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Creative Expert | Vivian Yong 杨韵




Vivian Yong 杨韵
Executive Creative Director at Wieden + Kennedy


Born and raised in Hong Kong, Vivian has always been adventurous and ambitious in her career. She began in 1999 at M&C Saatchi, Ogilvy and McCann Erickson living between London and Hong Kong while simultaneously working as a multilingual cultural journalist, goldsmith and creative partner of a fashion photography studio before joining W+K Shanghai as a creative director in 2012.

She has created multi-platform campaigns for Nike, P&G, Corona and Cathay Pacific Airlines as well as successful China-based campaigns for Tiffany and Levi's that were adapted globally. Vivian believes that stepping up as the newest ECD of W+K in the world's most rapidly evolving advertising landscape will keep her sense of adventure and ambition alive and well.


Executive Creative Director 上海W+K执行创意总监
公司:Wieden + Kennedy 韦柯广告
期间:2017 年 6 月 – 至今
年限:9 个月

Creative Director 创意总监
公司:Wieden + Kennedy 韦柯广告
期间:2012 年 1 月 – 至今
年限:6 年 2 个月

Creative Partner 创意合伙人
公司:A19 Studio
期间:2007 年 12 月 – 2012 年 1 月
年限:4 年 2 个月

Senior Writer 资深文案
公司:McCann Erickson 麦肯
期间:2006 年 11 月 – 2011 年 4 月
年限:4 年 6 个月

Workshop assistant
公司:Ruberg Jewellery Butik
期间:2005 年 10 月 – 2006 年 10 月
年限:1 年 1 个月


Senior writer 资深文案
公司:Ogilvy 奥美
期间:2003 年 6 月 – 2004 年 9 月
年限:1 年 4 个月


London Consortium
学位:Master of Researc
专业:Humanities & Cultural Studies
在读时间:2004 年 - 2005 年
A collaboration between University of London, Tate Modern, Architectural Association and Institute of Contemporary Art

The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大学
学位:Bachelor of Social Science
专业:Journalism & Communication
在读时间:1996 年 - 1999 年

St Mary Canossian College 嘉诺撒圣玛利书院
在读时间:1990 年 - 1996 年


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