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2012/1/12 17:17:00 

阿根廷球星梅西在瑞士当地时间9日荣膺国际足联金球奖,这也是他第三次捧起金球奖杯。在梅西上演金球奖“帽子戏法”后,为了庆祝这个有纪念意义的时刻,阿迪达斯同期发布了一支宣传广告,其中梅西感谢了所有球迷,朋友,家人和队友,并表示愿意与大家共同分享这个荣誉。这支广告一经登出,便于48小时内在YouTube 上获得了近100万的点击量。


Winning the FIFA World Player is truly a great honour. The best part of receiving great awards, is sharing them with you. I am convinced the greatness of this sport, the most beautiful game of all, is delivered by the team. So my team: my fans, my family, my friends, my fellow team mates. This one is for all of you. I would also like to return your love and trust. As long as I feel your support, I can’t lose. I’m passing this ball straight to you. Congratulations and thank you from my heart. Leo



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