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英国一场全国性广告运动 教你如何应对奥运期间的拥挤

2012/3/1 0:18:00 


  当然,如果要和民众事先做沟通,一定要透过多种媒体管道,提供不同的解决办法。伦敦市就请来m+c saatchi ,创造一个主题为“get ahead of the games”的全国性广告运动,帮助居民和游客在伦敦2012奥运会、残奥会期间对旅行延迟、技巧和计划方面提高认识。m+c saatchi为这次的盛事做了不少媒体规划,包含透过大众交通工具、高速公路、铁路广告版面的海报、社群媒体广播等,一起来看看!

  ▲image courtesy get ahead of the games

  ▲image via every day life style

  ▲the home page of “get ahead of the games”

  ▲as one scrolls through the timeline in which the games occur,the map displays affected areas during a given time。

  ▲each region of the city has a detailed explanation of the olympic and paralympic games'' impact on travel

  ▲detailed view of website navigation art depicting two heavy-weight wrestlers squeezing themselves through the doors of a tube-car.


  ▲twitter page for ‘get ahead of the game''

  ▲image from ''hosting a great games and keeping london moving this summer'' presentation by peter hendy, london''s transport commissioner

  ▲image from ''hosting a great games and keeping london moving this summer'' presentation by peter hendy, london''s transport commissioner

  ▲image from ''hosting a great games and keeping london moving this summer'' presentation by peter hendy, london''s transport commissioner

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