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博达大桥广告(FCB,Foote Cone & Belding)今日宣布了两项中国区高层人事任命,具体如下:

现任FCB上海分公司董事总经理潘晟(Josephine Pan)升任为FCB上海首席执行官;现任FCB华南区董事总经理林浩深(Dennis Lam)升任为FCB大中华区首席发展官,将负责FCB香港、台湾、北京分公司的客户群发展(CRM-specialization),林浩深主要办公地点在香港;两项人事任命即时生效。同时,FCB表示暂时将不会任命新的大中华区首席执行官。


左起:潘晟(Josephine Pan)、林浩深(Dennis Lam)

履新后,潘晟、林浩深将与FCB大中华区管理团队成员——首席战略官Steve Xue、首席财务官Norman Lo以及首席创意官费威进行密切合作。

据悉,这次内部人事变动是由FCB大中华区首席执行官Edward Bell的离开引起的。今年7月中旬Bell将离开FCB,并于8月21日加入香港国泰航空,成为国泰航空品牌、市场洞察及传讯负责人。Bell于2014年3月份离开奥美加入FCB,三年来与潘晟、林浩深一起帮助FCB在中国进行转型,同时还提升了公司的利润增长。

潘晟于2013年加入FCB上海,担任拜尔斯道夫大中华区业务总监;2014年9月晋升为FCB上海总经理;2016年10月升任上海董事总经理, 负责监管上海公司本地及全球客户业务,服务过NIVEA、Levi's、上海浦东发展银行以及斯柯达等国内外品牌。


FCB全球首席执行官Carter Murray表示,“潘晟是一位非常有能力且值得信赖的领导者,她的出色业绩以及过去几年间与Ed和大中华区领导层之间的密切合作,使她成为这一职位的最佳人选。”Murray还表示,"公司需要那些知道如何帮助当地品牌增长业务的管理人员,我希望FCB能实现完全的本土化,这也是生长在上海的潘晟有潜力成为中国区出色领导人的原因之一。“

FCB is changing its leadership structure following the upcoming departure of Greater China CEO Edward Bell in mid-July, who is moving brand-side to Cathay Pacific in Hong Kong. At Cathay, Bell will be taking on the role of general manager, brand, insights and marketing communications, effective August 21. Rather than appoint a new CEO for Greater China, FCB has decided to promote its existing managing directors in the market to split up leadership duties. Effective immediately, Josephine Pan, former managing director of the Shanghai office now takes full control of the agency’s largest creative office in China as chief executive officer, FCB Shanghai. Dennis Lam, former managing director of South China operations in Hong Kong is now promoted to chief growth officer for Greater China, with responsibility for FCB offices in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Beijing office with its CRM-specialization. FCB’s Greater China management team will continue to be rounded out by chief strategy officer Steve Xue, chief financial officer Norman Lo and chief creative officer Fei Wei. “Cathay Pacific is one of the world’s great experience brands,” Bell told Campaign. “When those kinds of opportunities come along you have to take them seriously, and that’s what I did.” “I really enjoyed my time at FCB tremendously,” said Bell, who joined the agency in March 2014 from Ogilvy. “I will miss the FCB people—they’re absolutely fantastic. And there’s a great sense of passion and purpose around what’s going on at FCB right now.” Pan, who joined FCB in 2013, has proven herself as a strong and trusted leader, said FCB Worldwide CEO Carter Murray in a release. “Her strong performance—combined with her experience working closely with Ed and our Greater China leadership over the last few years—made her the perfect candidate for this job.” Murray told Campaign that FCB’s recent momentum in China made a strong case for promoting in-house. Bell, Pan and Lam have been credited with helping to turn the China operations around over the past three years while growing profit. The Chinese market, however, is becoming increasingly competitive. Brands are spending more selectively and many agencies are struggling to sustain revenue growth. Pan's priorities “I think cost-efficiency will be everyone’s focus, especially from the client side,” Pan told Campaign. “Cost-efficiency also as an agency…will be something I want to improve on.” Strong collaboration with various IPG partners in China, such as FCB's recent work with GolinMagic, is expected to help drive more synergies and efficiencies. At the mid-sized boutique firm, Pan has been an account-driven leader, working with key global clients like Beiersdorf (NIVEA), Levis, Bosch and Citibank. But increasingly, local brands are playing a larger role and Pan has shown flexibility in also catering to Chinese clients like Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (SPD) and WM Motor. “You need to have leaders who have a great understanding about how to grow the local business,” said Murray, noting the differences of Chinese ecommerce platforms and their growing importance. “I want us to be ultra local…which is why Josephine who grew up in Shanghai has the potential to be an extraordinary leader in China.” Challenges ahead at Cathay Bell, meanwhile, will likely have both local and global brand challenges on his hands when he lands at Cathay next month. The airline is undergoing a major restructuring with hundreds of jobs slashed this year. Some experts say that Cathay’s inability to fulfill passenger experience with its brand positioning has not helped the airline’s cause. “It’s exciting. It’s going to be one hell of a ride,” Bell told Campaign. “Cathay Pacific is a great brand with tremendous brand foundations. It’s widely respected and deeply loved… . But it’s a brand in an industry like many industries these days that’s being disrupted and the team at Cathay are working hard to find their way through that and to reposition back as a dominant premium experience brand. I’m looking forward to contributing to that project,” he said.






































Read more at: http://www.campaignasia.com/article/fcb-rejigs-china-leadership/437684

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