界知名权威精彩演讲

  Ø 150+国内外社会化媒体平台及相关企业决策人交流

  China Social Marketing Innovation Summit 2015 will include:

  Ø Wonderful Speeches by the Executives of Well-known Social Media Platform and Relative Enterprises

  Ø 150+ Decision Makers and Industry Authorities from Social Media Platforms at Home and Abroad


  Ø 社会化营销发展现状及未来趋势

  Ø 大数据为社会化营销领航

  Ø 见“微”知著:戳中用户消费痛点

  Ø 以人为本的社会化营销

  Ø 移动互联时代的社会化营销

  Ø 多渠道的社会化营销效果评估

  Ø 内容为王的营销策略

  Ø 创意点燃社会化营销

  Ø 社会化营销的移动力量

  Ø 社会化营销新方向:视频社交

  Ø 凝聚力与内容至上

  Ø 从营销到赢销

  Ø “互联网+”帮助传统行业的华丽转身

  Ø B2B企业的社会化营销逻辑

  Ø 企业社会化营销团队的SCP模式

  Ø 微信承载沟通使命

  Ø 互联网金融的社会化营销之道

  Ø O2O的社会化营销实践



  More details, please visit our official website:


  Contact Us:

  More Forum Information

  Ms. Mary Du

  Tel: + 86 21 66059539 ext. 623

  Fax:+86 21 6605 2939

  E-mail: maryd@ecvinternational.com

  Media Contact

  Ms. Remy Ge

  Tel: + 86 21 66059539 ext. 615

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